Long Live the Lord

Chapter 649

"Let's move on to the next step and conclude the alliance. Please welcome the Thai Prime Minister Li Sheng.".

As Zhao Fengnian's voice dropped, Li Sheng went to the stage and shook hands with Zhao Fengnian.

Then they came to the side of the table on the stage, sat down and began to sign the covenant.

In fact, the treaty was negotiated by Zhao Fengnian and Li Sheng, so Zhao Fengnian signed his name directly in several places that needed to be signed.

Later, he printed a jade seal with the three characters of Yongfeng Kingdom on the side of his own name, and then pushed the covenant to Li Sheng.

Li Sheng took over the covenant and was about to write down his name when he heard someone shouting, "wait a minute!"

The sound was particularly harsh in the current quiet environment, and everyone turned to look in the direction of the sound.

The speaker was a middle-aged man in the visiting emissary area.

The middle-aged man, from Yongning Province, is an envoy sent by a larger force in Yongning province.

The middle-aged man saw all the people looking at him, and was very satisfied with the effect now. Sure enough, this is the time when he can most attract people's attention.

After clearing his throat, the middle-aged man stood up and arched his hands to the people around him.

"I think there is something wrong with this matter. It must be that Thailand has not formally established its country, or it has no qualification to enter into an alliance treaty."

With that, the middle-aged man looked at Li Sheng and made a gesture with his back hand.

The people who had been arranged in the surrounding crowd saw the signal and began to yell in the crowd.

"Yes! Yeah! A place with a bigger fart needs to establish an alliance. It's funny! "

"Yes! Thailand? Why haven't I heard of such a country? I think you want to be emperor. Are you crazy

"You are openly rebelling, and now you dare to say that it is the founding of the people's Republic of China? Wait for the imperial army to step down here

"Yes! What kind of treaty do you make after the founding of the people's Republic of China? It's a joke to establish an alliance! I advise you not to believe people's words and go astray. When the Empire comes to you, you will be dead! "

For a moment, there was a lot of noise around. At first, it was ok, just about Yongtai province.

But in the end, it became to persuade the leaders not to go astray and to rebel with the foolish Lord.

It's so loud, it's coming from all around, and it sounds like a lot of people agree with that.

At this time, the middle-aged man showed a smile of successful conspiracy. When Zhao Fengnian founded the people's Republic of China, he did not respond to it, but it is not too late.

"What do you do this time? If you send troops to suppress it, you can cause more riots. If you don't care, today's incident will be a farce. Who will admit your bullshit country! "

The middle-aged man was gloating in his heart, and with a funny smile, he looked at Zhao Fengnian.

However, he did not see Zhao Fengnian depressed or angry, but also with a funny smile looking at him.

This middle-aged man did not understand, how this little Lord was stimulated silly?

It's not just our people who are here, but also people from other forces.

If you want to solve this problem, you need to accurately arrest all these people. Can't you find them in this chaotic crowd?

No, absolutely impossible. The middle-aged people speculated for a while and denied their own ideas.

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