Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2359: mummy

"Dear Zheng!"

On the phone came Christian\'s hearty laughter and cordial greetings.

Zheng Ren frowned. If nothing was wrong, he didn\'t want to deal with the Bruch family in the Alps.

Until now, he was reluctant to recall his previous experience-the invisible light curtain and the bat that fell like rain.

That was the time when Zheng Ren was able to perceive the closest distance to death. Often reminiscent of the **** rain, will have nightmares.

"Hello Kerry." Zheng Ren replied faintly, and he turned to look at Xiao Yiren as he said.

At this time, the emperor had gradually warmed up, standing on the terrace and said it was cool, but there was still no room to cool down. There was sweat on the tip of Xiaoyi\'s nose. She tilted her head and looked at Zheng Ren, her eyes flickering.

Zheng Ren reached out and shaved Yiren\'s nose, taking away the fragrant sweat.

Then he pointed to the room, and the Yiren gently hugged Zheng Ren and turned into the room.

"There is a friend, and it is said that their entire family was cursed," Christian said. "I don\'t think so, and I believe you don\'t think so."

"and then?"

"You\'re a doctor, of course I\'m here to make an appointment."

"..." Zheng Ren was speechless.

I didn\'t have a consultation room in 912, why did I come to Europe to register? I don\'t know if Christian would come in line with a quilt if he registered.

The originally impossible things outlined the picture in Zheng Ren\'s mind, and his tense nerve was suddenly relaxed.

"Kerry, you know I\'m busy."

"I don\'t need you."

"Oh, will cursed people spread the curse?"

"I don\'t know about it, but she won\'t go to your side, either," Christian said with a smile. "I believe you know at a glance whether it\'s sick or a **** curse."

"Then I can\'t guarantee it." Zheng Ren relaxed completely this time and said with a smile.

"There is no need to guarantee that she is my friend, you only need to look at it," Kerry said.

"Wait a minute, I\'ll go back to the house." Zheng Ren walked back with a cell phone. He thought about it, beckoned at Su Yun who was drinking, and went upstairs.

"What\'s so sneaky?" Su Yun asked.

"Kerry said one of his friends was cursed."

"I\'ll go! Boss, you won\'t believe it," Su Yun said scornfully. Having said that, he picked up the glass in front of him, drank the wine inside, and followed Zheng Ren upstairs.

"Who is it?" Su Yun asked.

"do not know."

Su Yun shrugged and expressed regret at Zheng Ren\'s questioning.

In Zheng Ren\'s room, he connected Kerry again, Su Yun came over holding the tablet, and Unicom video.

Christian appeared gracefully in the picture, he raised his glass and greeted Zheng Ren.

"Kerry, why is it gloomy, can\'t you look like a haunted side," Su Yun asked familiarly.

"Sue, you know we\'re afraid of the **** sunshine."

"What friend? Let me have a look at the medical record." Zheng Rendao.

"Without a medical history, she would never go to the hospital. What they had in mind was a few hundred years ago, like a house that was never cleaned, smelling of dust."

In the picture, the light flashed.

"What about people?" Su Yun asked.

"This is Marys. I hope you will be friends." Christian said, the screen changed, a crystal ball flashing with light and the man in black behind the crystal ball appeared in the picture.

Although across the screen, the picture from that side still made Zheng Ren nervous.

"Mary ... Mrs. Hello," said Zheng Ren in standard English.

"Hello." The reply was low and somewhat indifferent.

Zheng Ren knew that he should have encountered the most difficult kind of patient. In other words, it is called poor medical compliance.

Christian Ren was really willing to trouble himself, Zheng Ren sighed.

"What\'s wrong with you?" Zheng Ren asked.

The crystal ball on the other side of the video lightened slightly.

"Isn\'t it a conversation with light frequency," Su Yundi said: "When the sun shines in, it means a roar, which scares Kerry."

Zheng Ren shook his head slightly, but he hoped the other party would not say a word, so that he could say that there was nothing he could do.

Christian can really bother himself, and it\'s best to get rid of it.

What a curse like Zheng Ren did not believe, but did not want to contact. Connected videos must go upstairs to prevent Shay people and Chang Yue from seeing them.

Zheng Renke doesn\'t have any psychological burdens. He can\'t understand if he doesn\'t understand, nothing. He even prepared to say a few words blindly, and it didn\'t matter if he finally broke up.

Even though Christian is "persuading" the Nobel Judging for him, he won\'t be exposed to curse by himself.

Zheng Ren thought wildly, a pair of withered hands on the other side of the video stretched out and placed on the crystal ball.

The light can faintly pass through those hands, and the dried up is like putting oranges that don\'t know how much time it takes. Under the light, the contours, muscles and bones of the hand are clearly visible.

"I\'m going ... mummy?" Su Yun frowned a little ~ ~ whispered.

"My family was cursed 800 years ago for strength, but at a high price." A voice "floating" out of the tablet like a ghost.

Zheng Ren\'s hands tightened and he was ready to fight. Immediately waking up, but also across thousands of rivers.

It was right not to go there, Zheng Ren smiled bitterly. Through the screen, she gave herself the illusion that she was going to emerge from the screen as Sadako. If face to face, she might not feel anything.

"When I was 6, my vitality was sacrificed, and it became a way for me to gain strength."

"I\'m not young, I\'m old when I\'m six."


Zheng Ren\'s eyes narrowed, staring at the black screen behind the crystal ball in the screen.

"Do you need to see me?" The voice asked.

"Is there any inspection information?" Zheng Ren asked in a deep voice, if it were possible, he would not want to see the man under the black clothes.

"No, no wandering life requires a doctor."

"Then ... take a look." Zheng Ren said helplessly. He had scolded Christian many times in his heart, never went to the hospital, and showed himself a bunch of things across the screen!

The corpse-like hands slowly lifted and took off the black cap.

A black, long-haired waterfall is usually sprinkled, but after the long black hair is a dry face like the hands.

There are only a pair of eyes with vitality, and the rest are exactly the same as the dead body and mummy.

"I\'m going ..." Su Yun murmured.

Zheng Ren frowned, and he quickly looked for a reliable diagnosis in his memory. This is the second time he has prepared a random diagnosis, and the first time is to diagnose the lead poisoning for Luo.

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