Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2360: Can you go to heaven, do you know?

"When I was 6 years old, my whole body gradually dried up, like the grass in the dry season, and now it looks like it." In the video, Marys said coldly, "Zheng, do you think I am sick now?"

Zheng Ren watched the video, as if watching the film in front of the 912 reader, carefully pondering his arms.

Su Yun felt the wind around him, his body turned to the side, it seems that the change of angle can make him feel warmer.

Marys also stopped talking, and the crystal ball in front of her glowed a miserable luster. Even though there were so many mountains and rivers, just a video call filled Zheng Ren\'s room with a dark atmosphere.

"Apart from ... thin, do you have any other discomforts?" Zheng Ren asked after thinking for ten seconds.

"No," Marys said. "My body is the way it is now. What else can be wrong?"

"What about physical strength? Do you often feel tired?"

"No!" Marys\' voice was slightly sharp.

"Do you have both parents? Or ..."

Zheng Ren didn\'t finish a word, the crystal ball in the picture soared, and his eyes seemed to be hurting as if they were stuck by an invisible needle.

But only for a moment, a hand in a dress fell on the crystal ball, and the light was suddenly shrouded in a layer of gray mist, and it went dark.

"Marys, Zheng Hesu is my friend. I don\'t want them to be hurt." Christian said seriously.

Mary\'s dry face was blocked by black hair, but her eyes were sharp as a knife. She looked at Zheng Ren in the video, the black robe gradually dropped, and the light on the crystal ball also faded.

Zheng Ren didn\'t know why she was so angry when she asked her family history. This is the most difficult patient, none of them.

"Kerry, I don\'t understand this disease," Zheng Ren said frankly. "I\'m just a doctor. I don\'t have laboratory tests, I don\'t see the patient, and even ask the medical history as if I touched something that Ms. Marys did not want to remember. . "

Zheng Ren said, shaking his head slightly.

"In this case, there is no way to see a doctor."

Cristian seemed a little regretful. He sighed, glanced at Zheng Ren, and glanced at Marys sideways.

"Zheng, just say whatever you want, and use your doctor\'s first instinct to tell me whether she was cursed or sick." Christian asked.

"Kerry, you don\'t know how the doctor saw the doctor?" Su Yun said scornfully.

"Su, at the time in the castle, when Dr. Zheng diagnosed lead poisoning, the evidence was incomplete. I don\'t think any doctor would see a doctor like that." Christian said with a smile, taking his hand off the crystal ball, the corner of his mouth With an elegant smile.

"Zheng, this is a sincere request from your old friend, you can say it boldly."

Zheng Ren froze. He didn\'t know why Christian did it.

Looking closely at the corpse-like Marys on the screen, Zheng Ren\'s eyes narrowed a bit, and he said deeply, "The patient is uncooperative, there is no way to examine the body, which is different from seeing Mr. Roche!"

"You\'re still so stubborn, it\'s like a rock in the Alps." Christian didn\'t insist, he said with a smile, "Well, since you\'re all unhappy, let\'s stop here."

Zheng Ren was relieved.

If this is a remote consultation, it is not a happy experience. In the middle of the night, I saw a dead body talking to myself before going to bed, and anyone who has changed will have a nightmare.

Kerry was even more unreliable than Su Yun, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

"Zheng, do you know why I want you to take a look?" Christian asked kindly.

Zheng Ren shook his head.

"When Marys was 5 years old, I met their caravan in the moonlight. Next to the campfire, a little girl danced happily. Unfortunately, since then, I can no longer see her."

"I know her mother, who is cursed just like her. They have the power of prophecy, but the body becomes ..."

"Kerry, don\'t talk nonsense, if you have the ability to predict, you will still come to the boss? Is it enough to see a doctor yourself?" Su Yun said aside.

"Sue, this is a logical paradox. It is Marys mother who told me that after many years, a lucky ordinary person who was kissed by God will come into our world."


Zheng Ren looked at the screen and kept thinking that he was not talking about himself.

"It will make Lord Roche live for many more years, and you know ... well, not to mention Lord Roche. Marys\' mother said that this lucky ordinary person would lift the curse and make Marys and others miserable fate Not to continue. "

"Boss, can you go to heaven, do you know?" Su Yun said with a laugh.

Zheng Ren was helpless. He looked at Christian and said, "Kerry, I\'m just a doctor, an ordinary doctor."

"But you cured Lord Roche. You know, we rarely get sick, except for the **** sunshine ... and your **** garlic fish!" Christian waved his arm ~ ~ Exaggerated.

"I don\'t know if you are going to come to my house as a guest, otherwise the unexpected situation will not happen." Zheng Rendao.

"Zheng, just talk." Christian drank all the red liquid in the goblet, and his eyes glowed with a strange luster. "This is not a diagnosis at the hospital. You should speak with an old friend ,to chat with."

Zheng Ren sighed helplessly.

"She," Zheng Renshen said, "I\'ve been lying all the time. This is my first feeling."

The light of the crystal ball burst, but the gray mist shrouded the two forces against each other, and then the light proactively dimmed again.

Cristian made an inviting gesture to signal Zheng Ren to continue.

"I\'m guessing that Ms. Marys should always be wearing a black, loose robe. That\'s it, Kerry."

"Yes, but what does this matter?"

"They may be wearing robes to show mystery, but I feel they are trying to cover up other things."

"It\'s incredible."

"If it is a disease, it is not a cachexia state, nor is there a lack of energy and physical strength. It only has the appearance of a dead body. This reminds me of a disease that can match the situation of Ms. Marys."

"So I guess Ms. Marys has been wearing a black robe to cover her lower body fat."

"..." Christian paused.

In his opinion, Marys should be like a corpse on the Nile, but Zheng said that she wanted to cover up the fat?

He gave a subconscious glance at Marys behind him.

There was a sense of fear in the eyes behind the crystal ball.

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