Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2358: He is just an ordinary person

"You\'re thin again, you should be lighter now." Christian wasn\'t surprised, but used thin to describe Marys.

She is more than skinny, but a dead body buried in a coffin for many years.

"Master Kerry, it\'s not the little girl you saw when I was 5 years old." Marys responded coldly to Christian.

"Oh no! You are in my heart, always the little girl dancing by the campfire next to the caravan." Christian said with a smile.

Mild and elegant, it seems that these labels are always affixed to the Bruch family, showing it all the time.

But Marys knew what was hidden behind their elegance and calmness.

"Thank you for your imagination," Marys said lightly. "Can you say that you have anything to do with me now?"

Under the light, a dead body was talking to Christian. The walls of the castle and the valuable oil paintings hanging on it as a background make everything look weird.

It\'s like a mysterious and ghostly shaman in the Middle Ages, digging the grave, trying to summon his own skeleton soldier.

It was just a matter of calling, the skeleton became a corpse.

"Master Roche, killed a few days ago." Kerry said leisurely, looking at the red liquid in the goblet.

"I know."

"You must know that there is so much noise. But you should not know what is behind."

"Did you say that the Roche princes finally shot again after a hundred years?" Marys asked.

"No, my pretty little girl, maybe I should add the word once?" Christian laughed. "We all think that Lord Roche is aware of the call of the ancestors, and is ready to return to the family cemetery and become a blessed family to move on. Of the spirit. "

Marys listened quietly, the orbicularis muscle under the skin trembled slightly, and the slender eyelashes flickered. Don\'t feel cute, but more strange and horrible.

"I was a young doctor of the imperial capital. He diagnosed Lord Roche without mercy and revealed the conspiracy. My ancestor! Lord Roche turned out to be lead poisoning. I did not expect that our bodies could also be lead. Of heavy metal elements. "


"I know that your legends are all about deceiving money, and it is impossible to fortune the future at the cost of vitality."

The corpse shrugged, and the black robe shuddered slightly.

"I saw how you looked when you were 5 years old. Did you start changing when you were 6?"

"You know, the curse says that before the age of 10, you will become this personless, ghostless."

"I didn\'t mean to understand the way you fortune-tell, but I always thought you were ill, not because of that **** curse. No one could be cursed thousands of years ago, and it continues to this day. Even Lord Roche, This cannot be done. "

"I\'m touched by your words, but don\'t you feel particularly stupid? Lord Kerry," said Mary hoarsely.

The strange laughter echoed in the castle room, as if there were dead bodies in every corner to get out of the ancient bluestone walls.

"Then I will tell you one more thing."


"Master Roche flew to Imperial City a while ago."

The corpse\'s eyes widened and she looked at Christian in disbelief. Roche Bruch, obviously strong, but too cautious. He rarely walks out of this castle, even if there are never more than five people who can hurt him in this world.

This is his territory. No one can defeat this castle under the protection of Schering ... hurt him.

This old guy walked out of the castle? !!

Looking at the corpse-like face of Marys, her eyes widened, and an incredible look, Christian took a sip of the red liquid in the glass and said, "You know what I mean now."

"Is it sick?"

"I don\'t know, Lord Roche went to find the little guy anyway." Kerry said, "I thought he was particularly interesting. Not many people dared to punch me in the face, although I was weak at that time. State. "

The corpse didn\'t interrupt Christian\'s words, her eyes turned slightly, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

"I think Lord Roche is guiding us like a lighthouse on the coast. Little girl, aren\'t you going to try it?" Roche said gracefully.

"Why do you help me?"

"My ancestors are up, and I will gradually grow old, okay. Now I continue to remember the past, and a doubt in my heart needs explanation."

"No!" Maris simply rejected Christian\'s claim.

"Don\'t panic and refuse, he\'s just an ordinary person ..."

"Ordinary people? Will patriarch Roche leave this old moldy, rotting castle because of an ordinary person?"

"I regret your description," Kerry said. "It\'s the same video, you don\'t have to worry about your things being known."

The corpse was silent, her eyes moved slightly, and she seemed determined to determine something.

Christian was not in a hurry, shaking the dark red liquid in the cup, watching the liquid hanging on the wall, and slowly dissolving in the cup.

"What does he need?"

"No need ~ ~ It\'s just that I still want to see good memories of the past ... if there is, our Bruch family will give him enough rewards." Then, Kerry laughed, "Jack I have doubts about what Lord Roche did and wanted to prove something. "

The corpse slowly put the black cap back on, and it seemed that all that was left was the skeleton\'s hand retracted into the black robe.

At this moment she seems to be connected with the shadow of the ancient castle, it is difficult to tell whether she really exists.

"Don\'t mess around, my little girl." Kerry said, "Only this room belongs to me. Be careful, Lord Roche, to turn you into my tribe, or a tribe."

The shadow did not move, only the light on the crystal ball in front of it swallowed twice.

"I like the mystery that you pretend to be." Christian sneered, then took out his phone.

"Look what my little kid is doing."



Zheng Ren stood on the large terrace and was talking softly with Xiaoyi.

There is no subject, what comes to mind.

Talk about the lights in front of everyone, say the community hospital downstairs, talk about today ’s surgery, talk about evening meals.

This was his most leisurely time, and Zheng Ren was used to and fell in love with this life.

【they said……】

The cell phone rang and Zheng Ren frowned.

This is still a bad habit left in the clinic. The mobile phone is turned on for 24 hours. Every time I receive a call from the hospital at home, I will be frightened.

That meant another big emergency rescue, and another night without sleep.

He smiled apologetically at Xiao Yiren, then picked up his mobile phone and glanced.

Kerry? Zheng Ren hesitated, and then connected to the phone.

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