Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

Chapter 159

"She? Don\'t think about it at all. She is the No. 1 student in Jiang Province this year. It is said that her family is also very rich. Don\'t let a toad eat a swan."

Ye Chen was stunned.

I didn\'t expect Su Xueqing to enter the school flower list so soon, and unexpectedly ranked second.

"I don\'t care. Anyway, from now on, she is my goddess. Whoever grabs her, I\'ll go to the post bar and spray whoever."


Hearing this, ye Chen spouted a mouthful of wine.

Is xiangyuansi the legendary keyboard man?

"What\'s the matter with you, boss?"

"Nothing, choke."

"Oh, drink slowly."

"Let me see who is the first?"

This time, ye Chen also wondered who was in front of Xueqing.

Everyone continued to read.

I saw a familiar face exposed in front of Ye Chen.


The first school flower turned out to be Li Qianqian!

This makes Ye Chen a little uneven.

He has met Li Qianqian. The real person is obviously not as beautiful as Su Xueqing.

Ye Chen wondered if he would find some water soldiers and put his girlfriend in the first place.

Xiang Yuansi frowned and asked, "it\'s almost the same as Su Xueqing. Why does she rank first?"

He is Su Xueqing\'s diehard fan, so naturally he doesn\'t want Xue Qing to rank behind others.

Zha Hongwei explained, "in fact, their ranking is not based on their faces, but on their study. Li Qianqian is the No. 1 in the country, while Su Xueqing is only the No. 2 in Jiang Province."

"The voting for their two first contests has been going on for fiveorsix hours, and there is no difference at all. The bar owner has no choice but to make a statement several times according to the learning ranking, for fear that Su Xueqing\'s fans will spray him."

"Hum, that\'s not enough. My goddess must rank first. I\'ll vote now." Xiangyuan thought angrily.

Ye Chen has been silent, but he also entered the post bar, the platform for Su Xueqing.

The post bar has a gift giving mechanism. As long as you like which school flower, you can give gifts under her name, and the money from the gifts will be donated to poor students in need of help.

Ye Chen naturally spared no effort and directly sent 500 Lamborghini.

You know, a Lamborghini gift can be worth 1000 yuan, and 500 is 500000.

In this way, ye Chen is too slow, and he can\'t wait to order more hands.

"Forget it, take a break and order." Ye Chen secretly said in his heart.

But his inadvertent action caused a huge wave in the post bar.

Half a million.

Who is such a big hand?

Cha Hongwei immediately said excitedly, "come on, look, Su Xueqing has become the first."

"What\'s going on?" Xiang Yuansi asked.

"Just now there was a super hero who paid 500000 yuan for Su Xueqing. The bar owner thought that Su Xueqing could bring more benefits to poor students and upgrade her to the first place."

"Shit! Who is this big brother? I want to worship."

After a while, post bar set off another upsurge.

"Search for half a million heroes"

"500000 Shenhao, thank you for your efforts for poor students"

"Half a million gods, please accept my knees"


Of course, ye Chen\'s behavior naturally angered Li Qianqian\'s fans.

There are also many opposition voices, such as.

Su Xueqing was kept by a God

Donation for vanity


But these posts are either deleted by the bar owner or buried in endless posts.

Li Qianqian\'s fans can only rank second with tears in their eyes.

Even if they work together to pay for Li Qianqian crazily, how can they be ye Chen\'s opponent?

Ye Chen\'s money can buy all the stickers, and he is still afraid of them?

After a break, ye Chen ordered a Lamborghini again for fear that Su Xueqing would be overtaken.

But just a few times, ye Chen sent out more than a million.

Looking at the huge gap, ye Chen finally put down his mobile phone with a smile.

Su Xueqing\'s first is absolutely stable.


The phone rings.

Su Xueqing said, "honey, don\'t tell me, it\'s you who swiped the money in the post bar!"

"Yes, how can you be compared with others!"

"Oh, don\'t waste so much money in the future."

Su Xueqing refused, but her heart was sweeter than honey.

With such a husband who spoils himself to heaven, what can I ask for!

The school flower dispute has come to an end.

Xiang Yuansi was completely surrounded by Su Xueqing, and replaced her picture with her screensaver and caller ID.

Ye Chen laughed bitterly.

I can\'t bear to hit him. It\'s estimated that he will be very sad when he knows that Su Xueqing is his girlfriend.

As for Cha Hongwei, he became a fan of Li Qianqian.


At this time, the door of the seafood restaurant was violently pushed open.

Yan de swaggered in and saw Ye Chen at a glance.

"CHEN Ye, I have brought it. What instructions do you have?"

Looking at Yan De\'s formation, Cha Hongwei was startled.

But my heart was also calm.

Ye Chen has so many people, they should be all right.

Before ye Chen spoke, manager Zhao hurried over with Zou Mei\'s smile on his face.

"Master De, I don\'t know what brings you here? It really brightens the shop."

Yan de disdained and said, "if it weren\'t for Chen ye being here, you thought I would come to your stupid place."

"Lord Chen? I don\'t know who it is?"

Manager Zhao asked curiously.

Yan De is the existence that he wants to curry favor with. He can speak so forcefully because Yan De is his own backer. Of course, he dare not neglect.

"It\'s this handsome young man." Yan de points to Ye Chen.

Manager Zhao almost lost his soul after seeing ye Chen.

What kind of existence have you offended.

Even Yan de should be respectful.

For fear that ye Chen might say that he was unhappy just now, manager Zhao quickly apologized and said, "master Chen, I really have eyes that don\'t know Taishan. I\'ll treat you to this meal. Don\'t be so familiar with the little one, OK?"

Ye Chen hissed.

"Who just said that I couldn\'t see the sun tomorrow?"

Manager Zhao wiped a sweat and said, "it\'s me, but I read the weather forecast. Tomorrow is cloudy and there is no sun at all. I\'m just kidding you."

"Oh, who said just now that we are poor students and can\'t afford seafood?"

"Er... It\'s the waiter. I\'ll dismiss him later."

Ye Chen smiled again, "then I said you would beg to invite me to dinner. Who doesn\'t believe it?"

"How can I not believe it? I firmly believe it."

Manager Zhao continued to laugh, but that smile was worse than crying.

Because he has felt Yan De\'s killing intention.

Up to now, Yan de can\'t see that manager Zhao has offended Ye Chen.

He slapped manager Zhao in the face and kicked him hard.

"Shit, I\'m really blind to your dog\'s eyes. I dare to offend Lord Chen."

"Yes, I was blind, I was wrong."

Manager Zhao slapped himself in the face.

"CHEN Ye, how to deal with him?"

Ye Chen said faintly, "there are a hundred brothers here. They all sit down to eat and let him invite them."

"No problem, brothers, eat."

Yan de waved his hand and the whole hotel was full.

The guests at several tables who just laughed at Ye Chen hurriedly checked out and ran away in despair.

Who dares to continue eating with this posture?