Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

Chapter 160

Yan De also asked, "brothers, pick expensive ones, otherwise you will look down on CHEN Ye."


"Haha, thank you, Lord Chen!"

Everyone laughed loudly and almost emptied the ingredients in the restaurant.


Manager Zhao saw this scene, and his heart bled secretly.

But I can only serve the dishes with a stiff head. If he doesn\'t treat, I\'m afraid Xiaoming will explain it here.

Then, manager Zhao came to the kitchen and called the previous waiter. An electric gun flew his feet and beat him bloody.

If it weren\'t for him, manager Zhao wouldn\'t be bleeding!

"Boss, are you not only a martial arts expert, but also an underworld?" Cha Hongwei asked cautiously.

"No, I\'m just a student."

Xiang Yuansi looked incredulous: "it\'s impossible. The student didn\'t have so much energy to make manager Zhao kneel down and beg for mercy. Boss, can you take me, I also want to be so arrogant."

Ye Chen laughed but did not speak.

He even doubted whether he had corrupted the outstanding young people in society.

After drinking and eating, ye Chen and others walked to the school.

Suddenly, ye Chen looked cold and said, "you go first. I think there are still some things to deal with and I can\'t go back to school."

"Do you need our help?" Cha Hongwei asked.

"No, you go back first."


Seeing several people walking away, ye Chen slowly opened his mouth to the void: "haven\'t you appeared yet?"

At this time, more than ten people appeared from all directions.

Ye Chen swept around and saw that these people were dressed strangely and had a huge momentum. At first glance, they were powerful warriors.

"Who are you?" Ye Chen asked.

"Xuansheng sect elder Zhu Wei."

"Baijun sect elder -- Zhao Hai."

"Xuanchangmen elder -- Zhao Yuee."


More than a dozen people reported their families one after another, including almost all sects in Jianghai territory.

Zhao Hai was the first to speak. He angrily scolded, "bold Ye Chen, why do you pretend to be my Baijun sect disciple? Do you want to murder Baijun sect?"

Ye Chen smiled.

A few days ago, he used the gentleman\'s sword. Those disciples mistakenly thought Ye Chen was a member of Baijun sect.

Then they gathered several sects to fight Baijun sect and seriously injured several elders of Baijun sect.

Zhao Hai is one of them.

Ye Chen looked at Zhao Hai with bandages on his head and said with a look of dying: "you dare to trouble me with this honor. Do you want me to bring you up to the end of your life?"

"Presumptuous, tell you!"

Zhao Haidun paused and said, "we are not here to fight with you this time, but to give you an ultimatum."

"It\'s unforgivable for you to kill the Xuanchang gate qianjue master and disciples, massacre the Xuansheng gate disciples, rob the five Saint gate treasure, and forcibly seize the money of several sect disciples."

"However, in accordance with the policy of persuading others with virtue, we will definitely forgive you."


Ye Chen\'s face showed surprise.

He asked Xuancheng about the secrets of many hermit sects. Naturally, he knew that all major sects were masters of eating people and not spitting bones. How could he be so kind this time?

"However, the death penalty is excusable, and the living crime is unavoidable."

"According to our investigation, you are a billionaire and a young master."

"From now on, you have to go to our Mountain Gate separately, offer generous gifts, spend all your family wealth, and kneel down to apologize, and we will forgive you."

It turned out that he came running for his own money.

Ye Chen sneered, "you poor people, can\'t raise money, but rob it openly? My money is not so easy to spend."

"Hum, ye Chen, don\'t toast or punish. Although you are a Grandmaster, grandmasters can be found everywhere in the sect. Aren\'t you afraid that we will kill you together?"

Ye Chen shrugged: "not afraid."

Ye Chen is now the day after tomorrow, and he is a top master.

In addition, he has mastered the martial arts of the world, not to mention just a few sects. Even if the whole Jianghai Wulin, he can subvert it alone.


Zhao Hai was speechless.

Zhao Yuee of Xuanchang gate said, "Ye Chen, don\'t be stubborn. We are giving you a way to live."

"Well said, if you beg from me, maybe I will reward you a little money, but if you rob it openly, forgive me for not paying a penny." Ye Chen is extremely tough and has no fear at all.

"Moreover, as an ancient martial school, you don\'t practice well in the blessed land of the cave, but you run to the city to extort, aren\'t you afraid of national sanctions?"


Zhao Hai laughed wildly.

"Sanctions? As long as the strength is strong and the universe is large, you can go."

Ye Chen frowned.

He worked in jianghaijun district. Naturally, he heard of an organization that restricts military personnel.

But I didn\'t expect this organization to be so ignored in the eyes of the sect.

"Ye Chen, for the last time, do you apologize?" Zhao Hai continued to ask.

"No way."

"Well, in that case, don\'t blame us for being cruel."

Zhao Haidun said, "you have family, girlfriend and classmates in Jianghai. I just don\'t know if they have such strong strength as you."


Ye Chen\'s face darkened instantly.

The rules of the Jianghu are worse than the family.

These sects are so aboveboard that they export threats.

Don\'t they even want faces?

Ye Chen doesn\'t eat anything soft, let alone hard.

He said ferociously, "originally, I didn\'t have an endless situation with your major sects, but you made a mistake, so you can\'t blame me."



Suddenly, Xuancheng\'s figure came quietly.

At this time, he had broken through his strength and became the strong man after tomorrow, and was listed as a master.

I don\'t know how many times the momentum on my body is terrible.

"Take it all down for me. Since they threaten me, they don\'t need to go back."


Xuancheng took the order with one to ten.

This is also the process that ye Chen asked him to refine the acquired realm. Only through fighting can he experience the realm and gradually become stronger.

"It\'s arrogant. One person wants to hit so many of us? Die!"

"Eh? The moves of Huaqing temple? Don\'t you think Huaqing temple is a famous and decent sect? Why do you still act as ye Chen\'s lackey?"


Boom boom!

Immediately, there was a violent explosion in the whole area.

These elders were all powerful people, and they immediately fell apart with Xuancheng.

Ye Chen frowned and said faintly, "it\'s too slow, Xuancheng, step back!"

"Yes, master!"

Xuancheng retreated behind Ye Chen, and ye Chen condensed a huge energy and directly gathered in the Dantian.

He roared up to the sky, and the sound was like tiger roaring and dragon singing, even penetrating the clouds.


At the sight of everyone, they knew that the big thing was bad, and they could only resist with vigour.

"This is... Lion roaring skill! Isn\'t this Xuansheng gate\'s housekeeping skill?"

"No, the lion roar skill is also mixed with the mysterious sound of death. This is the secret spirit of xuanru."

"Who on earth is he? Why does he have the housekeeping skills of many of our sects?"


Everyone wondered.

But what shocked them more was how old Ye Chen was. He was definitely no more than 20.

Can you cultivate the martial arts of many sects to perfection in just 20 years?

This is especially evil.