Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

Chapter 158

At the dinner table, ye Chen asked them to order.

But what is seafood that ordinary people can afford? Besides, it\'s still such a high-end hotel.

Several people were so scared by the price of thousands of yuan that they didn\'t dare to order at all.

I only order some cheap cold dishes and have been hesitant.

The waiter frowned and said, "can you hurry up? I have to serve guests at other tables!"

Cha Hongwei smiled, "that\'s not the choice, just choose the ones just now, and don\'t want anything else."

The waiter withdrew the menu, turned and left.

As he walked, he said, "a group of poor students have no money to eat seafood, which wastes time."

Ye Chen said coldly, "is this your service attitude?"

The waiter was not afraid to offend the poor students, and said firmly, "what\'s my attitude? Where is a seafood cafe who only orders cold dishes? Don\'t come if you can\'t afford seafood, occupy your seat, and waste time. Do you know how much we spend on an average table? Can you afford to delay?"

"Hehe, isn\'t it business to open a restaurant? Ordering cold dishes is not a dish? It\'s not consumption?"

"It also depends on the place. It\'s better to find a cheap fried restaurant to eat cold dishes. You can eat whatever you want. You have to face up and rush to the seafood restaurant. I don\'t know who gave you the courage."

Look at the waiter\'s words more and more excessive.

Several people showed anger and joined the battle group.

The strong quarrel naturally attracted the manager.

He frowned and said, "what\'s going on?"

"Manager Zhao, they only order cold dishes and waste my time."


Manager Zhao looked at the menu and said, "it\'s all right. Serve them. Don\'t delay other guests."

"By the way, give them this table list. The restaurant can not earn this money."

Cha Hongwei angrily said, "free of charge? Do you take us as beggars?"

Manager Zhao quickly waved his hand: "no, the customer is God, how dare I?"

But the voice just fell.

The other guests burst into laughter.

Obviously, they all feel that manager Zhao is giving them alms.

The waiter also gave a thumbs up secretly. The manager is the manager. It\'s really wonderful to play with retreat.

If he is a member of Ye Chen and is laughed at by so many people, he has no face to eat here.

Ye Chen said faintly, "as a manager, you not only indulge your subordinates\' bad attitude towards guests, but also incite other guests to laugh at us. This is what managers should do?"

"You wronged me. I know you\'re short of money, so I want to invite you to dinner, which is not good?"

Manager Zhao showed disdain. He secretly said: if you dare to play with me, I can kill a bunch of poor students.

"OK, since you want to invite, please go to the end."

Ye Chen didn\'t want to fight with them, but some people just looked for abuse.

"Bring me the menu. I\'ll order more dishes."

"That\'s no good. I\'ll only treat you to cold dishes."

"Do you believe it? You\'ll beg to invite me to dinner later." Ye Chen confidently said.

"Hahaha! Are you crazy? I\'m not related to you, and I beg to invite you to dinner? What? Are you stupid at school?" Manager Zhao laughed wildly.

"We\'ll see."

Ye Chen took out the phone and dialed it out.

"Xiaode, bring 100 people to the seafood cafe beside Jiangda."

"Yes! I\'ll be there soon."

"A hundred people? Scare me? Hahaha!"

Manager Zhao didn\'t care about ye Chen\'s threat at all: "dare you touch me, believe it or not, I\'ll make you lose sight of tomorrow\'s sun."

Manager Zhao threatened to export, but also showed a faint murderous spirit.

Can he open such a big hotel in such a good area of Jiangda without backing?

He is not afraid of black or white.

"Don\'t believe it, come and order!"

Cha Hongwei was a little afraid and said, "boss, forget it, we can\'t provoke him."

"Yes, boss, I\'m afraid manager Zhao is involved in gangs. Let\'s not be hard on him."


Ye Chen shook his head, "it\'s OK. Don\'t worry about eating."

Seeing ye Chen\'s determination, several people clenched their teeth and said, "OK, my head has fallen off a bowl and a big scar, just like him!"

"Yes, the heaven\'s net is wide, and I don\'t believe anyone dares to be lawless in broad daylight!"

Then ye Chen took the menu.

"I\'ll serve all the seafood and the best wine in your restaurant. By the way, you won\'t dare to serve."

"I dare not? Joke, if you dare to eat overlord meal, I will make you pay a painful price."

Manager Zhao said viciously.

"Manager, do you really serve?" The waiter wondered.

"Up, all up."


Delicious food and wine will be served soon, which is extremely attractive.

But what several people ate was tasteless. This meal was at least tens of thousands of yuan.

It\'s small that they can\'t afford to eat, but the Revenge of manager Zhao is big.

Eating, Cha Hongwei seemed to want to open up.

"Eat quickly. Don\'t think about it. Maybe this meal is the last one. Being a full ghost is at least better than a starving ghost."

His words seemed to inspire several people.

Xiang Yuansi and Dong Yanghua spread their arms and ate half of the king crab and eight headed abalone. They were extremely local tyrants.

Other guests laughed at the way they ate Hesse.

"I\'m really hungry. Can I afford it?"

"Seeing manager Zhao so angry, I\'m afraid it\'s one thing whether these students can return to school intact."


After a while, several people ate pots and pans full, as if they had eaten all their lives.

"It\'s so cool. No wonder rich people like seafood. It\'s delicious."

"Yes, I have never eaten such delicious food in my life."

"After eating, I feel it\'s worth dying."


Ye Chen gently wiped his mouth: "don\'t worry, no one can die today."

"Really? Boss, do you have a card?"

To reassure everyone, ye Chen nodded and said, "yes, and it can definitely ensure your safety."

"Then don\'t be afraid. We all believe what the boss said."

A few people began to talk in full swing.

At the beginning of school, boys often talk about girls instead of learning.

"Boss, do you know the school flower list of Jiangda?" Cha Hongwei asked.

Ye Chen knew that Jiang Da had a list of school flowers, but he never paid attention to it.

"Do you know? I don\'t know if there is a high-quality goddess in Jiangda this year." Xiang Yuansi asked.

"Of course, there are, and there are several."

"Come on, come on."

Zha Hongwei immediately opened the Jiangda post bar and entered a post called "the latest list of Jiangda school flowers".

The post records are quite detailed, and there are notes and photos under each school flower.

"This year is really a year for all flowers to bloom. You see, the quality of school flowers is completely useless."

"Let me have a look."

"You see, the tenth name is Tang Jie. She used to be the sixth in the school flower list."

"But the freshmen can only rank tenth now."

Several people leafed silently, inhaling coldly every time they looked at a photo, and their eyes were full of greed.

"Wow, this classmate named Su Xueqing is so beautiful. She is even more beautiful than a fairy. If she can be my girlfriend, I can live ten years less." Xiangyuansi was fascinated.