Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 90: continue to start

"The character\'s personality doesn\'t match the behavior, does it?"

"Yes, that\'s what it said." Colonel Logan nodded affirmatively.

Lyman was stunned, this was a direction he had never thought about.

"I watched your filming yesterday. After the actor was attacked, he should have drawn a gun to protect himself or counterattack. His reaction was a little too calm, not like a battle-hardened veteran... "

Under the narration of Lieutenant Colonel Logan, a complete character image gradually became clear.

During yesterday\'s filming, he only focused on asking Nicolas Cage how to control his expression, but he forgot some of the actions that such a veteran made when he was in danger and his body spontaneously faced possible threats.

"I understand......"

It was not until the filming team and the actors arrived at the camp set that Lyman ordered everyone to reshoot the last scene yesterday.

Although everyone was a little surprised, they did it anyway.

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Lyman pulled Nicolas Cage over and gave him a few words.

"It\'s still calm on the face, but at the moment after the attack, you add an action that is a conditioned reflex to touch the gun and prepare to fight back, understand?" Under the awning, Lyman said to Nicolas Cage beside him: "People like him must be very tense, come out with this feeling."

Nicolas Cage stood aside and listened quietly.

After he arrived on the set, he was called over, only to know that he would have to re-take the scene from yesterday. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

However, the newly added gun-drawing action is not difficult. Nicolas Cage nodded affirmatively.

"That\'s ok, you go to prepare first." Laiman was also satisfied, looked around, and after confirming that there was no one, he immediately said softly: "I was a little embarrassed yesterday, it was obviously my problem, but I let you suffer in vain. guilty."

Nicolas Cage smiled stunned and didn\'t care at all, "You are the director, and the filming didn\'t go well, so you must be the most annoying. It\'s like this when you\'re stressed. Who doesn\'t have a trouble yet?" Lyman, he suddenly whispered quietly, "I have a good way to decompress that I recommend to you."


"I have a contact number for a party company that provides private services. Do you want it? I think it can relieve a lot of pressure by reconciling it like this. People, you always have to vent your accumulated emotions."

"Cage," Lyman clearly understood what he meant, but still scolded with a smile: "You go to the vanity car and change your clothes, okay? The filming is about to start, don\'t waste time."

Nicolas Cage made a meaningful look, but did not turn around and leave.

He just stood there, his deep eyes seemed to penetrate Lyman\'s heart.



He is only 27 years old this year, but he seems to have easily earned a huge fortune of more than 10 million yuan. In his previous life, his wish was only to direct the film crew independently for the purpose of making films. A completely unexpected thing.

But under so many successes, a heavy pressure followed one after another.

It\'s not scary to never get it, the scary thing is that after having this kind of life, there is still a feeling of sudden loss.

He is in such a state now, not worrying about gains but losses.

He is afraid that he will not shoot well and the level will decline; he is afraid that the market will no longer recognize his work, and the audience will no longer like it; he is afraid that one day he will lose the right to direct the shooting... Yes, he is very afraid.

The easier it is to come, the more afraid it will slip away.

So he pondered, carefully selected suitable actors, and even made every effort to persuade Nicolas Cage to join the crew.

He stubbornly likes to make movies, and he can\'t imagine how embarrassed and disappointed he will be when he returns to his previous life when he was longing for opportunities all day long. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

These pressures are all there and are increasing every day.

From being buried alive to now, these pressures have accumulated in the depths of his heart, suppressed by appreciation and the joy of success.

But with his neglect, the pressure became a mountain, so real and visible.

Lyman\'s expression probably made Nicolas Cage see something. He took out a pack of cigarettes from his trousers pocket and handed one to him.

Lyman took it, and he took out the lighter from his trouser pocket and lit it for himself and Lyman.

The mellow taste flowed through the lungs, turned around again, and was slowly spit out.

To be honest, he hadn\'t touched this thing for a while.

He always wanted to control himself.

Nicolas Cage took another sip slowly, immersed in a sea of ​​comfortable nicotine flavors.

"You know, I\'m a member of the Coppola family. I\'ve never been short of acting since I was a child, and everyone is willing to flatter me in the crew. Many people..."

"But I knew they were looking in the face of the director of my uncle Francisco Pola\'s classic The Godfather, behind the scenes, I don\'t know how to choreograph me, and, as I found out later, the reason I got so many opportunities The performance is not about how good my acting is and how natural my performance is, but how those people are trying to please my family, or use my status to hype..."

"It\'s ridiculous, I always thought it was my role audition that moved them, but it turned out to be a catwalk..."

"In their opinion, the result of my hard work is that I was born too well. Even my uncle sees it this way. He also thinks that after I lose the honor of the Coppola family, no one will invite me to act... ..."

"I had a big fight with them and then changed my first and last name..."

"After hanging out for a while, I finally got everyone\'s approval by swallowing a cockroach while filming Vampire Night..."

"Begin to say that I am dedicated and an actor..."

"Haha, it turns out that I have acted for so long in the past, and I have never been an actor. I still rely on this method..."

"That cockroach is very disgusting. Really, after I swallowed it, I went to the hospital to wash my stomach, but even so, I still couldn\'t eat for several days. In the end, I was so hungry that I managed to overcome the past..."

"Later, I won the Cannes Film Award, and my life was bright. Many people praised me. After listening to the agent\'s words, I switched to commercial films, and it was still a success."

"My salary has doubled, from the first free appearance to 20,000, 100,000, 500,000, 5 million, 10 million..."

"Everyone said that I was beautiful, lived a dashing life, bought a house, bought a car, bought all kinds of strange things, and was very rich, but I don\'t know how much pressure I was under at that time. After so many years, the more I enjoyed it. , the more I am afraid, the more I am afraid that my status will plummet just because I don\'t get the box office results..."

"There are too many examples of this in this circle. They can hold you up, and they can naturally hold you down. And I don\'t want to be held down..."

"I\'m always inexplicably annoyed, and I can\'t control my temper unconsciously. You are much better than me in this regard."

Nicolas Cage looked at him and said earnestly: "So, do you want the contact information of that service company? I sincerely recommend it."

Lyman looked at him and laughed.

The pressure on this person is not small, maybe as he said, who hasn\'t been bothered yet.

He is also afraid of losing.

"Thank you, Cage." Lyman suddenly relaxed a lot and said sincerely.

"You don\'t have to. It\'s just that I was in a bad mood yesterday. Chatting with you made my heart feel a lot better."

"Haha, you just pretended not to care."

"How can I not care at all? I\'m not God." Nicolas Cage\'s face was also smiling, "Okay, I\'m going to change my clothes, I hope the next shooting will be smoother."

"You bastard, you\'re implying me again."

"Ha ha......"

Nicolas Cage turned and left, perhaps because of sympathy, his words were almost blurted out.

Or maybe he didn\'t say it to Lyman, but to himself. After all, the failure of the Wind Whisperer brought him a lot of pressure.

It was those people who praised him, but now it\'s not that group of people who scold him?

On the flat ground that had been sorted out outside the camp~www.novelhall.com~ a mighty troop was advancing along the trail.

At the very front are transport trucks clearing the way, 5 tanks are arranged in the middle, and at the end there are military supply trucks with logistical supplies to cut off the rear. Of course, the convoy and the infantry guarding various places are careful to watch out for the situation.

Suddenly, a large group of Germans who saw that the war was about to break out was also evacuating, and the two sides met.

On the road, the marching troops continued to advance in an orderly manner. Although the soldiers were wary, they didn\'t particularly care.

They have already entered the hinterland of Germany, and along the way, they have encountered many fleeing people.

The "sergeant" was also watching the group of refugees, almost all of whom were a group of women, children and children.

After all, all the older men have joined the army, aren\'t the fugitives the only old and weak children left?

The two sides were separated by a distance, walking on guard against each other.

There was no accident until the front troop passed completely.

But at this moment, when the five tanks were moving forward steadily, a young man who seemed to be only 11 or 2 years old slowly took out an "iron fist" from his long and narrow backpack.

His figure was hidden among the many refugees, and it was difficult for people to notice.

The shooting of this scene used three cameras, and at this time, one was assigned to capture the "sneak raider".

I saw him, neatly loaded the warhead, and then pressed the button, the five advancing tanks, one of the soldiers who was admiring the scenery, was suddenly devastated.

As soon as "Sergeant" heard the sound of "Iron Fist" being fired, he subconsciously took out a pistol and pointed it in the direction of the sound.

After seeing the suspicious person, "Bang, bang, bang!" The three bullets roared and knocked the suspicious person to the ground...

"cut, go!"