Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 91: Camera language

Shooting is always like this. The scene that was still tangled yesterday is easy to pass after the thinking is straightened out today.

When Lyman shouted the words "next game, get ready", there were whispers on the set.

A scene has been grinding for so long, and it\'s finally over. It\'s no wonder that everyone reacted so much.

The next morning, all the scenes were filmed without interruption.

There are no more big problems, and if there are small problems, one more time will be over.

I was busy until noon, and at the reminder of George, let the shooting team take a break and have lunch.


George brought two lunch boxes and two cans of coffee, and put them on the simple folding table.

Box lunch, naturally it\'s not so rich, but it\'s also very good.

After all, after saving such a large amount of expenses for group performances, the treatment of meals has also been improved.

While eating, the two discussed some future shooting plans.

"In two days, this side is almost over. When will the location in the UK be completed?"

Eating vegetables and meat, Lehmann reminded.

"Don\'t worry, there is enough time to not delay the shooting."

"Have the rest of the shooting expenses been paid?"

"I made another payment yesterday morning, and I will continue to supervise this aspect." Ryan said, and suddenly noticed a look.

He smiled and said to Laiman: "Look over there, your little lover seems to have something to do. Do you want to come over to accompany him?"

Eva Green has also joined the crew, which is today, because there may be her part in the filming in the afternoon.

Lehman looked along and happened to meet her line of sight. A sweet smile appeared on her face immediately.

"No, what would Jonathan Gavin say to my proposal?"

"He agreed, but for the next few close-range explosive scenes, he asked for a stunt double to complete it."

"That\'s good. It\'s not bad to be able to get the actors to play in person. The risk is too great. It\'s normal for their guarantor to have an opinion. Just follow theirs."


The two continued to chat and shoot, and Eva Green, who was not far away, looked silly.

But there was no other move from Lyman until the entire lunch break had passed.

She suddenly felt that she didn\'t seem to exist very much.

The studio was always centered on the related business required for the shooting, and no one gave her a second look.

Lyman too.

He was so focused on shooting that he didn\'t get distracted at all.

Since she came to the studio early this morning, she has only said hello until now.

Still very polite.

She said, "Lyman."

He said, "Okay."

There is only this movie in his eyes, everything else can be thrown aside.

Eva Green finished a small lunch in a bit of loneliness and turned away from Lehman\'s field of vision.

"How much film reserve is there?"

"Enough is enough. I will buy another batch when I get to the UK. Don\'t worry."

In addition to responding to the questioning, Ryan also devotes some attention to Eva Green. Seeing her figure leave, he suddenly said jokingly: "You broke a girl\'s heart just now, you should go there and accompany you."

"Why do you like to care about this? Are things done on set? Can the shooting plan be guaranteed to go smoothly?"

Faced with the three questions from Lehman\'s soul, Ryan remained calm and tried to quibble: "I see that you finally got on the right path, and I don\'t want you to go back to the past. Seriously, you will If you don\'t have a girlfriend, I don\'t think you care at all."

"I didn\'t even think about having a girlfriend, do you understand Ryan? Also, don\'t worry about it, take care of yourself, talk like you\'re married, pretend to be someone who talks a lot of big truths, But in fact, you are also playing a bachelor."

"Nonsense." Ryan was stabbed to the point of pain, and immediately retorted: "I didn\'t want to find a home so early, unlike you."

"What\'s the difference?"

"It\'s different anyway."

Ryan was so stubborn that he had to leave a relationship.


What responded to him would only be a ruthless taunt from Lehman.

In fact, he was like a mirror in his heart.

How can you not know the little thought of Eva Green.

From the outset he had set the nature of the relationship: nothing more than a transaction.

As for the feelings, that\'s ridiculous.

The filming in the afternoon quickly kicked off, and here we are going to shoot the scene of the Fury tank and the exchange of fire between the marching troops and the enemy.

Although the set time on the script is at dusk, and then hits until night.

However, due to the constraints of on-site scheduling and other factors, Lehmann put the shooting in the daytime.

Anyway, when the film is post-production, you can replace the background color and intersperse the shots to achieve a similar sky effect.

In fact, many night shots in film and television works are also shot during the day. After all, the light during the day is good, which is conducive to the development of work.

The solemn army scattered on both sides, the infantry clearing the way, the tanks following.

They carefully surrounded the retreating soldiers...

"Cut, the stuntman is ready to enter." Lyman shouted as he picked up the loudspeaker.

Several of the leading actors on the field immediately withdrew, and there were several substitutes with similar statures who put on corresponding clothes to fight for their positions.

Next is the scene where the two sides fight at close range, mortars, incendiary bombs, white phosphorus bombs...

Naturally, these all-purpose equipment are not really meant to be used. Although they are real guys, the gunpowder is specially made by the crew.

Only effect, not great power.

On the contrary, in order to simulate the visual effect of the ammunition flying and the shells exploding, it is necessary to bury the explosives specially prepared by the pyrotechnic team everywhere.

"Thomas, don\'t put the camera on the front of the actor, shoot the back, and move a camera to capture the scene where the house starts to collapse after being bombarded."

Next, Lehman took the dummy prepared by the props team to check if it fit.

"Okay, I\'ll use it when I\'m shooting the second act."

Naturally, this dummy was designed to simulate the scene of the soldier\'s body catching fire violently after being hit by a white phosphorus bomb.

Although he attached great importance to the authenticity of the shooting effect, Lyman did not want any accident to happen to the stuntman.

Use tools, or use them.

After explaining this, he walked into the house built next to him. The shooting of the scene was in the town where they were resting and living. He also told the administrators who managed the town and agreed to their shooting for today\'s scene. .

This room is an explosion site where bombs are placed. It was temporarily built by the crew with materials, so it looks like it can be lived in, but there is nothing in it, not even a decent piece of furniture.

After checking it again, and walking out of the house, the four cameras have been set up according to regulations. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

The stuntmen are also fully armed and ready.

Although the pyrotechnic group is the most professional group in Hollywood and has rich industry experience, there is also a lot of protection that should be given.

After another half an hour, with the confirmation of the heads of various departments, the on-site layout work was ended.

Lyman stood behind the monitor, holding up the megaphone.


"Clearing is complete."

"Group performance?"


After asking clearly, Laiman said to the pyrotechnic team on the side: "Will you listen to my instructions before starting to gradually detonate bombs everywhere?"

"no problem."

The scorer came on, held up the scoreboard, and shouted, "Game 36, Act 1,"

After discovering the soldier\'s whereabouts, the commander raised his hand, and the relevant tactical order was immediately conveyed.

The Fury tank slightly turned the barrel, and the sound of shell loading was perfectly recorded by the recording equipment inside the tank...

"3, 2, 1."


At the same time as Lyman ordered, an empty bomb was bombarded by the tank, and the white smoke rising from the muzzle seemed to witness all this.

The invisible current activated the bomb installed inside the house along the line, and a violent explosion sounded suddenly. Against the background of the orange-red fire, the bombardment in the house was also the southeast corner of the bomb, and it disintegrated instantly, and countless fragments were scattered and scattered. .

A lot of debris from the brick and tile structure fell down, and the rest of the house structure is still standing.

"Second shot, get ready..." The muzzle was again aimed at ~www.novelhall.com~ and detonated. "

Finally, the whole house was knocked down.

The two armies began to exchange fire...

In fact, shooting this type of scene is very tiring. Not only will the on-site scheduling be chaotic, but the shooting will also be intermittent.

Because although the stunt doubles can replace the main actors to deal with unexpected dangers that may be encountered, after all, real gunpowder is used, there are still potential safety hazards. The body shape can also be similar, but the face cannot be imitated.

So this means that as soon as the camera needs to be cut, the stunt doubles must be taken off the stage, and then the main actors will come back on the stage to capture close-ups of the faces. The fastest update of Qiqi novel https://

At this time, the protagonist came on the stage, and all the dangerous scenes of the battle could not be filmed.

After hurriedly filming the facial expressions, the starring quickly withdrew, and put on the stuntmen to continue filming...

In short, just two words, trouble.

But it\'s not like this and it can\'t be done. The representative of the third-party insurance company, the great Comrade Jonathan Gavin, is watching from the side. If there is a possible shooting danger, he can run over and say no, and let a substitute come on.

In fact, Lehmann can also understand that, after all, the Allianz Fire Insurance Foundation not only has to guarantee the completion of the film, but also the personal insurance of several of the leading actors.

If they are injured and have an accident on the set, I am sorry, and they will definitely face huge compensation.

That\'s how it is, although this method of guarantee will point fingers at the director\'s shooting, it seems very annoying, but it is an indispensable supervisory force.

So there is no way, let\'s just wear the thin cable like this. The premise is to ensure the safety of the leading actors. If it is really injured, it will delay the later shooting plan, it will be very bad.

Time passed like a white horse, two months passed in a flash, and the fury gradually came to the end of the shooting.