Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 89: what is it then

After a long rest, Lehman still had no clue, but the crew\'s time was precious and could not afford to delay.

Jonathan Gavin, the guarantor representative, would have come to inquire long ago if Ryan hadn\'t been obstructing him.

In these days of filming, he did a lot of this kind of thing.

You have to ask about the food, the shooting, and even the damage to the costumes and props.

Simply, this kind of person is really suitable for eating this bowl of rice, that is called a responsible and careful.

"Get ready, get ready, and do it all over again."

Lehmann picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, urging the resting staff to return to their respective positions, ready to continue shooting.

But such aimless shooting has always made him uneasy, and he hastily shouted "it\'s over".

With the joy of everyone in the crew, he said, "Come on."

...Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

As night fell, the town fell into silence.

A hotel under the crew package.

Lyman opened the door and dropped the keys, along with the sun hat, on the locker by the door.

Bending down, taking off his shoes, and putting on a pair of more comfortable slippers, Lyman walked into the living room, went to the sofa, and looked up at the ceiling.

White and a little dirty.

After looking at it for a long time, he sighed, "Oh..."

Because his idea of ​​filming was hindered, the crew also stopped work ahead of schedule.

He also finally returned to the hotel room before it was completely dark.

The windows to the west were half-open, and the wind could clearly be heard outside.

Yes, yesterday\'s weather forecast said that the temperature will drop in these days.

He thought wildly, letting his mind wander.

Is he too bad? Won\'t be directing?

I don\'t even know how to fix the problem with tm.

Damn, md, I\'m like a fool.

The lights were not turned on in the house, and in the gloomy environment, Lyman\'s brows were frowning all the time.

When did it start? That self-righteous sense of control.

Is it the success of burying alive, or is it the success of the three idiots who made a scene in Bollywood?

The success of the two consecutive films seems to have made him a little overwhelmed. He feels that he is probably a directorial genius, and he can also succeed by changing the scene and shooting.

But he really encountered this unexpected shooting situation that deviates from the original script and suddenly brought him back to his original shape. Qiqi\'s novels are first published on the whole network

He has always been just a lucky person. There are so many excellent works for him to appreciate. As long as they are copied, it seems that they can easily succeed.

Buried alive is like this, and an acting school like Heath Ledger has taken the lead;

The same is true of the three idiots making troubles in Bollywood. He only deleted some places that were not in line with the main line, and Aamir Khan contributed a wonderful performance. As a result...

In the final analysis, the shooting went too smoothly, and it was like there was a reference object in my mind for comparison, so how could I not shoot well?

After all, his experience is still too shallow. Until now, he has combined too many things with the furious plot. It was only two works from the original version that exposed his essence at once. Only in his previous life, he has only directed TV series, and he is still an assistant director. , there are still many assistant directors.

Haha, for some reason, Lehman suddenly wanted to laugh.

He remembered what the media and those critics had said about him, likening him to "Quentin Tarantino."

What\'s even more ridiculous is that in his heart he thinks he is successful.

Funny, so funny...hahaha.

From the furious start-up to the past week, the crew has been filming at the set up Allied garrison every day.

The filming progress of the film is not slow, but it is not fast, because he has made changes in many places, which requires repeated thinking.

For the sake of truth, he often consulted Lieutenant Colonel Logan and listened to his stories about the army.

After listening, he is always revising.

Because the original version of Fury had too many loopholes, I didn\'t think it before, but after listening to people who have actually been in the army, I understood a lot.

As a result, the difficulty of shooting this film has been increasing, no matter which aspect.

The advancing tactics of tanks, how the infantry and tanks work together, the distribution of troops on the battlefield...

There are so many unknown places that Lehman has never been in touch with.

This unreferenced shoot has only finally detonated today.

His intuition told him there was something wrong, but he didn\'t know where the problem was.

Just blindly embarrassing Nicolas Cage and forcing him to perform, but still can\'t get the crux.

I still think too highly of myself, he thought.

The touts of the media and the reaction of the market are all losing him.

What am I supposed to do?

Once people fall into doubt, they will keep denying everything about themselves.

Lyman is like this at the moment, he thinks wildly, and judges himself for nothing.

He forgot how much he cared about those two works.

From the preparation to the shooting to the final editing, he never strayed from one step, only for the film to become more and more excellent.

Maybe God didn\'t want him to get too caught up in the philosophy of thinking about life. A burst of cell phone ringing broke the silence in the room.

Lyman took his phone out of his pocket and pressed the connect button.

"Hey, is it Lehmann? I heard that you have a problem." On the phone, Luc Besson\'s familiar voice came over.

After Lyman heard it, he glanced out the window. The moon was covered by clouds, revealing only a silhouette.

"How did you know what happened on the set today?"

"George said it, and I think you\'re going to need some help."

Then, everything can be explained clearly, and it can be regarded as knowing the purpose of Luc Besson\'s special call.

"I do have some doubts, it\'s like this, I want to know, how can I make the actor\'s emotional investment more suitable for the scene of the plot?" Lehman asked himself the question that caused the crew to stop work because of the entanglement, and then spoke again. Explains: "Did you also know Fury was filming, there\'s a shot today..."

"The situation is like this. I always feel that something is wrong, but if I really want to tell you, I can\'t say one, two or three."

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then a voice came: "I think this may not be a problem with the actor\'s performance, but the role or something else has caused the overall effect to lack a little of the feeling you want. Your I have little experience in filming, and it sounds like this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. You must know that in a shot, not only the actors are there, but the props, scenes, environments, and even the recorded sounds will complement each other."

Luc Besson smiled and said something of his own, "When I first started directing films, this kind of problem was even more exaggerated than yours. No clue... The feeling of this shoot is elusive and only you can grasp it. But for a film, acting is only one of it, the use of lens focal length, sets, costumes, props and even After the filming is over, the editing of the film material and the soundtrack can make a certain shot more valuable. We are not in the silent film era now, you have to think and feel more..."

"Thank you, Mr. Luc Besson." Lyman\'s chaotic thoughts suddenly became a little clearer.

He seems to be pushing too **** an actor\'s personal performance, forgetting the feeling of performing in this situation, but also to set off.

A movie is by no means finished when the actors are done and finished. The design of the screen, the language of the shots, and the on-the-spot scheduling are all performance times that belong to the director.

"No thanks, every director will encounter similar hurdles, but to my surprise, you have only made three works before you start to encounter this hurdle... I believe you can overcome it, because You are an aspiring director."

"I also hope that I can solve this problem as soon as possible, but anyway, thank you, Mr. Luc Besson."

The two chatted for a while before ending the call.

Outside I do not know when, the moon broke free from the obstruction of the clouds, and began to sprinkle the light as clear as water to the earth.

Lehmann put the phone back in his pocket, stood up and stretched his body~www.novelhall.com~ The chat with Luc Besson just now gave him some gains and insights.

In terms of film shooting experience, he is really far behind.

Turn on the lights in the room, and the orange light instantly fills the entire living room.

Lyman reopened the rage script from a drawer of a table in front of the sofa.

Think carefully about the overall plot and the setting of the characters.

For a veteran like "Sergeant", what would he think when he saw his comrades being attacked? What will be done?

"What kind of person do you think a veteran with a long military career would be like?"

The next day, under the awning on the set, Lehman arrived early, and Lieutenant Colonel Logan was camping out in the tents set up at the set camp because he was in charge of the ordnance. Some of the tents were the resting places for the soldiers serving them. .

"Are you asking me?" Lieutenant Colonel Logan, who had just had breakfast, was a little puzzled, because in normal times, except for some military shooting issues, the director rarely talked to him, and more An attitude that respects his status as a lieutenant colonel.

"Well, I want to know what the mental activity of a veteran on the battlefield is like..." Lyman slowly described the image setting of "Sergeant" in his script, and then watched Lieutenant Colonel Logan asked for some of his thoughts on the role.

The so-called one person is short, two people are chief, maybe chat with a service officer, maybe you can know the problem of the sense of incongruity in the shooting yesterday.

"Well, I haven\'t been on the battlefield, but my grandfather was an Allied pilot. When he participated in World War II, he was still on the Pacific battlefield and drove a bomber." Lieutenant Colonel Logan said about his views on the role, "I think The character of this character and his performance are a little unreal."
