Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 79: join forces again

"I hope we can work together again."

As Lehman said these words, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became complicated.

Davis\' heartbeat, Lyman\'s expectations, and Heath Ledger\'s... choice.

"The Kelly Gang" or "Fury."

When the two talked before, Heath Ledger already knew that Lehmann\'s scheduled shooting date for the new film project was around the 10th of next month, and the shooting schedule was expected to be two months.

Undoubtedly, this coincides with the filming schedule of The Kelly Gang.

That is to say, facing the invitation of two films at the same time, he must make a choice between them.

This is really a happy trouble!

Back then, I often waited hard to be selected, but now, I have the initiative in my hands.

A fellow countryman, or... a friend?

Looking at Laiman\'s sincere eyes, it seems that there is no need to hesitate any more.

"Of course, it\'s my honor."

Davis, who was beside him, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was really afraid that his signed artist would choose to give up such an opportunity.

Fortunately, my commission has been retained. Oh, no, my client\'s career has taken a step forward. Well, yes, I am happy for this.

Davis\' face showed an irresistible look of joy, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were folded, and he looked very stupid.

With such a clear intention to act, things will be easier to handle later.

Heath Ledger\'s agent Davis will go to discuss with George related salary issues and actor treatment.

This is nothing to say. Heath Ledger is not expensive, and the negotiation went very smoothly.

Not long after, the two sides signed a formal actor contract and sentenced Heath Ledger to join the "Fury" crew.

As for the "Kelly Gang", I can only say sorry.

After identifying the very important recruit "Norman" in the tank quintet, auditions for other roles were also going on in the next few days.

After numerous selections and comparisons, the corresponding actors for several important roles have been released.

"Ass Kuhn" was obtained by Joe Bernthal. This actor has played a lot of soldier or army scenes and can be said to be experienced; he has a tough appearance, a strong figure, and a mature acting temperament, which is very in line with the characters in the script. The setting, coupled with the low reputation and cheap salary, is even more cost-effective for the crew.

The role of "Bible" is officially played by Brad William Henk. He is also a professional soldier, so there is no problem.

Other characters such as Allied and German commanders or high-ranking troop officers who have appeared on the scene but have few roles are not difficult to find.

There is not much else in Hollywood, and there are enough actors to watch, not to mention some European and French actors organized by Europa Films.

After some negotiation and pulling, they also signed a performance contract with the crew.

So far, the payroll expenses are:

Heath Ledger successfully got a worth of 1.5 million US dollars. The release of "Buried Alive" has given him a certain market appeal, and the role in the play is quite heavy, the shooting workload is heavy, and the natural treatment will be correspondingly higher. good.

The rest of the main characters are mostly worth between $500,000 and $1 million, and the difference mainly depends on their resumes and past achievements.

Hollywood has its own set of calculation methods related to the worth of actors, so generally speaking, the salaries given are reasonable.

Just when the preparatory work for the actors was going very smoothly, a piece of bad news came.

In an office in the Paramount Pictures headquarters building, Lyman, George, and Sandy all frowned slightly, and the good mood of the past was completely gone.

Sandy is the person in charge sent by Paramount Pictures. George has a certain position in Europa Pictures. Only Lyman is responsible to the crew.

But in this matter, the three are standing in the same trench.

The reason is very simple. In any case, everyone hopes that the film can be successfully produced, and all the troubles that occur make people instinctively displeased, not to mention the lion like the other party.

"What\'s wrong with CAA, don\'t they want to let this movie go smoothly?"

Lyman was angry, yes, he was angry.

He originally selected Brad Pitt as the actor candidate for the role of "Sergeant", the leader of the Tank Five, and also submitted an audition invitation to Brad Pitt\'s agent.

Speaking of arranging auditions, it was actually just a cutscene.

A first-line celebrity like Brad Pitt has always chosen him for projects, not film projects.

After all, for his current status, the movie scripts he can receive every year can be said to be soft-handed. Every day he worries about how to arrange his schedule, rather than considering other major issues.

Coincidentally, Brad Pitt\'s economic contract was signed with CAA, and the film\'s interest share also has CAA\'s share. In addition, Lehman himself is also a contract director of CAA, not to mention Brad Pitt\'s schedule problem. I have asked, and it is definitely idle from July to September this year.

After receiving the invitation, the other party did not refuse at all, and basically agreed to play the role of "Sergeant", one of the male protagonists of "Fury". After all, this project is really excellent. The jewels of "Wood" are in front, and director Lehmann is definitely reassuring. It stands to reason that both parties have cooperated in such a sincere way, and it is enough to wait for the relevant negotiation to be completed and sign the contract.

But the problem is precisely in the negotiation of the treatment. The other party asks for a salary of 12 million US dollars as soon as he opens his mouth, and also asks to bring capital into the group, with a share of no less than 5 million.

Hehe, when he heard the extreme condition that George said after he came back, Lyman just wanted to sneer.

He worked hard to prepare the script and filming plan. He just negotiated with Europa Films and got a share of the investment of 6 million US dollars due to his qualifications, cooperation and other reasons.

No matter how big your Brad Pitt is, the appetite is too great.

Lehman has thought about his high value. Although the salary of 12 million dollars is a bit higher than his psychological expectations, it is not that there is no way to continue negotiation or remedy.

Whether it is giving a little more in the box office share, or a little in the copyright operation, it can offset the price of this part.

This is also a very common way of cooperation.

But what Lehman never expected was that they were so greedy, not only asking for a high salary, but also an investment share.

Are you fearless?

"I don\'t think this is what CAA means. It may be Brad Pitt\'s own plan. I remember he and a few partners opened a personal studio called \'Plan b\', right? It is estimated that the profit prospects of this project are very high, and I want to get involved." Although Sandy frowned and felt uncomfortable with such conditions, he still expressed his guess:

"CAA has no reason to do this. They also want to see the project go smoothly, instead of procrastinating like it is now. After all, after the film is released, their share will not be lost. Is it necessary for them to do this?"

George stroked his forehead and expressed his own opinion, "I also don\'t think CAA will stumble like this, probably because Brad Pitt requested it. In fact, when they met for negotiation today, they didn\'t bite. It is estimated that the price of death is to exert pressure in this way, so as to obtain a more favorable negotiating position.”

Lehmann nodded. This negotiation method is effective and practical, and there is indeed a great possibility.

From here, it is not difficult to analyze what Brad Pitt wants to fight.

As an actor, he is already a first-line actor. Although he is still far from a real superstar, there is no doubt that he is already a successful person.

And a person, with the growth of strength and the easy access to various resources, naturally, he has other ideas.

According to Sandy, Brad Pitt opened a "Plan B" studio.

I guess it\'s because I think that I have so many channel resources and personal connections, it\'s really a pity if I don\'t make good use of it.

So, I thought of bringing capital into the group.

Investing in the studio, plus joining a project as an actor, can be said to be a double help~www.novelhall.com~ It is impossible to work part-time, and of course you have to be a boss. "This is probably the most realistic portrayal of what he thought in his heart.

Although Lehman figured this out and recognized the truth of "people go to heights", this does not mean that the idea is smooth. On the contrary, he still feels that Brad Pitt is very greedy.

What do you want to do when you move your interests that shouldn\'t be moved, and you still want to get something beyond an actor?

Are you giving orders in the crew and striving to be the boss?

"You two, what do you think?" Lyman asked in a serious tone.

Although Lehmann is the real decision maker on the actor issue, in order to take care of the two major film studios that invest, including the film distribution, he also pays great attention to the size and communication methods.

Dictatorship or something has always been overthrown by the people.

Sandy said hesitantly: "Continue to get in touch and see. After all, he has a strong market appeal and a large fan base. There are also many people overseas who buy into him."

This is a project with an investment of more than 50 million US dollars, plus publicity, distribution, copying and media public relations, the final cost is definitely around 100 million or even higher. As an executive of Paramount Pictures, Sang Di naturally hopes that this project will not fail and go smoothly.

If you want to make money from the box office alone, the data of the global market must be more than 300 million. For such a large amount, you must have a big-name actor who can bear the pressure to take the responsibility of driving the box office.

Brad Pitt is a really, really good candidate, in every way.

Otherwise, Paramount Pictures wouldn\'t be so optimistic about Lehmann, and they gave him all the casting rights. (Brad Pitt\'s starring position was decided at the beginning of the project shooting plan.)