Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 78: have a cup of coffee

Early morning, Los Angeles.

Heath Ledger\'s apartment.

A melodious "ding bell..." sounded, disturbing the master\'s sweet dream.

Heath Ledger opened his eyes and pressed the alarm switch by the bedside.

The noise disappeared instantly, and the surroundings became quiet again.

It\'s 6:00 in the morning, it\'s really early to get up.

But there is a very important thing today, and he also needs to set aside more time to dress himself up.

As the saying goes, Buddha relies on golden clothes, and people rely on clothes.

After washing up, Heath Ledger, wearing a casual suit, no tie, and leather shoes, looked very energetic.

After leaving the community, the time came to 7:30, and the agent Davis also drove over here.

Get on the co-pilot, fasten your seat belt, and Heath Ledger takes the breakfast that Davis bought on the way.

While eating, they chatted.

The audition time for the film "Fury" starts at nine in the morning, but it would be better to arrive at Paramount\'s headquarters an hour or a half earlier.

The car was driving steadily on the road, the windows were half open, and gusts of breeze continuously brushed Heath Ledger\'s face, which made him sigh uncontrollably: "The weather is so nice!"

Davis, who was steering the steering wheel, also laughed: "Yes, the weather today is very good."

Immediately afterwards, he said, "How is it? Are you confident about auditioning?"

"Who knows? Try your best." Heath Ledger\'s tone was very indifferent.

Paramount Pictures is headquartered in West Hollywood, not far from Heath Ledger\'s apartment, and it\'s easier to get there by car.

It was only half an hour\'s drive. When Davis parked the car and the two went to a building where Paramount Pictures needed to audition, it was only a dozen or so past eight o\'clock.

Came to the front desk and said to the lady at the front desk, "Hello, we are here to audition for "Fury"."

The lady at the front desk knew this for a long time, and said with a smile, "Well, you two, please come with me. The audition time is after nine o\'clock. I\'ll take you to the audition room and wait."

The two followed her, walked into the elevator, and went up to the 5th floor.

After I got out of the elevator, I went around the busy office area and came to the reception room, which was the audition location.

Heath Ledger walked in and saw that there were already more than a dozen similarly dressed men sitting on chairs and waiting.

It seems that there are not a few people who are willing to come early.

"Please wait a moment, the audition will start soon." The lady at the front desk reminded again, and then turned around and returned to the front desk.

Heath Ledger silently found an empty seat and sat down. He didn\'t have many friends in the circle. After just scanning the circle, he didn\'t find any familiar faces.

He sat quite calmly, very calm in his heart.

The more you have experienced, the less worry about gain and loss.

What\'s more, just the day before yesterday, Director Greg officially called and said that it was the actor of "The Kelly Party", and it was initially determined that it was him.

Although the final decision has not yet been made, it is only because the related salary issues and some treatment issues for the filming have not been negotiated. It is not that there is any objection to his selection.

But even so, he shouldn\'t have used it to audition, but for some reason, he felt that he should come here.

What is the reason? He didn\'t know, he just kept thinking like this in his heart, thinking!

"Hi, buddy." A greeting sounded in my ear.

As soon as Heath Ledger turned his head, he saw a young man with a short head, with a bright sunny smile on his face.

"Are you also here to audition?"

"Well." Isn\'t this nonsense, who is sitting in this reception room, who is not here to audition.

"Then do you know any inside information?" He asked with a hint of eager curiosity in his eyes.

The inch-headed youth has been paying attention to Heath Ledger for a long time.

In this small compartment, most of the people seemed nervous, some people closed their eyes to ease their emotions; some people kept fiddling with the buttons on their clothes; some people were taking deep breaths...

Only him, the young man with an inch head swore, only the person in front of him walked in and seemed very calm.

So he couldn\'t help asking this question. Although it was stupid, he felt that as long as he could give it a try, he should not let go of a possible chance to improve.

The pressure of competition is too great, and the agent\'s words are ambiguous, and there is no useful information at all. Up to now, the short-headed youth does not know what type of role to audition for, or what are the requirements?

The uncertainty of the audition is too great, it really makes people feel unsure.

Heath Ledger was stunned. He didn\'t know how to answer this question.

What\'s the inside story? Davis didn\'t say anything.

"I only know that it\'s a new work directed by Lehman, and it\'s about World War II. I don\'t know about the rest."

he answered honestly.

The young man with an inch head was disappointed. He felt that the person in front of him didn\'t want to tell him insider information.

Also, if I knew it, I probably wouldn\'t have said it.

What\'s the point of helping a competitor before everything is resolved.

The young man with an inch head smiled politely and exposed the topic.

It was he who was making fun of himself.

Heath Ledger\'s momentary hesitation just now, and the content of the answer was neither painful nor itchy, and it also made the inch-headed young man think a lot at once.

I\'m not afraid of people thinking blindly, but I\'m afraid of thinking too much. This brain-replenishing ability is stained!

Heath Ledger was fine. Seeing that the other party didn\'t want to talk anymore, he continued to wait.

As more and more people came in the reception room, the audition time was getting closer.

At this time, Lyman and Ryan, the accompanying younger brother Thomas, George, one of the producers, and Sandy, the person in charge of Paramount, came over together with a staff member from the Screen Actors Guild who came specially.

Lyman looked into the crowd and found Heath Ledger.

He was happy in his heart and said to Ryan and George: "Wait a minute, you will start the first round of auditions, record the material for the performance, and mark it. I still have something to do. I will go first."

Ryan already knew what Lehman\'s idea was, and he also understood that after "Buried Alive" was a big hit, they thought about looking for Heath Ledger, but when they asked, they couldn\'t find it (Heath Ledger at that time) When I went back to Australia, it coincided with the change of agents, and the contact information was messed up. Of course, you have to say that the information registered in the Actors Guild does not involve the exact address. It only recorded the address in the United States, not Australia.)

After all, at that time, people came all the way from the United States to France, and they didn\'t care about the salary of the actors, which was a big help.

It\'s not a big deal for them to be in this situation.

Although Thomas and George, who had just arrived from France, were confused and couldn\'t understand why the audition was about to start, Lehmann had to go.

But seeing Ryan nodding in agreement, he didn\'t say anything.

It\'s just the first round of auditions, so it doesn\'t seem like a big deal.

Lyman waved in Heath Ledger\'s direction and walked over immediately.

"Hi, man, long time no see, may I have the honor to invite you for a cup of coffee?"

"Of course."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

When the young man with an inch head sitting behind saw this scene, how could he not know what happened.

In his heart, he sighed at the shamelessness of "going through the back door", but his face was filled with envy that could not be concealed.

Seeing that the two of them left the reception room one after another, the short-headed young man sighed secretly.

In this world, it\'s hard to be honest.

While talking about this, the agent Davis is waiting in the aisle for the audition results.

Thinking that it might be the afternoon, I wondered where to go for lunch.

In the blink of an eye, he found that his artist walked out of the reception room leisurely.

When did the audition start at nine o\'clock, so fast.

My mind was surprised when another person came out from behind.

Lyman-Last! Davis was familiar with the face.

After all, he is still very concerned about matters related to his own artist.

His mind was very confused, because Davis watched the two people not far away joking all the time, and walked towards him.

Okay, what did you say you didn\'t have friendship with, even your own agent was hiding it.

Damn, it\'s really abominable!

"So, you went back to Australia to accompany your family during that time."

"Yeah, I didn\'t even think about it. You would go to the Actors Guild to find me. I didn\'t have a role to play at that time, and it was almost Christmas~www.novelhall.com~ and I went home."

"It\'s really unfortunate."


Davis watched the two get closer and closer, but Heath Ledger didn\'t seem to notice him.

I couldn\'t help but found myself a little sense of existence, "Hey, man, why did you come out?"

"Who is this?" Lyman stopped and asked Davis\'s wishes.

"I\'m his agent, sir."

Heath Ledger, who was beside him, nodded and confirmed this fact.

"Then let\'s go together. It just so happens that you still need to talk to your agent about this."

Having said that, the three of them left the Paramount Pictures building together.

Then, I went to a coffee shop.

This store is not far from the Paramount headquarters. On the second floor by the window, Lyman put down the stirring spoon and looked at Heath Ledger opposite.

Compared with the last time we met, he seemed to be more stable and more energetic.

The two have talked a lot along the way, so Lehman said directly: "Man, how is it, I really hope to cooperate with you again."

Next to Heath Ledger, it was Davis sitting.

The agent was very excited at this time, and could not wait to agree immediately for Heath Ledger.

"Fury" is a big project with a production budget of more than 50 million yuan. How much progress can it bring to an actor\'s career?

If it succeeds, I don\'t dare to think about it.

Even if you fail, it won\'t affect anything, you can still get a generous salary, and of course, you will also get your own commission.

Quickly agree, Davis roared inwardly.

But this is not the place for him to speak.

It\'s really heartless...