Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 80: no need

Lehman feels very bad now. He thought that the role played by Brad Pitt in the original work was okay, and his influence and market appeal were not bad, so he thought of inviting him. Afterwards, it\'s hard to make people feel better about him.

But as Sandy and George say, if it\'s just a negotiating tool, it\'s time to talk.

After all, they have been in contact for so long, and suddenly changing the scheduled candidates, it is not easy to find a more suitable person than Brad Pitt in a short period of time.

The next day, the two sides agreed on a time and place to meet again.

But the negotiation collapsed again.

Brad Pitt\'s negotiating team had the intention of making concessions in terms of compensation, but it killed the investment share, and it was obvious that they would bring capital into the group.

After learning the result, Lehmann rushed to the CAA headquarters in a rage.

When Kevin Howian appeared in the reception room, his smiling face did not dissuade Lyman from his dissatisfaction.

"Hi, Director Ryman, we meet again."

A polite handshake and a polite greeting are really hypocritical feelings.

"Is this what Brad Pitt meant, or what?"

During the negotiation process, the other party never showed up. Instead, CAA\'s agent was involved.

He came here this time just to ask something clear.

Although he also agrees with what Sandy said, they belong to the same camp, but who knows what CAA really thinks?

Kevin sighed in the bottom of his heart, and he knew that Lehmann came here for this.

But what can he do?

CAA adopts multi-agent cross management for big-name stars. For example, Brad Pitt, an artist with more resources, he has no authority to directly manage it.

Besides, the agents behind him also have their plans.

CAA is a whole, but it is not always consistent with the outside world, and there are also various small circles.

"I don\'t know Mr. Ryman..."

Before Kevin Howian could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lehman, "I just want to know if Brad Pitt\'s conditions are negotiable, if not, there\'s really nothing to talk about. ."

Kevin Howian was not angry, he said politely: "Do you know who holds the most shares in Plan B Films?"

"What?" Lyman was a little confused.

"Brad Alan Gray was the key to this, and Project B was co-founded by him with Pitt and Pitt\'s wife Jennifer Aniston (Rachel in "Friends"), with resources, connections We are very optimistic about their studio potential, and Brad Gray also has a lot of connections with several senior executives of Paramount Pictures.”

The word "we" was pronounced heavily by Kevin, and for a moment, Lyman had some guesses.

But what Lehman didn\'t know was that what Kevin said had a lot to do with Paramount\'s executives, or it was an understatement.

The later Brad Allan Gray took the post of CEO of Paramount Pictures. This is not simply a good relationship, and it can be said clearly.

The network of people in the circle is intricate!

Taking this whole apart and saying this is: CAA executives on behalf of Kevin and Bryan\'s gang really want to keep the Fury project going, because it\'s a collaborative project that puts them in charge; and on behalf of Brah The CAA behind De-Pitt wanted to participate in the B-plan film industry. It is best to get a certain share and have the right to speak, because the B-plan film industry is very promising; Paramount, I don\'t know how to get it. When it comes to the North American distribution rights and part of the revenue share of "Furious", it is estimated that the equity will not be too much.

Otherwise, they don\'t need to, making Brad Pitt anxious to have a certain share of the investment.

But this is divided into two parts, one is the Paramount executive behind Brad Allan Gray, and the other is the Paramount executive who values ​​the project.

After all, it is a film project involving a production cost of 50 million US dollars, and everyone does not want to fail.

This also means that they will not go too far, and in their opinion, killing $5 million is not too much.

Perhaps Brad Pitt\'s presence here is the lowest.

Thinking about it, he is not a shrewd person. He knew that if he took something he shouldn\'t have, even if he did, it would lead to a bad relationship between the two parties, but he still did it.

why? He\'s an actor, can\'t he figure this out?

As a newcomer, he can attract a lot of media popularity by falling in love with "Rachel", thereby obtaining film and television resources.

After getting married, Jennifer Aniston continued to help, so that many people said that he was a soft eater, but he still held on to the big tree tightly.

Later, after becoming famous, they divorced quickly and found Angelina Jolie.

Speaking of which, his forbearance, his shrewdness, and his scheming are all first-class, can you not see it? (As a man, he has always been said to rely on his wife, and no one will let it go. The derailment of later generations can only be said to be the fuse of the outbreak; because before that, he had a lot of scandals. In the Hollywood circle , After the couple got married, they lived their own lives. It’s not that they didn’t have it, so they made such a big deal, and they even got into a lawsuit.)

Lyman and Kevin Howian looked at each other and understood each other\'s meaning.

It can be understood, but some things cannot be compromised.

He is a director, and his attitude towards Brad Pitt\'s acting is a kind of ok, preconceived notion. If you want to say it is more optimistic, it is not.

Now, it is required to bring funds into the group. If there is a conflict on the set in the future, the situation between the two parties can be imagined. It will not be very good.

What is most afraid of is "guests deceive the master", who can\'t come up with ideas?

Seeing that Kevin Howian seemed to be still pondering, and wanted to say something to ease, Lehman did not hesitate and said directly, "Since there is no way to unify, let\'s change people."


In an office of Paramount Pictures, Sandy was a little stunned.

Many times, the idea is always good, but the realization is not smooth sailing. This matter has already deviated from the project advancement track expected by Lehman, and naturally cannot let it go, "Do you really agree to negotiate with them under the conditions of the other party? To share the benefits together? If you Paramount Pictures are willing to shoulder the burden, I can accept it."

Sandy smiled brightly and didn\'t answer the topic.

What a joke, how could only my family be sacrificed.

"What about the person for the role?" Sandy continued, "Do you have a suitable target?"

"This is Hollywood." Lyman said slowly, "No one is irreplaceable."

Brad Pitt is a type of actor whose acting skills are at best a mediocre level, which is why he can get to where he is today.

It\'s not that there are enough resources and enough fame. Audiences have seen more movies in theaters, and they will naturally feel familiar.

Isn\'t that how the market appeal is gradually superimposed?

Who can do it overnight? Of course, small plums are not counted, the big ship is really rampaging!

Is there anyone more handsome and **** than him, or more popular than him? There is no such thing as an appealing actor without him.

Fame is all about hype, and there are more than a dozen titles of English roses.

The so-called sexiest man in Hollywood?

Thinking of this, Lehman couldn\'t help but pouted, and the idea of ​​changing candidates was even better in his mind.

"Sandy, send a letter tomorrow rejecting the Brad Pitt negotiating team\'s appointment."

"Well, I see."

Not long after, George also came over.

Lyman called him to inform him that the actor was changed.

"There are many targets to choose from, Tom Cruise, Jude Law, Daniel Craig... There are quite a few famous actors over the age of 30."

Obviously, George also agrees with Lehman\'s decision very much.

Lyman pondered in his mind, selecting those actors who had acted in war scenes.

"Even if we delay for a while, we can\'t give in." George continued.

"Of course."

Once the decision is made, they are still full of confidence.

After the conversation was over, Sandy was busy rejecting the negotiating team behind Brad Pitt.

Lehman had just left the office and was about to go back and think about who would be more suitable for the role of "sergeant" when George quickly caught up.

"On the CAA side, we must be careful about our relationship with them..."

"I understand~www.novelhall.com~ Lyman said.

Apparently, the meeting with Kevin Howian was a bit rough.

However, Lyman is not the kind of person who likes to fight and ponder, and it is not good to fight too much with CAA.

Before, I was just in a fit of anger, and my mind was a little unclear.

After all, CAA is also one of the partners of this project, and is responsible for his own brokerage contract.

"Look at what you\'ve been thinking about." George walked to Lehman side by side. "Have you thought of a suitable candidate to replace Brad Pitt?"

"Not yet, but I have some clues."

As I said at the beginning, in Hollywood, no one is irreplaceable.

Lyman was just wondering which actor would be more suitable.

"It\'s alright, it\'s always good to do more screening. Don\'t worry too much. The set, props, etc. of the crew are still in the preparatory stage."

"Ryan and the others are okay."

By the way, after the audition for the actors, Thomas and Ryan went to help with this, and they didn\'t know how the progress was going.

"It\'s not very good. I\'m so tired every day. Yesterday, I heard Ryan complain, saying why you haven\'t come over yet." After George finished speaking, he laughed first.

Lehmann also had a smile on his face, "He\'s always like this, and a few complaints are over."

"Work hard, you won\'t be stumped by this little thing."

"How do you say it, it\'s just..." Lehmann sighed and didn\'t continue, because the elevator had arrived.

He waved to George, entered the elevator first, and then left the Paramount Studios building.

Because the predetermined plan was disrupted, the trouble caused is really annoying. well!