Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 77: road before

Night fell on time, and the mirror-like moon hung in the sky, trying to pour out the clear light like flowing water to the vast land.

The evening wind was blowing slightly, blowing the leaves. On the road, the silhouettes of pedestrians were drawn very long by the moonlight.

In this night in Luofu, the meticulous embellishment of fireworks is naturally indispensable.

The dazzling lights in the distance continued to extend, eventually forming the bustling city of Los Angeles.

In a simply decorated apartment, Heath Ledger stood by the window sill of the bedroom and looked up - there are no stars in the night sky tonight, only a few lonely stars, struggling to support them, they are scattered and flickering, Like abandoned glass marbles.

The whole night sky is like an ink tray, and there is a layer of faint clouds in the sky, which makes the night sky that is not bright even more misty.

Sometimes I can\'t tell why, for example, I prefer a deserted and slightly cool night.

He stood quietly, his thoughts continued to diverge, until he heard the sound of the neighbor opening and closing the door downstairs, and then he gradually came back to his senses.

Turning back to the sofa, Heath Ledger turned on the TV.

Randomly press which program, just put it like that.

In the days when he lived alone, he was used to doing this.

I don\'t watch it, but I like the sound from the TV.

Made myself a cup of coffee, picked up the books that I didn\'t read last night, and continued to read.

The night was long, and when he couldn\'t sleep, only words could bring him a happy spirit.

While enjoying it, suddenly, the phone on the desk rang.

Heath Ledger put down his books, walked to the desk and picked up his mobile phone. He looked at it. The number showed his agent, Mr. Davis.

He pressed the switch button, then said, "Hi, Davis? Is there anything you can do with me?"

Immediately, I heard Davis\' familiar voice, "Dude, you know, I received a message from the company, and another crew has sent you an audition invitation." His tone could be heard even through the phone. Hear his joy.

"Wow! Really? Haha." Heath Ledger was surprised but also happy about the content of the news.

This kind of thing is not common, not to mention that he just auditioned for the "Kelly Party" crew a few days ago, but was invited again.

In his past career, he was more about taking the initiative to find audition opportunities, which were often unavailable.

This feeling of being sought after is surprisingly beautiful.

Heart beating faster, Heath Ledger held the phone and walked to the sofa to sit down and asked excitedly, "Very good news. But, Davis, can I know which crew invited me? What\'s the role like? When is the audition date?"

Recently, he has been staying at home every day, watching some old movies, pondering the performances of some old actors, or reading books, taking a walk. Whether it is physically or mentally, he is longing for a role. But I didn\'t expect that after a period of idle time, I received two more invitations to audition.

This is really an urgent decision.

Yes, it can only be described as impatient. He likes acting and enjoys the inexplicable comfortable feeling brought to him when he plays different roles.

Intoxicating and fascinated.

Davis on the other side of the phone didn\'t answer his question right away. Instead, he couldn\'t hide his hearty laughter, "Man, I have good news for you."

"What good news? Isn\'t it just now?" Although Heath Ledger was puzzled, he looked forward to it more and more.

"Of course, this is better news." Davis said in a relaxed tone, "Remember the audition for the "Kelly Party" cast four days ago?"

Heath Ledger said "um" to show that he still remembered.

It was a feature film project created by a fellow from Australia with the support of Universal Pictures.

Because they belong to the same region, when the director auditioned for him, he was very kind to him.

"As far as I know, director Greg Jordan quickly made a decision that he has you in his heart as the protagonist of his film."

Craig Jordan is the director from Australia, and Heath Ledger auditioned for the actor of "The Kelly Party" - Ned Kelly.

Heath Ledger, who was sitting on the sofa, was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately and asked, "Really? Has Director Greg made a decision? What does Universal Pictures think?"

He was naturally very happy when he heard the result, but it didn\'t mean anything more.

Because Universal Pictures is an investor, they still need to get their approval, otherwise...

Relying on the approval of the director alone, although it is cruel, Heath Ledger still thought in his heart that there is no right to speak, which is always the case.

He has also been impressed by various unreasonable reasons before, but not every time he can successfully win the audition role.

But Davis seemed confident, "You have a great chance, you have a one-man show like Buried Alive, and you have been recognized by the market, plus the director\'s own optimism, I can\'t think of anything they would refuse. reason."

"It seems that this is indeed the case." Heath Ledger thought about the previous news and asked again: "Then, what about the audition notice you mentioned earlier? When? Where? held?"

"The new film directed by Lyman Last, according to the news released by Paramount Pictures and Europa Pictures, the theme of the film will be a feature film of the World War II genre, and three days later, it will be held at the headquarters of Paramount Pictures. The audition for the role." Davis organized the language and continued: "Did you have a relationship with him? During the filming of Buried Alive."

Have a relationship? Heath Ledger recalled that time, and it was not clear what kind of friendship he could have.

The director\'s approval? Did the shooting go well? Or is it the remuneration money given before leaving?

He shook his head, he didn\'t think there was any friendship in it.

He is an actor, and it is his duty to play a good role, and the rest are not much born on this basis?

"Should... no, I haven\'t contacted him since then."

I really want to get in touch, but I don\'t know how. Heath Ledger went to France alone, and after filming, he returned to the United States without leaving any contact information.

Later, he went to Australia to rest for a while, until "Buried Alive" received a good response at the box office, and he signed a good agency for it.

Playing a role, getting a paycheck, and making progress in your career, isn\'t that enough?

Heath Ledger is not a person who likes to be in a relationship. Even though Lyman made a lot of noise after the Christmas Film Festival, he never bothered the other party.

He doesn\'t like to dig into these camps. If he can live his own life well, he will be fine.

Davis is also aware of the personality of the artist he signed. Seeing him say this, although he felt a little disappointed, he still maintained a relaxed tone and said, "It\'s okay, maybe there will be a conflict between the shooting schedules of the two films, "The Kelly Party" "The filming will start soon, and we can\'t be distracted."

This is what he said, but it is purely to comfort himself, and of course, to comfort the other party.

The two projects, both in terms of investment amount and market prospects, are obviously better than the latter. He got the audition news from "Fury" as soon as he got the news of the audition, so he called to inform him, and also wondered if he could catch both projects. live.

But obviously, the idea that I guessed that the two sides will have friendship after working together, and whether they can exert some force from the side, and strive for a better chance of winning, has failed. In Heath-Ledger\'s words, it is taken for granted that the two sides are only cooperating step by step. It really does not mean friendship, which makes people think a lot.

Davies even thought that when they were filming, there might have been a conflict, otherwise there would be no room for contact and talk?

It\'s no wonder Davis thought too much. He only signed Heath Ledger\'s actor contract half a year ago, and he didn\'t take part in what happened during the filming of "Buried Alive", so he didn\'t know anything about it.

But obviously Heath Ledger\'s slightly hesitant answer just now is leading people to think in that direction subconsciously.

After all ~www.novelhall.com~ the "friendship" understood by the two is fundamentally different.

Heath-Ledger must have thought that it was just an ordinary cooperation, and there is no special statement, and everyone is not very familiar with it.

Davis felt that there was no friendship at all. It must have been caused by some conflict during filming, and the relationship was bad.

Different ideas mean different understandings.

Heath Ledger pursed his lips. He couldn\'t agree with the agent\'s words. He had not really decided what to do. He had already begun to consider whether there would be a conflict between the shooting schedules of the two film projects.

Maybe there will be two movies by then, and there will be no characters at all?

Of course, I think so, but it\'s another thing to say, "Davis, please help me confirm the audition notice, I will try it when the time comes."

"Well, it doesn\'t matter if you try it, but I\'ll help you pay more attention to the "Kelly Party". I see what Director Greg meant. You have a really good chance of being able to play the role."

"Okay, I see... that\'s it, bye."

After politely finishing his concluding remarks, Heath Ledger pressed the hang up button on his mobile phone. After thinking about it, he took a sip of coffee and continued to read.

As for the timing issue? What to choose or not to choose? What are the chances? Wouldn\'t it come naturally by then? Thinking so much is useless except to bring trouble.

The aroma of coffee lingers in the nostrils, creating a relaxing atmosphere for both body and mind.

Indoors, the orange headlights are bright, the TV is still on, and there is a TV series that I don\'t know the name of.

Outside the window, from time to time the dog\'s cries came, causing bursts of movement.

The night is getting deeper and deeper...