Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 76: nostalgia, good

"Another new work by director Lehmann, the World War II-themed film "Fury" has been confirmed as a project..."

"According to our reporter\'s interview, we learned..."

These are the keynotes set by LA Journal\'s entertainment reporter, Jordan, for the interview promo he\'ll be writing back.

The weather was a bit sultry, he stood in the crowd, struggling to perform his duties.

You have to ask what his responsibilities are. Well, he just accepted the red envelope and wanted to get the money with peace of mind.

"I would like to ask Director Lehman, can you reveal some specific information about the new film? For example, the selection of actors, the preparations for the production, etc."

Another news media worker asked, and it was a good question.

Everyone frowned, wanting to hear the interviewee\'s answer.

Surrounded by the crowd, Lehmann still kept a very calm expression in the face of everyone\'s attention, and continued to answer in the most perfunctory sentence: "Well, to be more specific, it is to describe the Allied tank troops during World War II. The story, as for what kind of effect it can show, or which actor to invite to play, it will have to wait for the film to be released, and then go to the cinema to see it by yourself."

This is Los Angeles, and the pre-promotion activities for the film are being held there.

According to Paramount Pictures, while Lehman still has some heat, it is the kingly way to find some media to warm up the new film.

Of course, the second half of the sentence was the result that Lehman could think of.

In Lehmann\'s view, this press conference was exactly what it meant.

Is it all for publicity? Ryman doesn\'t support it, but he doesn\'t oppose it either.

Since they joined this project, Paramount Pictures\' publicity work has come into the front, and it is particularly urgent to act.

A few days ago, there have been many tabloids and magazines, and some topics related to the movie "Fury" have begun to appear one after another.

At one point, he said that a certain big-name actor was suspected of joining the crew, and then he vowed to say who and so were interested in appearing.

In short, there are too many fake and fake things, who can tell the difference?

No, Paramount Pictures also specially held a new movie release conference to clarify these gossip.

And looking at the whole propaganda campaign, Lehmann, who has planned it, what can he say other than sighing "the city can play"?

It\'s still a bit interesting to publish fake news and clarify the facts by yourself. It seems that this movie has a lot of news media attention.

However, people all over North America still love to eat this set.

As soon as this perfect combination of punches came out, it really caused a bit of a storm.

In addition to the news that relevant netizens have started to spontaneously spread the news about the preparation of the new film, many people who are concerned about entertainment and movies can also learn some information about the film from newspapers and magazines and other channels.

In this way, the pre-publicity purpose that Paramount Pictures envisioned has been achieved, and it can be regarded as living up to the time, energy and cost they paid for it.

Anyway, a little basic impression can be left, knowing that there is such a movie, it is always good.

As for the actor\'s role, Lehman himself is not sure, so what else can he say?

The reporters at the scene reluctantly accepted what they thought was perfunctory, so they were going back to write the propaganda draft.

There is limited information available, and there is no controversial or topical content to write. It depends on how each person writes it.

After receiving the red envelope, it\'s not enough if they don\'t do anything. They also have their own perseverance.

Although it is said that there is no insistence on being an entertainment reporter, as long as people don\'t think so, what can they do.

With a deep sigh of relief, after finally dealing with these troublesome matters, Lyman returned to the back lounge.

Then I heard Ryan joking: "Lyman, how does it feel to be concerned by so much media? Do you have anything to say?"

He held his right hand empty, pretending to be interviewing a reporter.

Laiman was also very cooperative, and replied helplessly: "Tired, even more tired than when I was rushing to the shooting schedule, I felt like I was about to die, I asked various questions, and it became noisy. It doesn\'t feel good to be surrounded by a swarm of bees like a swarm of bees."

"Haha..." Ryan was overjoyed. Schadenfreude is talking about people like him.

"Is there water? I want ice."

Just after talking together for more than an hour, my throat was dry.

"No, here it is." Ryan took a bottle of mineral water, tossed it slightly, and threw it over.

Layman caught it easily, unscrewed the cap, and took a sip, which made him feel a little better.

"Are all the materials ready?" Sitting comfortably on the sofa, Lehmann remembered what his main job was today.

First, of course, is the promotion of the movie; second, it is the first round of screening of characters.

In fact, as early as the signing of the cooperative filming agreement, Lyman wrote a casting list for "Fury", and asked Europa Pictures and Paramount Pictures to help, let them first draw a suitable record of candidate information.

"Fury" is different from "Buried Alive" and "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" in that the selection of actors is more demanding.

Casting is also more difficult. It is mainly a group play, and there are many roles on camera.

His casting list laid out the basic criteria for some roles, including the Tank Five—the protagonists of the ensemble.

For example, the officer "sergeant", the appearance requirements: tall and strong, familiar with firearms, and priority is given to actors who have played military roles before...

Although the standards for some subsequent role selections are not the same, the phrase "experience is preferred" is also repeatedly mentioned.

This sent the casting list, and then let those more qualified personnel sort out their career information.

Then, Lehman looked at the list of people, filtered out some people who didn\'t meet his wishes, and finally submitted the cast list to Europa Pictures or Paramount Pictures. Then let them organize and agree on the time and place, and then conduct the audition work.

This is the whole process, which is relatively simple.

"The documents are all ready." Ryan said, and took out a large stack of documents from the briefcase on the sofa next to him.

"So much?" Lyman was a little surprised. With that thickness, it is estimated that there are hundreds of personnel options.

"There are a total of 327 pieces of information about actors." Ryan smiled: "This covers all suitable roles in France, North America and some European countries, what do you think?"

"Do you want to be so exaggerated!"

Although Lehman said so, he honestly took the document and read it.

In fact, he can understand the meaning of these two companies. After all, the casting rights are in the hands of Lehman, and Paramount Pictures wanted to get involved, but Europa Pictures also refused.

Just like Luc Besson\'s thinking in his own position, in his opinion, giving a director a certain amount of creative freedom is absolutely beneficial to the shooting of the project.

Of course, this is also something that Lehmann does not go beyond and can handle the shooting-related matters well.

A person\'s ability can still be used as a reference condition.

At least, during the filming of "Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood", there were no on-set accidents.

Lehmann slowly flipped through the documents, marking them with a pen from time to time.

In "Fury", there are more than ten main characters, in addition to the drivers of the Allied tank "Fury" team, there are also German generals, Allied generals, and German citizens...

These roles have their own roles, which are naturally very important.

As for the composition of the military personnel fighting between the two sides in the film, there is no need to worry about the selection of actors.

As the background board of the battlefield, you don\'t need any superb acting skills, and you don\'t need to worry about age. Young and middle-aged are fine.

You don\'t even need to consider your height, shortness, fatness, or thinness. Is it a trick? It\'s hard to even take a face photo, who cares.

So in this casting, it is mainly for those character candidates who have lines and face scenes.

Among them, the tank group of five is the most difficult to choose; there are many requirements on the appearance of the character itself, not to mention that Lehman pursues the kind that conforms to the temperament of the army, and there are many literary and drama aspects, and acting skills are also required. Good enough, in addition, there are a series of issues such as salary budget, schedule arrangement and so on. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

In addition, even if you are driving a tank, those who understand a little are naturally better; those who do not understand will not be eliminated immediately, but at least they must be familiar with firearms. Once you touch the gun and aim, you will feel like a veteran. Of course, aside from "Norman", one of the protagonists, his character is set as a recruit, and none of these can be avoided, but slowly he is required to meet all of them. In short, it is not easy to choose.

Of course, these are all things he voluntarily asked to undertake. Tired and bitter, Lyman didn\'t want any strange actors to appear in his crew.

The lines are unclear, and the acting is embarrassing. Such people must not appear in his films.

He made this decision, and God couldn\'t control it!

Thinking of this, Lehman suddenly became motivated, and even the hands and feet of flipping through the cast\'s information became agile.

No, the figure is not strong enough, it looks like a tall and thin bamboo pole, pass; the eyes are too small, the temperament is suitable for playing an honest person, not suitable for the fierce soldiers on the battlefield; the shooting experience is sufficient, and the actor\'s resume also has the image of a soldier , is a bit older and can\'t play the protagonist group, but the role of the Allied commander and general is quite suitable...

Lehmann kept marking his views, eliminated some people, and initially selected a group of people.

Next, for the specific role issue, we still have to wait until the two sides have met, tried the mirror, and talked about the treatment before finalizing the candidate.

Everything before this was just to better arrange the audition work.

Lehmann confirmed dozens of actors\' profiles in a row, and eliminated them one by one, and suddenly saw an interesting one.

"Heath Ledger, 185cm, born in 1979."

I haven\'t seen you for half a year, what is the old friend doing? Lyman thought to himself.