Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 62: Internet Age

In the distant future, the network has become an indispensable part of people\'s life, and the mutual influence of virtual network and real life has gradually become one.

Especially with the emergence of various social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc., the influence of the online world composed of independent individuals on reality is climbing steadily.

*** and Chuan Jianguo have also become two presidents in the history of the American Republic who like to use social networks flexibly to express their political opinions.

And the latter is far more excessive than the former.

"Twitter ruling the country" has become synonymous with the latter.

But at the moment in 2002, the rise of the Internet is still in the early stage of development, far from being mature. Even the number of North American families with computers is still not large, but on the Internet related to movies, it is also very impressive. .

IMDB is such an Internet film and television database related to the film and television industry.

Founded in 1990, it was acquired by Amazon in 1998 and became its subsidiary.

Although the built-in message board is also a popular website feature, it is convenient for registered users to share and discuss news about actors, movies and directors on their corresponding message boards, but IMDB is the most well-known movie website on the American Internet today. One, the foundation of its existence is its scoring service for movies.

The rating of the film will be finally obtained according to a set of extremely complex system mechanisms.

Among them, not only professional staff members rate the film, but also ordinary fans are allowed to rate the film. When the number of votes is large, it can be considered that the score obtained by the film can objectively reflect the quality of the film.

However, this website is not yet the next generation, and today\'s scoring threshold is particularly low. Basically, all registered users can score their intended videos.

Bella is like this. She just registered an IMDB account, and she opened this page to give a score to "Three idiots making trouble in Bollywood".

It has to be said that with the backing of a powerful large company and a large platform, the immediacy of IMDB has been improved by leaps and bounds. Amazon really has deep pockets.

Films such as "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood", which have just begun to be screened on a small scale, also have a special scoring section.

After opening the web page, Bella didn\'t give a rating immediately, but first looked at the rating numbers next to the movie poster.

There are currently 53 user ratings with a score of 9.6!

Needless to say, these 53 users are definitely movie lovers who like literary genre films.

Frankly speaking, Bella thinks this score is a bit high. "Three Silly Bollywood" is indeed a good shot, but it does not mean that there is no flaw, and a score like 9.6 is too exaggerated, and some are not. reality.

"It\'s too high, everyone!"

Bella gave it a score of 9.3, and then typed this sentence in a somewhat mocking manner.

Closing the webpage, leaning on the back of the chair, an inexplicable sense of emptiness began to sweep through the body.

When will there be such a masterpiece again?


The night wind blew through the streets of Los Angeles, bringing a coolness. On the sidewalk of a street, several young people, men and women, chatted and walked towards the cinema in front.

"Is it really as good-looking as you say?" It was a blonde girl who asked.

"Really, I can swear!" A blond young man said with a swearing oath: "You will definitely be satisfied after watching "Three Idiots Make a Big Bang in Bollywood"."

The young man had just watched it this morning, and was as eager to share it with others as he had discovered the door to a new world. These few friends, who were close friends from the same university as him, also pulled over.

"If it doesn\'t look good," he added, "if you think it\'s very boring, I\'ll unscrew my head and put it in the toilet."

Several other people laughed, "Ha, it\'s such a big deal." "Are you really willing to put your head in the toilet?"

Finally, the group of them walked to the front of the theater. It was probably the closing time, and there were many people walking out.

These people, like most of the audience who watched the film, discussed the plot as they walked.

"really not bad."

"Raja is so pitiful."

"Damn, the worst is the senior, who is gone."


These words all reached the ears of Goldilocks\' group.

The blond young man couldn\'t help but said, "Look, I\'m not wrong, so many people think it\'s good."

Such a phenomenon inevitably makes people\'s hearts have higher expectations for the film.

In the absence of sufficient publicity and marketing, a small-scale film such as "Three Silly in Bollywood" relies on word of mouth. For the movie-going group, that is, the movie lovers who are inclined to the art genre, they can also achieve the effect of such large-scale publicity.

Many people learned about the film from friends, colleagues, or relatives, and then walked into the theater, most of them felt good, and then spread to their surroundings again... .

This kind of news from mouth to mouth is indeed not spreading fast enough, but the actual ticket purchase stimulation for people is far greater than the hype in the media and newspapers. It can be regarded as pros and cons.


Chris Rand is a freelancer who makes a living around the film industry, and there are many people like them.

The usual work is also very complicated. For example, when a star comes to Los Angeles to hold an event, they can accept employment and act as the most enthusiastic fans. Wherever the premiere of a movie is held, they can also go to the scene to maintain the atmosphere, and now, he I\'m helping as an investigator, going to the theater to collect audience reviews.

According to the content of the employment, during the three days of the weekend, he would record the data of a movie in a movie theater nearby.

For the salary of 200 dollars a day, he was not absent from morning till night, and he still worked very hard.

The location of the theater is next to the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles. Chris Rand often works in similar jobs. He has long been familiar with the people in the theater, otherwise he would not be able to take this temporary job.

The night was a little late, and the cinema gradually became deserted.

Chris lit a cigarette for the person on the opposite side, and said, "What happened to the film I was investigating?"

This person is the director of the theater\'s operations department. He took a deep breath and said unhurriedly: "Similar to what you see, the number of viewers of "Three Silly Bollywood" has always been on the rise. , There were 73 people in the game I just entered."

"It seems that the potential of this film is good." Chris Rand said with a smile, "This is the last show today, right? Have your box office statistics come out?"

"I knew your kid would inquire about this." The director of the operations department flicked the ash, and said in a bad mood: "There were two screenings in the morning, and it should be around $760. In the afternoon, the situation was better, and the total of four screenings was about $1,700. .Tonight, you also saw that the 200-person hall\'s occupancy rate has exceeded 50%, and after three screenings, at least $1,800 has been credited, so the total box office for this day should be around $4,260."

Chris Rand struck while the iron was hot, and asked, "What about this result? What\'s your opinion?"

The head of the operations department shrugged, "The market potential of "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" has definitely not been released yet, don\'t think too much about it, our cinema only has one hall for screening, and in terms of single hall performance, it is better than the new release. The "Impressed" is even higher, second only to "We Were Warriors", which is also under the umbrella of Paramount, ranking second in theaters."

Yes, that\'s right, Paramount Pictures\' promotion focus in March has always been on their big production "We Were Warriors", as for their requirements for "Three Silly" is very simple, profitable, and cost recovery, And it\'s enough to see if I can get another reward in the awards, so as to make Paramount Pictures famous.

Comparing the box office performance of literary genre films with commercial films, don\'t suffer too much. It\'s normal to be at the back. Chris Rand thought about this and ended the conversation with the director of theater operations.

Going back to the lobby~www.novelhall.com~ I found a rest chair and sat down, sorting out the first-hand video materials obtained today.

At the end of the day, he consulted a total of 123 moviegoers for their opinions and evaluations.

Probably because people who can watch this kind of film are often movie lovers in the same field. These people have very positive comments on the movie, and the favorable rate has reached an astonishing 95%, especially for the director\'s structure. The plot itself is very pleasing.

The name, Lyman Last, has been heard from many viewers.

Unfortunately, this director should be an unknown newcomer, otherwise a film of this level should be shown in more theaters.

Chris Rand shook his head, stuffed the organized documents into his briefcase, and went to the front desk of the theater to get a processed box office data report for final inspection.

The audience survey of "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" has been overwhelming, and such films often get good box office results.

Judging from the situation of this theater that Chris Rand knows, it can be roughly speculated that the movie\'s point-of-view data and average attendance will certainly not be low.

And after a day\'s interview and investigation, he has subconsciously attributed the movie "Three Silly Bollywood" to the ranks that can be expanded, otherwise he would not feel sorry for it.

Turning his head, Chris Rand once again glanced at the movie poster posted in the theater. The name of Lyman Last written on the director\'s position was still as unfamiliar as ever.

He patted his briefcase and looked at the time on his watch. He planned to go back to do business.

Today\'s last screening has not ended, but he doesn\'t want to wait any longer. This time he has done enough work, and there is nothing to stay.