Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 63: Screenings in additional halls

The sun on the west coast always rises later than it does on the east coast. Early in the morning, when it was still bright, Lyman and George took a taxi out.

Last night, Paramount Pictures came to inform, saying that it was to inform about the situation during the screening of some films.

Its nature is equivalent to a regular meeting, which is convenient for communicating the opinions of both parties and making appropriate adjustments.

The two walked into the conference room of Paramount Pictures one after another. Lehmann saw that there were not too many people.

In addition to two people who were slightly familiar when they signed the distribution contract, there were also three people who didn\'t know each other. Judging from the position of the conference table, their positions in Paramount were not very high - Lord The seat is still vacant.

After greeting each other with these people, Lyman sat next to George, and the old **** was waiting for the meeting to start.

"Mr. Srock has a little thing." Someone from Paramount Pictures said softly, "You can come over after a while."

Lyman nodded slightly.

"Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood" is just one of the operating projects of Paramount Pictures, and it is not the one that accounts for the bulk of the revenue. It is "the children of other people", and it is impossible for the senior figures of the other company to spend all their time. and focus on it.

Lyman and George understood this very well, and sat in their seats and waited with peace of mind.

Judging from the initiative to invite a meeting, today is likely to be a regular meeting caused by the film\'s good performance after its release.

Just as Lehman was thinking about it, Tony Slok walked in. He saw that the representatives of Europa Pictures had arrived, and walked towards the top of the conference table, smiling and nodding to Lehman and George.

"This is the director of Paramount Pictures\' distribution department." George turned his head sideways, assuming that Lyman didn\'t know the identity of the other party, and explained softly.


At this time, another person hurried into the conference room. He apologized slightly, saying that he had been delayed a little, and then sat in the starting position of Tony Slok, the director of the distribution department.

The meeting started.

The topic of discussion was naturally the movie "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood", which had just begun to be shown. After chatting about some innocuous and rambling scenes, Tony Slok turned the topic to the film these few days. The analysis of the market data obtained comes on top of this.

"After one day\'s screening yesterday, "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" won a box office of about 101,300 US dollars on 21 screens in 21 theaters, and the single-day single-house result reached 4,820 US dollars!"

The executive of Paramount Pictures is obviously in a good mood, and his voice is particularly clear, "More importantly, the data reported by the audience at the theater yesterday showed that the positive rate for the film was as high as 90%. The satisfaction rate is also 87%, and the number of viewers who negatively commented on the film is very small."

"Next, I\'ll ask Charles from the Marketing Department to provide you with specific data analysis."

Tony Srock\'s voice just fell, and the person who came in last stood up.

"This is a report document where the target audience we entrusted the company to investigate yesterday learned that the film came to buy tickets. The data included above shows that those who came to watch the film in the morning learned that "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" There are four main channels, one is print media adverts and newspaper news, accounting for about one-third; the other is TV commercials and plaza trailers in downtown Los Angeles, which also account for one-third; Less than one-third of the information that Dans knew or from online channels; fourthly, those who came to the theater to see the posters had an idea, and this group of people was the least."

"In the afternoon and evening, a part of the audience quickly became the largest part from a small proportion that was almost negligible. After listening to other people talking about this movie, they came to the theater because of the influence. People who bought tickets to watch!"

"That is to say, the audience not only has a high praise rate for the film, but also the income ratio of the target group of the converted channel market is also very high. I have concluded my summary."

It wasn\'t until Charles sat down that the confused Lyman came back to his senses what he was talking about.

The meaning seems to be that viewers who have watched "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" are very willing to share this movie, which he thinks is very good, with others, thus unconsciously becoming the most important way to promote the movie.

Is this the power of Amway and running water?

Really suck!

Everyone in the conference room looked at Lehmann. Although the film is still far from generating revenue, it is undoubtedly a good start. His strength as a director has undoubtedly been recognized by everyone.

With these data as the backing, Paramount Pictures is more optimistic about the prospects of "Three Silly Bollywood".

Tony Slok continued: "Last night, I applied to the company, and the company gave an approval early in the morning. Our promotional expenses for the film will be an additional $500,000."

Having said this, he turned to look at the person where Charles had started, "Bob, immediately notify the printing plant to start developing copies. I request that the screening be increased to 200 theaters tomorrow morning."

The man nodded, "I\'ll make arrangements right away."

Lehman understands the meaning of this sentence, and also knows that Paramount Pictures actually prepared not many copies before the screening. They originally thought of a small-scale long-term screening plan, unlike Europa Pictures in other The layout of the place was generous from the beginning.

In France, the number of theaters is 1,500.

But there is no way. Paramount Pictures has its own ideas, and they also bought the regional distribution rights. It is up to them to decide how to operate.

Fortunately, profit is really deceiving!

Now, even the copy has to be prepared. It seems that it is very safe to expand the screening.

Putting himself in his own shoes, Lehmann can actually understand Paramount Pictures\' caution.

Before it has been tested by the market, rashly investing large-scale publicity funds, it really needs to bear a lot of risks.

Moreover, their idea is to rush for awards, so they must learn to control the reputation. Once the blindly expands the screening, the number of audiences will not buy it, and the word of mouth will decline, so the plan of wanting the film to "both fame and fortune" is naturally nonsense. talk.

This circle is so practical. Before seeing the real-time market feedback, no matter how famous you are and your works are, it is impossible to let go and invest huge resources in operation. If you want this group of mercenary businessmen to find out with your conscience, is that possible?

In a company meeting like this, Lyman, a non-Paramount member, has no right to speak at all. Even George is basically listening and rarely speaks.

Tony Srock seems to have a gentle working style, polite and polite, but in fact, he has a great desire for power and a strong desire to control. He completely dominated the topic of this meeting. Most of the time, he was instructing others. listening.

"Charles..." Tony Slok looked over, "Contact the local media in Boston, we will expand the screening there, communicate in advance to promote the film, don\'t forget."

"I see." Charles said as briefly as possible, "I\'ll contact you later."

"Adams, keep in touch with the theater chain at any time. The theater location in Boston should be arranged in a high-traffic area as much as possible."

"I\'ll try my best."

"It\'s not about trying your best, but you must do it, understand?"

Hearing this, Adams hesitated, but nodded vigorously.

Items of work are arranged by Tony Slok, and they appear to be only orderly in the tediousness.

At the end of the meeting, he finally remembered the position of Europa Pictures, and routinely asked, "You two, do you have anything to add?"

"No." George said, and Lyman, who was beside him, nodded affirmatively.

"Then, that\'s it for today." Tony Srock stood up first, "The meeting is over."

The others walked out one after another, and when Lehman was about to leave, Tony Srock came over.

"Director Lyman."

He stood opposite Lyman and took the initiative to extend his hand.

Lyman smiled and took his hand, "Mr. Slock."

"Call me Tony~www.novelhall.com~ He let go of his hand politely, as if to convey his kindness by address.


The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time, but their thoughts were different.

Tony Srock attaches great importance to him, no doubt because "Three Silly Bollywood" shows enough market potential, and his previous "Buried Alive" also made a lot of profits for Paramount Pictures , of course, not as many as Europa Pictures.

Lehman knew this, and it was estimated that the other party had the idea of ​​wanting to win over him.

But even so, he wouldn\'t be dazzled by the good attitude that the other party suddenly released. If nothing else, Europa Pictures has always been good to him, so there is no need to jump ship rashly. What\'s more, you are doing this thing in front of George, do you think people are blind? Or, is it intentional?

He didn\'t understand it, but he was still polite with Xu and Snake.

"It\'s rare to see a director as young as you." Tony Srock said, reaching out and patting Lyman on the shoulder, "Especially someone so talented."

Lehmann said modestly, "I\'m just lucky."

"I\'ll treat you to a drink when I\'m done working for a while." Tony Srock said quite sincerely.

Naturally, Lehman would not agree to this, "Okay, I hope it will be a celebration drink after the success of the movie."

The two laughed again.


and George left Paramount Pictures\' headquarters and returned to the hotel.

Lehman became idle again. In addition to conceiving the plot and story design of the next new movie, most of the time, he paid close attention to the latest market trends of "Three Silly Bollywood" through George\'s news channel. Soon, a week has passed...