Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 61: Box Office Statistics

After entering the new millennium, the development speed of the film industry is changing with each passing day.

Even the sale of movie tickets has a special channel to collect.

So generally speaking, the box office statistics of the first day of release will be available in the afternoon of the next day, or even earlier.

After all, the current cinema data calculation is all based on the networking system. When you sell a ticket, you only need to record one ticket, which is extremely convenient and fast.


In the living room of a hotel, Laiman hung up the phone and walked back and forth in the living room twice, only to suppress the chaotic mood in his heart, and the joy on his face was gradually replaced by calm.

Because the first-day screening results of 21 theaters have come out, George personally went to the headquarters of Paramount Pictures in the morning to inquire, and just called him back to inform him.

The data obtained by Paramount Pictures is that it received more than 25,000 box office on the first day.

The 21 theaters are all open all night. "Three Silly Bollywood" only occupies one of the theaters, with an average of 500 seats. Yesterday, there were 3 shows a day, and the first round of the movie was shown. The ticket price is 6 dollars a piece, and the box office is more than 25,000, which means that the average attendance rate of "Three Silly Bollywood" in these theaters has reached about 20%.

This result is not bad, no wonder George still congratulated him on the phone.

Lehman soon told Ryan and Thomas the results of the box office statistics. Ryan laughed: "I think we will definitely make some money this time when the expansion starts."

"Ha, for sure." Thomas also laughed.

Just when Paramount Pictures was considering whether to increase the pace of expansion next week, the box office results of "Three idiots in Bollywood" surprised everyone again on the second day. 21 theaters. The average attendance rate of online screenings is still rising, rising to 32%. The box office the next day also received more than $76,000.

The accumulated box office in the first two days has already exceeded 100,000 US dollars. According to this trend, Paramount Pictures\' expansion plan will be implemented without exception. This is also the inevitable law of the market. No one wants to live with the easy profits.

As long as the film\'s reputation is guaranteed, it will be the weekend screening time, and the box office is likely to continue to increase. In this way, the box office of a single venue in the first week will never be less than 10,000 US dollars.

Next, it\'s time for "Three Idiots Make a Big Trouble in Bollywood" to greatly increase the screening scale...

However, it still depends on the word-of-mouth of the film. The investment in publicity and distribution like this is limited, and it is still an art-type project. Word-of-mouth word of mouth is very important.

Since there are only 21 theaters for the screening, Paramount Pictures also hired a research and consulting company to conduct statistics on the theater site. The audience\'s word of mouth cannot be truly reflected in the media and newspapers, and it is also in line with film critics\' opinions. The evaluation is sometimes separated by a huge gap of 108,000 miles.

In fact, there are companies such as re in North America that specialize in market ratings and forecast box office trends, but Paramount Pictures cannot always expect such large companies to pay attention to small-scale screening projects.

Like similar movies, there are a lot of movies released every week in North America, and most of them are three-day trips to the theater. Who will pay attention to them?

And it doesn\'t cost a lot of money to hire a research consulting company to do fieldwork. Paramount Pictures is fully willing to do this, and it can provide the most effective data analysis for the screening plan.

Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles.

The door of a movie theater.

One movie fan recalled the plot of the movie he had just watched, calling his good friend Amway, "This movie is really good. . ......It\'s shocking...you\'ll know it if you\'ve seen it yourself...that\'s it, hang up."

Putting down the phone, he gently rubbed his eyebrows and seemed to be a little immersed, "It\'s a pity to miss such a good film, I want to tell more people."

With some thought and praise, he left the theater.

In an independent theater in Venice, Los Angeles, a white girl was stopped as soon as she walked out of the theater. When she heard the person asking her about "Three Silly Bollywood", she said aggressively: "I think the director is too bad. , Lancher is such an excellent person, he didn\'t get a good end, and he didn\'t tell the story behind him! There is also the part where the senior committed suicide, can\'t he be rescued! Just like Raja."

There were people passing by one after another, and they were all talking about the movie.

"What\'s the name of the director and screenwriter?"

"Lyman Rust and Ryan Garcia," the person beside reminded.

"Yes, it\'s these two guys."

"The movie is really good." Someone echoed.

"The director\'s name, I seem to have an impression. Did he shoot the previous "Buried Alive"? I\'ll go back and look at the list of creative teams at the back of the video tape to find out."

Another person replied: "It\'s him, I said it in the newspaper yesterday."

"Wow, then he\'s quite amazing. I like both the films he\'s made."

"I don\'t like Buried Alive, but I think this one is very good."

"Really talented..."

A chaotic sound, with the footsteps away, and then disappeared.

After watching the movie and having dinner outside, Bella returned home, poured a glass of water, sat and rested, and came to the computer.

Since the Sundance Film Festival, she has paid attention to the director named "Lyman Rust".

So, when the movie was shown on the theater line, she ran to the theater to donate a movie ticket, which could be regarded as a kind of meager support for herself.

In the past, in the exhibition hall, the scene where everyone applauded and stood to greet them is still fresh in my memory.

It is easy to get applause, but how many directors can truly satisfy the audience?

After booting up and connecting to the Internet, Bella skillfully opened IMDB, and after a simple search, she found director Lehmann\'s section.

As early as after the release of "Buried Alive", the other party had his own IMDB number, but at that time his exclusive section was deserted, except for a few words about the director\'s personal information and the name of the movie "Buried Alive" and IMDB Apart from the link, there is nothing else at all.

However, this time Bella found something different. Not only did "Three Silly Fools in Bollywood" appear in the list of works under his name, but there were even several people who left messages in the discussion group.

"Anyone? Wow, so deserted, I didn\'t expect that I was the first to leave a message, who is the director of Lyman-Last? Why is there not even a personal picture on IMDB? Is it so perfunctory? But this director\'s I like the work very much. After watching the movie in the morning, I still have an inexplicable emotion in my heart that I want to vent. Well, also, the official of IMDB, or is there any kind-hearted person willing to add a photo of him?"

This is a message from around 1:00 p.m. yesterday. At 15:20, someone left a footprint.

"Fuck! xxxxxx"

A series of swear words gushed out, and words in many places were blocked by the website, but it was not a good word to think about.

This guy seemed to be very angry, and kept complaining, "Where is that trash director named Lyman Rust now? Why did he make a movie like this, do you know that my girlfriend is in After watching it, I cried for a long time, and now I am still in a bad mood, I was really mad at me, he made a mess of my well-planned dating activities."

Many people left messages behind it, as if they were outraged.

"If you can\'t make it today, is there still tomorrow? Don\'t you have only one day to live? Huh? With such a stinky mouth, you will break up sooner or later."

But the man replied, "You son of a bitch, how do you talk, how am I, what\'s your business?"

Another person left a message: "Listen to this, it seems that you didn\'t watch this movie, only your girlfriend did."

The man responded, "What\'s the matter? I have something to deal with in the morning, so she went to the theater alone. Originally, I wanted to go to play together in the afternoon, but I finally waited for a holiday, but it was delayed like this. It\'s all my fault that this guy is called Lehmann. -The director of Rust, my girlfriend refuses to go out now, saying she\'s not in the mood. My god, she was so happy when she called me on the phone tomorrow morning, and she agreed to my request."

The person who left the message before was speechless, UU reading www. uukanshu.com "Um, what do you say, I suggest you watch this movie too. Maybe you can find the reason why your girlfriend is in a bad mood. Maybe you can solve it."

The man replied, "Thank you, man, I\'m going to see what was filmed in that movie, and I\'ll tell you about the battle when I get back."

"how\'s it going?"

"What about people, haven\'t you come back yet?"

Further down, someone left a message with similar words, and everyone wanted to know the follow-up situation of this person.

After flipping through the news until about 7 pm, this talent updated the message, "This movie is really good. I have never seen this type of movie before. The first time I saw it, I was touched. I am a little bit now. I understand my girlfriend\'s mood. She is sensitive in her heart. She wants to understand this story better than me. After reading it, I also wonder why there are always so many constraints in this world. Excellent as Lanche, she still breaks free No..."

Seeing this, Bella stopped reading.

Although many people have left comments, in general, there is still a lack of attention.

She pulled the page up, and the head portrait next to Lyman-Last\'s name was still blank. What does this director look like? She knows that, a very ordinary person, his appearance is far from handsome, but he is not ugly, and the most important thing is his talent, so eye-catching.

It\'s a pity that she doesn\'t have any photos of this guy, and she can\'t help the confusion of these fans who want to know what they look like.

The fame is so small that even the officials of IMDB will not notice.

Then, she clicked on the link of "Three Silly in Bollywood" below Lyman-Last, the page flipped, and a rating page appeared in front of her...