Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 543: exaggerate

May 27, Tuesday.

This is the fourth week of the filming of "Monster in the Lake", and the crew has come to Michigan for a location scene.

The current North American film market is still a mess, and several studios\' masterpieces are trying to get the box office.

However, this did not interfere with Firefly Pictures, but Blue Butterfly Pictures released two independent films, which were barely profitable.

It\'s half past one in the afternoon.

The scene to be filmed is the scene where the water monster goes ashore and kills the Quartet.

In order to reduce mistakes and cause the budget to get out of control, the crew arranged for two full days to shoot this part of the scene, very cautious.

In the specially built motion capture studio, the temporarily transformed area of ​​less than 15 square meters was very crowded at this time.

Like all kinds of digital equipment and motion capture equipment and special conduction display cameras, reflectors, isolation screens, plus the 4 staff of the special effects team in the digital realm and the only performer Andy Serkis.

The small area was filled to the brim, and the rest of the unrelated people had to stay outside, but there was no way, the conditions were the same, after all, the proportion of special effects in "Monster in the Lake" was not particularly large, and it was also similar to those magical There is no comparison between masterpieces, naturally, the budget can only achieve this level.

At this moment, Andy Serkis has already put on the equipment, and his face is covered with dense green dots - this is an assistive technology for capturing expressions with a calculator.

He is half-squatting on the ground, his expression is exaggerated and distorted. If you only watch the physical performance, you will feel that the facial muscles are so wide that you can\'t believe it was performed like this, but motion capture actors do have to adapt to this kind of exaggeration.

Generally speaking, actors don\'t actually need to express their emotions in this way, because in the camera lens, the actors\' every move will be faithfully recorded, which is too exaggerated and not beautiful.

But if it is motion capture, it is not an exaggeration, but the equipment is not good at capturing expressions. It is like a drama performance and a film and television performance. There are many differences between the two.

On the other side, Matthew McConaughey is wearing a baseball cap and smoking a cigarette.

The second brother, played by Paul Bettany, is chatting with his father, played by Michael Caine.

It was also about the monster attack that was about to happen when the family had a picnic in Lake Michigan. Dozens of passers-by had been invited to serve as background boards around the venue.

"Second shot of the 57th scene of "The Monster in the Lake"."

"Run quickly."


"There are monsters..."

All kinds of panicked voices, just because everyone saw the water monster, the second brother was in a hurry, and ran fast for the first time.

Matthew McConaughey was also afraid in his heart. The monster was very aggressive. After landing, he had killed several people and eaten it in his stomach. However, he was still thinking about the safety of his little sister. In a panic, he saw a man dressed in beige. Dressed in a dress, she looked like her own sister, so she grabbed it and ran away.

Halfway through the run, only after listening to the sound did I realize that something was wrong. I had caught the wrong person. I didn\'t know him, so I quickly let go and went back.

And the little girl played by Fanning had gone far before. After seeing the water monster, she was frightened and dumbfounded, her feet could not obey, and she was about to cry.

Thomas panned the camera\'s lens to the left, then zoomed in, and gave Fanning a close-up of her face - her panic and fear were clearly revealed on her face.

"Little sister."

Matthew ran and shouted.

Fanning heard the voice and looked back, but felt that the sun above his head was blocked...


Lehman praised: "This is over, everyone is very good."

Dakota Fanning was overjoyed when he got the director\'s affirmation.

As a child actress, she usually has a lot of advertising endorsements or cooperating with publicity activities, etc., and acting in movies is her favorite job - she has a sense of accomplishment and does not feel bored.

Afterwards, the crew asked Andy Serkis to perform again alone, and the technology at this time was not enough to achieve synchronous docking.

As for him, in addition to acting with actors, he often had to go to the studio by himself to play again in front of the conduction equipment.

After another half an hour, the actors who had retouched their makeup took their places again.

A female substitute had already changed into Dakota Fanning\'s costume, ready to hang Wiah and pretend to be swallowed by a monster.

However, Zhengzhu silently walked to Laiman\'s side and said, "Mr. Director, in fact, I can do it myself here. I can act well."

Lehman admired the little girl\'s strong attitude, but still didn\'t agree, "The next movements are a bit dangerous, and I haven\'t been specially trained, so it\'s hard to do it. Also, in case of any accident, from What should I do if I fall down and get hurt?"

Having said that, Dakota Fanning had no choice but to stand aside and watch.

After all, Weiya is not that easy to hang, let alone make appropriate movements with special effects.

Even for a professional stand-in, the first time someone pulled him backwards, it didn\'t fall properly, and his posture was a little stiff. After flying in the air for more than half an hour, he was more satisfied with being bitten by the monster and ran back to the lake. gesture.

And it was just such a little faceless operation, the professional stand-in came down from Weiya, inevitably covering his lower back, hissing and grinning, obviously hurt.

Of course, this is her job. If it\'s not dangerous, she won\'t be needed. She will go to the side to apply ointment when she gets paid.

Dakota Fanning, who had been thinking about doing it himself before, didn\'t say anything at this time. He was hanging in the air and was pulled to perform various actions. Obviously, it was a technical and physical task.

The next scene needs to be skipped again, and the entire exterior scenes with the same framing are all concentrated in one shot.

After the little girl was captured by the monster~www.novelhall.com~, she did not die, but was trapped in a sewer. After calling for help, the isolated male protagonist and his father decided to rescue her.

They picked up shotguns and took the initiative to look for traces of monsters.

For a few days, nothing happened.

On the contrary, it was a rainy day. When they were sheltering from the rain at home, the monster took the initiative to show up.

My father picked up the shotgun and fired at it. The bullet hit the monster, but it had no effect.

Obviously, the defense of monsters is good, and they are not afraid of firearms at all.

And then, through some thrilling hunting, I finally found some clues about the monster\'s lair, but at this moment, because the second brother gave an unloaded shotgun to the old man, he was killed during the confrontation, and the monster was killed. Foot trampled to death.

It was also at this time that under the grief and pain, the hero\'s courage was strengthened.

In other words, this fellow has the consciousness to die. Don\'t be afraid of death anymore, what kind of water monsters are you afraid of?

Of course, the shots of this character depiction were actually very hard to shoot. Due to the need to cooperate with the work in the digital field, they were basically shot separately one by one in a very slow and slow manner.

Fortunately, it was finally completed.




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