Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 542: "Revenge of the Sith"

Just as Lehmann continued to work on the filming of "Monster in the Lake", the summer heat in the United States had already begun.

In terms of publicity, one family is more generous than the other.

It starts with the third installment of the "Star Wars" series, which is the last "Revenge of the Sith" in the Star Wars prequels. Director: George Lucas.

Production company: Lucasfilm, distributed by Twentieth Century Fox.

And at the beginning of May, it triggered a frenzy of national discussion. Even if it was just propaganda, the movie was not released.

Perhaps, many people in the East can\'t imagine why the "Star Wars" series is so popular in the West?

If many viewers who don\'t understand watch this movie, they will definitely not know why a group of people fighting with a light stick and "buzzing" is so exciting?

Or wonder why "the one with the gun can\'t beat the stick, it\'s ridiculous" and so on... (Randomly intercepted some movie reviews that found "Star Wars" spicy eyes).

But this is "Star Wars", the most culturally estranged series of films. If you use an analogy, its meaning is China\'s "Journey to the West".

After all, director Coppola, who once directed the "Godfather" series, said, "This movie has been religiousized."

Do you think he is exaggerating? Haha, not at all.

Perhaps, many "Star Wars" fans know the classic line: "Maytheforcebewithyou (May the force be with you)."

The movie setting concept of "The Force" is the belief of many people - as of 2001, more than 120,000 people in New Zealand and Australia have filled in the "Force" as a belief in their resumes (then this The young generation in the two regions combined is more than 4 million), while in the UK, as many as 390,000 believe in the "Force".

The success of the "Star Wars" series of films is caused by a series of factors such as the times, culture, and human fantasy of outer space, not only well-made.

In fact, Lucas himself did not expect to be so popular, he is a film businessman.

His original intention was just to make a martial arts movie in a sci-fi skin. After all, he is a fan of Akira Kurosawa. The first "Star Wars" directly draws on a lot of oriental culture, such as the master-apprentice system, and cold weapons fight each other. , realm setting, falling into the devil\'s way, deceiving masters and destroying ancestors, at first glance, they are all the routines that oriental creators such as Jin Yong and Gu Long have played badly. This is also the reason why oriental audiences are indifferent to these. I think it\'s too ethical and weird, and "I\'m your father" in the second part is even more embarrassing.

But once the movie has become a feeling and caters to the times, how could it not be successful?

The first movie of "Star Wars" was released in 1977. The former movie fans are all of the father\'s generation. The father likes it and it is easy to influence the children. It\'s a family outing.

What is this called, this is childhood.

"Star Wars" fully explains what it means to create "heroes" with the times.

For a while, "Monster Mother-in-law" and "Madagascar" were completely unable to compete with "Revenge of the Sith" in terms of popularity. In the newspaper page, it cost a lot of money to get the second page.

But you can\'t fight for the summer season. Taking the initiative to avoid it also means giving up. Even if you know you can\'t beat it, you can still get it. After all, you can\'t eat the whole cake in one movie.

So, several companies are desperately throwing money to build momentum. If you lose 10 million, I will lose 20 million, which makes the media smile.

As for Paramount, it was once again watching a few companies interact with each other in the summer, and then throwing in a few small-budget independent films as cannon fodder, hoping to eat some scum.

In the middle of the summer season, that is, more than a month after the release of "Star Wars", the competition is also fierce.

Spielberg\'s initial project "War of the Worlds" brought by Paramount (Paramount can\'t get a lot of benefits, Spielberg is quite calculating, he has this strength), the leading actor is Tom Ke Ruth...


On May 19, Revenge of the Sith premiered.

A group of movie fans who got the news have been waiting at the entrance of the theater since last night, and the ticket grab has to be planned a week in advance. After all, 20th Century Fox has not released many premiere tickets to the audience at all, but film critics and supporting guests. many.

The plot of this film is roughly about the beginning and end of Anakin\'s degeneration from the bright side to the dark side. As for the shaping of Anakin\'s villain, it depends on the tragic aspect.

In future announcements, 20th Century Fox has repeatedly promoted it. In the back, Anakin has become the third most impressive villain in film history - second only to "Silence of the Lambs" Hannibal and "Psycho". Norman Baez.

And Industrial Light and Magic\'s special effects production in this film exceeded 2,200 shots, surpassing any previous Star Wars movies and fantasy masterpieces, and even the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy was not so generous.

With such investment, plus its own audience and strong publicity, the box office it can get is almost certain. When it was released, no practitioner would think that "Star Wars" would not sell well.

Facts have proved that it is.

The film was shown in 115 countries and regions around the world. In North America alone, it broke all kinds of box office records without any suspense. At the same time, it also set off a "Star Wars" storm on a global scale, constantly hitting new highs.

On the day of the premiere, it won 16.5 million, breaking the midnight show record (the original record holder was the $8 million of "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King", more than twice as much); on the day of the premiere, it won 50.01 million, breaking the public release The box office record on the first day (the original record holder was "Spider-Man 2"\'s 40.4 million ~ www.novelhall.com ~ increased by nearly 10 million US dollars), and also broke the daily box office record ("Shrek 2" once $44.8 million in the opening weekend).

What other Thursday box office records ($37.5 million for "The Matrix: Reloaded"), opening weekend records...

In short, it was killing all the way.

While the box office is a big hit, the audience\'s reputation is also good, and the basic mainstream evaluations are positive. It is also said that it is different from the political preaching of "Attack of the Clones". This film obviously has a space opera-like charm and is highly praised.

The production cost of this movie is only about 115 million. Even if the big announcement is aside, according to the analysis of this box office trend, people in the industry agree that Lucas will earn more than 100 million US dollars - this is just the box office. As we all know, the surrounding of "Star Wars" is very popular, and it is normal for it to be several times more profitable than the box office.

In fact, George Lucas can become one of the most successful capitalists in Hollywood by relying on this series. After all, it is really too profitable, and everyone is jealous.

As for the film\'s ability to win the annual box office championship in 2005, basically no one has questioned, because the box office trend is really stable, the next week\'s decline is less than 18%, and it has been shown in North America for less than a week. It has accumulated more than 130 million, which is really exaggerated...



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