Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 544: out of the group

The alarm clock on the bedside kept ringing, Lehmann rolled over and turned off the alarm, blinked his eyes, put on his clothes and went to wash.

The rented place is a few hotels. In fact, the conditions are not very good, and the decoration is not exquisite. Many employees don\'t even have a single room.

After all, I don’t have much choice when I go out. At least I live very close to the shooting location, so I don’t need to run around and waste time on the road.

After breakfast, go to the studio.

Matthew McConaughey, Michael Caine, Dakota Fanning and others have also arrived, applying makeup and changing clothes.

Then in the morning, the scene of the previous part was filmed again. That is, after the monster attack that day, the government prohibited the outflow of relevant news in order to prevent the people from panicking, and also quarantined and blocked all the survivors of that day...

But before that, the lawyer the protagonist was looking for felt something was wrong. Driven by curiosity, he took the initiative to visit the male protagonist, only to find that the family was gone.

While he was wondering, he encountered a group of soldiers again, and saw an old man who wanted to go wild fishing was stopped and was not allowed to go to Lake Michigan.

This old man is naturally the role of Morgan Freeman who came to make a cameo appearance, that is, he did not listen to the soldiers. In the evening, he sneaked his granddaughter to fish, and then was eaten by monsters, which led to the following plot, that is, let the The lawyer played by Mads-Mickelson finds out about all this and helps the protagonist escape from the quarantine.

"Hi, Mr. Freeman." Morgan Freeman didn\'t have much of a scene, and he came here from Los Angeles just as he was about to appear.

As soon as he appeared on the set, Lyman greeted him enthusiastically.

Compared with other actors, Lyman must be more familiar with this actor. After all, they have worked together several times. Perhaps, a Dakota Fanning should be added, but the question is, what can a little girl talk about.

I don\'t have any hobbies that I have developed, and I am willing to chat with a minor.

"Haha, Director Lyman, I shouldn\'t be late, right?" Morgan Freeman stepped forward and shook hands with Lyman, and asked with a smile.

"Of course not. This time I specifically asked you to take a trip, and there is only a short shot. In fact, it\'s just to trouble you."

"There is still this kind of trouble in the future, please keep looking for me." Morgan Freeman said a good word, which made Lyman very comfortable.

In other words, this guy\'s emotional intelligence is quite high, and it\'s sad that so many big directors like to ask him for cameo roles, even if there are not many scenes.

And the relationship between them is very appropriate. When people have a suitable role, they can think of him for the first time, which is not easy.

"Haha, there\'s about half an hour to set up the scene before shooting."

Morgan Freeman nodded and ran to greet Thomas and other crew members.

When the scene was arranged, Ryman ordered: "Morgan, when you appear on the scene, you can play it freely. You don\'t need any lines, you just need to highlight the aggressiveness of the monster."

Afterwards, a little girl aged 6 or 7 also stood in a good position under the supervision of a pair of parents.

Lyman has no impression of this little girl, and it is estimated that the future is blurred. However, these days, there is really no shortage of small actors in Hollywood, and few have come out.

After losing the advantage of age, many child stars are either permanently disabled or have no resources, and soon retired.

"The first shot of "The Monster in the Lake" scene 63, a."

Under the light orange light created by the lighting team, a pair of hooks hung on the fairly clear water. Morgan Freeman sat on a ponytail and focused on watching his granddaughter play.

Suddenly, there were some fluctuations in the water, but the magnitude was not large. It seemed that there were fish watching the bait, but they had not yet bit the hook.

"It\'s cunning." Morgan Freeman frowned secretly, but he raised his energy.

A group of dark shadows slowly approached Hu\'an from not far away, the little girl looked at it in surprise, and wanted to remind her grandfather, but she hadn\'t spoken yet.

I saw the current surging, and a very strange black creature with a length of about 2 meters and gills but hind feet washed ashore.


Morgan Freeman is already an old actor who has been filming for decades. He has run through many tricks, and he has extremely rich acting experience. Even if he plays casually, there is no chance that there will be any mistakes in this simple scene.

This kind of scene is very comfortable to shoot, and you don\'t have to worry about the actors\' problems. In the next few scenes, Michael Caine did the same. His personal scenes were basically smooth, and they were all over.

The shooting speed is very fast.

Even if you add the time spent setting up the scene and the transition, you can kill the shots that could be shot the previous day in one morning.

According to the normal progress, three scenes were originally scheduled for today, but they were almost completed in one morning.

Of course, it\'s also possible that this is a play that has been filmed for so long, and the crew has become more run-in, making it much easier to cooperate.

Lehman looked at the schedule and said, "There\'s still plenty of time, so I rushed over to shoot the scene of the protagonist escaping from the isolation room."

As soon as Thomas heard it, he hurriedly began to greet everyone to disassemble the equipment and transitioned again.

Then call again to notify a few groups to come over.

These scenes are all consecutive, and the scene layout is much simpler. When I first started leasing, I thought about how to arrange it.

Busy for most of the afternoon, the day\'s shooting wipes are coming to an end.

A group of people sealed the inventory, and when they went back to the hotel, they were exhausted.

But I still have to get up early the next day. In fact, when it comes to filming, I have a lot of free time. For some unsatisfactory things, it is common for the crew to stop work directly. There are still not enough people.

In this way, another week has passed, UU reading www. When the filming of uukanshu.com\'s film gradually decreases, every crew member becomes very motivated. After all, they can take a vacation and get the final salary after filming.

After the screening, the box office sells well and you can get a bonus.

But at this time, Lyman had to leave the crew and suspend filming.

As for why.

But it was Warner\'s masterpiece "Batman: Mystery of the Shadow" to hold a premiere, and Barry Mayer personally called to invite him, and he had to give face.

Of course, in fact, Lehman himself is also going to participate. Is he going to stand for Christopher Nolan?

After all, this movie is still the bulk of the funds from Firefly Pictures. Although it will definitely not get a lot of profits, not even the slightest copyright, but if you can make a good deal with Director Nolan, his several blockbuster works in the future will be quite Having a position to participate is not bad.

You know, Warner can agree to cooperate because Firefly\'s conditions are too excellent, otherwise they will definitely invite other investment institutions to pay, and they will not give up the copyright...
