Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 41: ask for

In the spacious living room, the TV was on, and local Indian programs were chattering and playing incomprehensible voices, but no one would pay attention here.

Lyman was lying on the sofa under a thick quilt. The air in the room was so cold that people didn\'t want to stretch out any part of their body except their head.

The window was open, and the sound of rain came to my ears, and from time to time, it was accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder.

In a quiet environment, a little sound is always good.

It was like a night when no one was there, and he always liked to fall asleep listening to the sound of TV.

It was 10:010 in the morning, and Lyman was woken up by the sound of rain hitting his window early in the morning. Looking at the torrential rain, the entire sky and earth were shrouded in solemnity.

So, of course, he informed the crew to take a day off. With such heavy rain, in any case, the work of filming will not be easy, so don\'t force it.

Today is December 16, 2001. The filming of "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood" went very smoothly. As early as three days ago, most of the indoor scenes were filmed, and the rest were exterior scenes.

The actors performed well, and they had a complete split-shot script. They basically didn\'t encounter the situation of "how to shoot". Moreover, they had the finished films in their minds for comparison, and many times they had experience in controlling the shooting.

Lehman rested his head on the arm of the sofa, looked out the window, and stared blankly at the rain.

The door squeaked and opened, and Ryan, who was carrying a few boxes, and Thomas, who was carrying a plastic bag, walked in.

There were still some traces of water on their bodies, and their hair was a little wet.

This rain is really heavy.

"Damn, what the **** is the weather? It rained heavily early in the morning, and my shoes got wet when I went out." Ryan said dissatisfiedly, and put the packaging box in his hand on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

He sat down on the other sofa, looked at Lyman lying dead, and suddenly laughed meaningfully.

But Lyman didn\'t see it, he was still in the heavy rain.

Thomas also noticed, he silently put the plastic bag in his hand and sat beside Ryan.

Suddenly, the quilt covering Lyman\'s body disappeared and was lifted by Ryan.

Nima, I\'m freezing to death.

He was only wearing pajamas, which were not too thick.

After India entered December, it was getting colder day by day, not to mention, it was raining outside, and he even opened the window. ventilation.

"Don\'t be arrogant, return the quilt." Laiman, who had recovered, said quickly.

Ryan didn\'t really want to freeze Lyman to death. Seeing that his attention was drawn back, he covered him with the quilt again.

"What are you looking at? So fascinated."

"Didn\'t see anything? By the way, what are you two doing here?" Lyman replied perfunctorily to Ryan, and asked rhetorically. He really didn\'t know what he was looking at, it was the rain scene, the building washed away by the rainstorm, or the street in front of the hotel. In short, his mind was very empty.

"Do you still want to eat? You\'re not hungry yet." Ryan said and opened the box, which contained all kinds of bread and desserts.

Speaking of which, he really hadn\'t eaten today. Early in the morning, seeing the situation outside, after informing George that he would cancel today\'s shooting plan, he didn\'t even think about going to the hotel for breakfast.

"What\'s the matter?" Lyman struggled to get up, surrounded himself with the quilt and sat on the sofa.

"Thomas and I bought a lot of food and went to a French restaurant to pack it, it\'s not gooey," Ryan said.

For more than a month, in order to save money and hurry up to shoot, the food is naturally full of local Indian specialties.

What\'s gooey, gooey, gooey...

He found out that here in India, everything can be mushy, and the frequency of onions is also unusually high.

Even the rice can be mushy.

In fact, although Indian food does not look very beautiful, the taste is not bad, but it is not a particularly beautiful experience to eat like this.

After hearing Ryan\'s words, Lyman became interested.

From the plastic bag, he took out a packaged steak, took the knife and fork handed by Thomas, and started to start.

Ryan and Thomas didn\'t eat either. They also went outside in the rain to get some hometown flavor.

The three of them ate food, chatted from time to time, and enjoyed a rare rest.


The next morning, the sky cleared up.

Arrived at the studio on campus, where producer George had already directed everyone to prepare for the shooting.

"Hello Director."

"Good morning, Director."


Greeting all the way, Lyman approached and said, "George, how was it yesterday."

Temporarily canceled the shooting plan, so the previously built scene would naturally have to be dismantled, otherwise, what should I do if a heavy rain falls and it breaks.

He wanted to go to the scene to see it, but he didn\'t.

"It\'s okay, the equipment on the set is well kept."

"Thanks to you." Lyman said sincerely.

Immediately, he called the coordinator again, brought over today\'s shooting table and looked at the script of the split shot, and also made preparations before shooting.

This crew is like a high-speed machine. The more you want to ensure smoothness, the more prepared you are.

After they were confident, everyone cheered up for the official camera shoot.

The radio engineer held a radio microphone with a noise-proof cover at a reasonable position between half a meter and one meter above the actor\'s head. Not only can not enter the mirror, but also accurate radio.

The lighting assistant used a shading cloth and a concentrator to create a more gloomy light and shadow effect.

If you don\'t, the scene goes wrong.

The bright light and shadow tone of the whole film is not suitable here.

In order to highlight the atmosphere, a blue cold light was also used as a fill light.


The No. 2 camera is standing on the windowsill of a room, with the lens facing the center of the room, and can clearly capture the hanging figure of the actor.

In the shot, a remote-controlled plane is first seen rising. This is a graduation work that a senior threw in the trash can.

It happened that after being seen by Lanche, he picked it up and wanted to make it a surprise for the senior.

It slowly rises and flies smoothly.

Seat No. 1 is always locked to the flying posture of the remote control aircraft.

When I came to the senior\'s window, the second seat came into play.

A person was half-hanging in the air, the camera was pulled up, and the senior\'s suicide was discovered.

Lanche was silent, and the smile on the original plane\'s smooth flight turned gloomy.

At this time, the fourth camera began to capture the panorama of this group of happy students. It was fixed to a large tree overlooking it all.

The remote control in Lanche\'s hand fell to the ground, and he rushed to the senior\'s dormitory in a frenzy, but was powerless.

A student died at school, under pressure.

Because he could not graduate and was not recognized by the dean, he went to a dead end.

"Good news, Dean, everyone thinks that Joey died by suicide, what do you think?" Lancher said to the Dean at the senior\'s funeral.

"What?" The dean was puzzled.

"But I think it was you who killed him, it was you." It was raining lightly in the sky, Lanche said sadly.

But the dean was still so righteous, "If a student can\'t bear the pressure, could it be our fault."

Rancher said that when he blamed the education system, he had checked the data, and the suicide ranking of Indian students ranks first in the world.

Facing such a conversation, the dean was silent.

"As for the others, I dare not say, but this is the best engineering university in the country, where I have managed for 32 years, rising from 28th to now number one, can these be wrong? What qualifications do you have to say? Competition has always been cruel. Think about it, if you can get into this university, it means that another student who should have come in has been squeezed out by you, will you be innocent?"

After the funeral, Lancher was still so persistent, he always felt that the dean killed the senior Joey.

In the office, the dean couldn\'t bear it and asked.

"But what\'s the point of that? Dean. Everyone here is under ubiquitous pressure, their minds are not valued at all, no one cares about anything other than their studies, only grades, you teach It taught us how to get good grades, but it didn\'t teach us anything else."

"This is the school, Lancher, this is the school. As teachers, we don\'t care about grades, what are we concerned about, and what are we talking about? Have fun? Their parents should worry about things other than study."

"But you told Joey\'s father everything~www.novelhall.com~ that caused him to commit suicide? Don\'t you think you did something wrong?"

"After all, you still think I am the cause of his death. But do you know? He is so obsessed with flying machines. I have persuaded him many times, but he doesn\'t pay any attention to it. The grades are down, and the graduation credits are not enough. Come and beg me to graduate him. Why is he so righteous, am I the one who rejected him? It\'s him."

The more the dean said, the more annoyed he became. He grabbed Lancher\'s leader and his eyes were cold, "There is a cause and a result. It is he who practices himself."

"His works are excellent, but is engineering only about achievement? Isn\'t it sad?"

"You are teaching me now, how should I teach, right?" The dean was furious. He pulled Lancher and brought him to the class, asking him to give a lecture and embarrassing him.

The shooting of this scene coincided with the shooting progress of the previous month.

Disrupting differentiation, yet unifying.

When everyone was caught in a fierce competition of rummaging for vocabulary, they also happened to fall into the trap of Lancher.

"...this is a university, not a pressure cooker, and even a lion in a circus learns to sit in a chair to be amused for fear of being whipped, but people just say it\'s good training , rather than being well educated."

"...I\'m not teaching a class, I\'m teaching you, teaching you how to teach, and I hope one day you\'ll learn, because I\'m different from you, I never give up those \'poor students\' you call them "Goodbye, Dean."

Rancher\'s powerful counterattack also represents the struggle between two class concepts.

Achievement-only theory and the phrase that Lancher agrees with, "As long as you pursue excellence, success will come naturally." That is to do your own business with great interest and enthusiasm.