Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 40: for competition

"What the **** is going on here? Who\'s in charge?"

The leader of the props team returned to his own domain and suddenly became an authority again.

A slightly younger man stood up, "Team leader, I am in charge."

"Did you put it in before you figured it out? What do I usually say, be careful and check, so you do it for me?"

He couldn\'t help but get angry. The first time the crew made a mistake, it was because of the props. It was a shame for him, the team leader, and he was reprimanded in front of so many people.

The young man was extremely aggrieved. He bought three cuckoos and fed them every day. Before that, all three were alive and kicking. He also specially selected the most active birds for this shoot. The one that happened to fall off the chain just happened to be filming, which made it hard to explain what he could say.

"It\'s my fault, I\'ll replace it right away." Things have already happened, and timely remedy is the best thing to do.

"Go quickly."


Sitting in his seat, Lyman rubbed his forehead. If the shooting didn\'t go well, he would feel very bad.

"Need something to drink?"

George suddenly came over and motioned to him, "Coffee or milk tea." As he said that, he put two hands in front of him with two bottles of canned drinks on them.

"Coffee." Lyman took the coffee from George, twisted the pull ring, took a sip, and said somewhat casually, "Do you think we can finish this movie smoothly?"

"This is something you should consider, Mr. Director." George pulled over a bench and sat down and urged.

"That\'s right." Lyman took another sip of coffee, the rich taste slid down his throat, making him temporarily forget the troubles in his heart.

The filming resumed soon, and the props team immediately exchanged for a cuckoo bird with spirit.

The actors and ensemble actors took their places again, and everyone in the crew was in control of their work. As the slate struck the slate again, Lyman shouted: "—"

Thomas\'s camera focuses on the dean. Under his gray hair, he has a solemn expression. He quickly lifts the bird cage. The camera freezes on the cuckoo bird, with bright feathers, lively spirit and agile figure.

"...you\'re like this cuckoo, and these are the eggs you\'ve broken to get into this college, remember, you competed for those 200 out of 400,000 applications-- It\'s you."

When a freshman entered the school, the dean routinely stated the "competition theory" in life that he most agreed with. Starting from the embryo, standing out in the battle of hundreds of millions of sperm, and then when it comes to reading, it constantly squeezes into every threshold and leaves others behind. He also used the cuckoo, a bird that never raises its own children, would always break the eggs of other birds and let other birds raise its eggs, further emphasizing the cruelty of competition—one step back is elimination.

The most ironic thing about this scene, the dean said earlier, the salesman hid behind the colonnade and repeated his words.

Obviously, after such an association, you can know that every year when a freshman enters the school, he will say these things, and he will memorize the "centimeter".

This sentence also set the tone of the whole film, and the pressure began to hang in my heart.

Thomas\'s hands are very steady, and he looks like he can be a cameraman. Lyman stood behind him, watching his every switch.

Always that kind of rules, smooth and not in a hurry.

"Okay, it\'s over."

Lehmann ran to the monitor again and watched the footage shot, and shouted happily.

A morning of filming work finally has some effect. If all the scenes that happened in the school can be filmed, don\'t wait until tomorrow morning to continue filming this scene. The crew members were also very happy. They laughed and started to organize the shooting equipment.

"You did a great job just now." When "Centimeter" passed by, Lyman patted him on the shoulder and praised. The young actor was only 17 years old, and he was really pleasantly surprised by being able to imitate the dean\'s demeanor and actions, and to speak such a large line of lines smoothly.

"Centimeter" scratched his head and was praised by the director, which undoubtedly made him very happy.

After packing up the shooting expenses, it was time for the crew to have lunch.

They have reached a cooperation with the school canteen, and the school will provide the daily meals for the crew, including lunch and evening meals. Everyone in the crew can choose a set meal of about 80 rupees, including those temporarily hired extras. Of course, you can also choose to eat elsewhere by yourself, or pay for the cafeteria to order good food. Anyway, if the cost of food exceeds the price set by the crew, you must pay extra yourself.

Sitting on the bench of the campus cafeteria with Thomas and Ryan, Lehmann looked at the students who came to eat after class, the real future Indian elites, feeling the vitality emanating from them, and said with a smile: "It\'s still true. The scene of the college campus is good, so I feel like I\'m back in college life."

Ryan shrugged and said noncommittally, "please, you\'ve been out of college for more than two years. Is there anything to miss? I don\'t think school life is so beautiful."

Thomas nodded in agreement, "The school I went to had a very strict tutor, which made me suffer a lot."

Because the dining window was set aside for the crew members, there was little contact between the two parties.

However, from the eyes of those students, or the voices of conversation, it can be understood that they are still curious about the filming work of the crew.

In the afternoon, the crew continued to work.

Perhaps the good state of the morning was maintained well, and the shooting of the shots was still smooth. From the venue set to the camera position, many times there was no need for Lehmann to elaborate.

This is how experienced crews are. They can perfect their work without causing any trouble for filming.

"The 16th scene, the first shot, the first time."


This scene is an indoor scene. It is about a few small scenes of freshmen taking professional classes. When editing in the future, these scenes will flash through quickly to show their learning pressure. From morning to night, it is almost full of courses.

A classroom arranged as a classroom, with neatly arranged desks and some machines.

The external incandescent headlights emit ambient light, and then under the adjustment of the reflector, the entire light becomes softer and less intense.

The teacher walked in from the door with a steady gait, stood on the podium, opened the textbook, and started to lecture.

A series of formulas appeared on the blackboard, making people not aware of it.

Before the surveillance, Lehmann nodded. The teacher was a non-professional actor who had communicated with the principal, but a professional teaching professor came to play in his true colors.

But his performance in this series has no problems at all, let alone his image. He doesn\'t need to spend time on makeup, so he can be very photogenic.

It is mainly the temperament displayed from the inside out, which is very in line with the aura of teaching.

"Okay, let\'s go."

After a short filming, everyone was busy again.

He was busy removing the machines on the desks, moving the desks and chairs, adjusting the seats of the students, and rearranging the scenes needed for the next class.

Naturally, the classroom doesn\'t need to be changed. The props inside are readjusted, and it\'s good to pretend that there is another class.

If you really want to go back and forth between classrooms and classes like a university, that would really be a job for the crew.

Anyway, it\'s just a few small shots, but you don\'t need to be so particular about it.

After 20 minutes, the classroom was rearranged.

The scene was marked, and the shooting began.

The main actors and the group performers once again found positions to do well. Another invited teacher entered the venue, gave lectures, and focused on knowledge...

A few scenes ended before three o\'clock in the afternoon. Seeing that there was still a little time, Lehman thought of shooting another scene.

It\'s still the same classroom, but the lecturer has become Rancher, played by Aamir Khan.

Because he repeatedly questioned the teaching philosophy of various professors, he was rushed to ask him to take a class to see what qualifications he has to teach teachers.

"The 23rd scene, the first shot, the first time."


In the camera, Aamir Khan stood calmly on the podium, looking at the familiar classmates and dean Mr. Virus below.

Opened the textbook calmly, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then wrote two words on the blackboard, "Does any of you know the meaning of these two words? Give you three minutes to search." Aamir Khan questioned.

Chatu, who had always agreed with the Dean\'s "competition theory" concept, couldn\'t sit still. He really wanted to express himself in front of the Dean, but he really didn\'t know these two words. In a hurry, he even ran to the podium to get the opened textbook and started looking for information.

Seeing that the students around were rummaging through their textbooks to find out the answer, the dean, who was sitting steadily at first, was also anxious. ......

"No one knows the answer, right?" Aamir Khan said with a smile: "Because these two words were made up by me, they don\'t actually have any meaning."

"Knowledge should be used by people, not just a definition." He continued to express his views on educational philosophy on stage, but the students and the dean in the audience had completely different expressions.

Here, Lyman employs a multi-camera freeze-focus approach, with the camera swiping over each actor\'s face.

Chatto\'s anger turned into anger; the students\' indifference; the worries of the two roommates Raja and Farhan; ​​and the dean\'s expressionless, mocking eyes.

The portrayal of all beings is the essence of this scene.

Under the high pressure of learning, some people are numb, some people agree, some people don\'t care, and some people just want to erase the garbage...

Sure enough, the dean who was teased roared and kicked Lancher out of the classroom, grabbing his arm outside the corridor, "You don\'t understand anything, so you just say we did something wrong?"

You take yourself too seriously, Lancher. The dean left without looking back.