Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 244: Blacksmith need its own hardware

Hollywood, Paramount Pictures headquarters.

Shirley Lansing looked at the project planning document sent by Firefly Films on the table and thought a little.

And the confidant sitting opposite her, Andrew David in charge of the marketing department, looked at the documents with interest.

"This project is very feasible, and the story is also very good to undertake the part that the audience is more interested in. Now some people have called Jigsaw the second Hannibal, two sociopathic perverts, which is really interesting." Just after reading the accompanying script summary, Andrew-David introduced it very easily.

"It\'s still an exquisite killing mechanism, which has almost become some kind of sign of a jigsaw. President, this Wen Ziren is really good, such an excellent idea is really suitable for a sequel adaptation. If you follow this template, you should not be able to make several films. problem."

Shirley Lansing replied: "Well, I heard Lyman mention it, he said that if the effect is good and the audience can accept it, you can keep filming, and the investment will not be like "Harry Potter", "007" is the same as the high water, after all, the jigsaw is just a symbol, and the big deal can be replaced by others, which is not a problem."

"Then what about the distribution mentioned above?"

"Of course I would, but..." Shirley Lansing said calmly: "Forget about the rest, it will cost at least ten million to invest in this project, but this does not allow us to Do you know what it means to participate in investment?"

"I know." Andrew-David said of a seemingly unrelated matter, "I heard that the film company set up by Lyman will fully contract the production of this film, and caa, they are also very willing support."

"Hmph, then let them support it. They don\'t have the ability to distribute in theaters, and even if they shoot it, they will be rotten in their hands."

"It\'s not that simple, you know that Warner Bros. has been very close to Lehmann recently, and Europa Pictures has agreed to be in charge of the film\'s overseas distribution, and Kevin Howian even took Lehman to meet Barry Mayer in person. "

Shirley Lansing\'s face changed slightly, and she looked at Andrew David, "What is caa doing?"

"What else can they think about? Don\'t they all know their purpose? Over the years, they have launched package services and frequently attracted directors, aren\'t they all expanding their influence in the circle? , if they need funds and funds, if they are not forced by the law (anti-monopoly law), they have long been dissatisfied with the service commission and have turned to the film and television production business. But even so, overtly and secretly, they have participated in very few film productions. ?? Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and even the American dramas in the past few years...Lyman, it\'s just the next point of strength."

caa\'s wolf ambition, who doesn\'t know?

Would a company with so many artist resources be satisfied with the role of an intermediary service?

Of course, as long as they don\'t actually take that step, it doesn\'t matter.

Without the ability to issue, everything is in vain.

There is not a fool in the six big Hollywood, the cake has already been divided up, who will allow someone to come in.

It\'s just a little struggle.

Saying that, Shirley Lansing sighed.

"I really want to let them hang out. Look at the conditions he offered. 25% of the distribution fee, including the distribution fee, is simply harsh. Such an attitude shows that there is no fear."

Of course there is no fear, as David mentioned, if Paramount does not agree, he turns around and throws himself into the arms of Warner. If it weren\'t for the pleasant cooperation in the past, he would like to directly ask the major film companies for the price in order to maximize profits.

Besides, 25% of the revenue is directly sold out, in exchange for the distribution channels and media resources that Paramount has already managed for a long time, it is already very cost-effective, right? It is not too much to say that you can make money while lying down.

"Even if we stuck with him, it wouldn\'t help. Spielberg and Universal had a falling out because of the divergence of interests in "Jaws", and then they defected to us and cooperated with the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series. Later, Universal did not also Did you take the initiative to lower your posture?" Andrew David was very open to this matter.

He persuaded: "Anyway, he relies on caa, and he must have the capital to make movies. Is this meat delivered to the door still pushed out? If you don\'t accept it, it will only chill his heart, so why bother?"

Shirley Lansing was silent.

Of course she knew this, but she didn\'t want to think about it.

You know, in order to push him to the top, he also took the initiative to cooperate with caa to publicize Oscar and let him show off the limelight.

But now, if you say turn your face, turn your face.

How could such a fact make her happy?

However, if Andrew-David knew what she was thinking at this time, she would definitely think Shirley-Lansing was hypocritical.

I don\'t even think about how much Paramount has earned from Lehman in the two years of cooperation.

Also, they don\'t owe anything at all.

This is a normal business cooperation, and I have to think about it, and my heart is unbalanced. Just like Universal in those days, it always felt that it was a favor to Steven Spielberg and wanted to let people continue to work at low wages.

But obviously, like Spielberg, Lyman is not a fool and wants to get what he deserves.

Blame the starting point is too low, the gap is too large.

"The Chainsaw has been shown for 23 days, with a total box office of 140 million in North America. I believe that after 150 million, it is almost the end. For overseas markets, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com According to Europa Films The announced news has already collected 70 million at the box office, which adds up to over 200 million. With an investment of 10 million, more than 200 million at the box office, the audience base it has built is certainly not bad. If the quality of this project is not good If it is too bad, the possibility that we are responsible for publishing is very profitable." Andrew-David said again.

"Okay, I see. You go out first, and I will let the marketing department set up the project as soon as possible."

Shirley Lansing probably figured it out too.

She\'s not a fool, "The Saw" is the best, and making a sequel is almost a sure-fire business.

Moreover, looking at the attitude of others, it is estimated that this sequel, Lehman must be planning to produce it independently, and Paramount is willing to cooperate. After some changes, Lehman ate the big head. If not, then another company will take over.

Anyway, he doesn\'t plan to be small.

Thinking of this, Shirley Lansing even thought to herself: It seems that she still needs to cultivate her own team and increase the production level of the company. .