Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 39: scene 1

"Go back, go back a little further." Ryan instructed the crew to drive a generator car to the main entrance of the campus.

After connecting the line, the lighting team began to repeatedly adjust the brightness, chromatic aberration and the position of the reflector and concentrator.

In this scene, the dean, known as the "virus", rides a bicycle into the campus.

Because of the poor reception of natural light, they adopted side lighting for supplementary recording, which required the help of a generator car.

After all, to illuminate such a high-wattage headlight, the power is not low.

Ambient light, lighting, catch light, etc. add up to a total of about 12 kilowatts.

In addition to the lighting problem, the camera team also checked the cameras and film.

The set crew was busy spreading some fallen leaves on the surrounding clean road.

The monitor was also moved to a suitable location, put in the battery, powered on, and debugged.

This is a qualified crew. As a director, Lehmann doesn\'t have to work as hard as he did in the first film, as long as he focuses on completing his own ideas.

He was busy until 9:30 in the morning, and when he got the signal, George raised a big horn and started shouting: "Clear the field and clear the field, all the irrelevant people will retreat to the side, hurry up."

There is no reason why George is not in a hurry. This time the filming has been agreed with the principal. The work must be finished before 12 o\'clock, and the normal travel of the teachers and students of the school cannot be disturbed.

At this time, there were still some students who didn\'t go to class standing around. They were watching with the intention of watching the excitement, but their quality was not bad, and they were all very compatible. When they heard the shouting, they also followed the staff present and stepped aside.

Soon, the venue will be processed.

George continued to shout: "The scene is quiet, all units pay attention now, the actors are ready to enter. Make-up and props are on standby at any time."

Then there is the re-confirmation work of various departments, and the whole process is cumbersome and organized.

"Seat 1 is OK."

"Seat 2 is fine."

"The lighting is ok."

"The radio is OK."

"The actor is ready-"

As each person in charge made their voices heard, one of the crew members, holding a slate, stood in front of the main camera, which had turned on the red light and was in working state, waiting for director Lehmann\'s instructions.

Seeing him nodding affirmatively, the field recorder immediately hit the board.

"The first scene of the first scene of the 23rd scene of "Three Silly Troubles in Bollywood"—" With a click, the shooting officially started.

Lyman stood behind the monitor, carefully looking at the picture formed by the two cameras.

This time it was a panorama.

In the relaxed atmosphere, several staff members who had changed into student uniforms began to enter the arena to serve as the background of passers-by. They hurriedly walked towards the front.

The actor Boman Irani, who plays the dean, has deliberately white hair and old makeup on his face. With the ringing of the bicycle bell, he rode a bicycle and entered the picture with a leisurely expression. .

Holding the bird cage in one hand and manipulating the direction of travel in the other, he seems to be very at ease.

With his appearance, the No. 2 camera quickly locked onto the Dean, clearly capturing the micro-expressions on the actor\'s face, while the No. 1 camera remained stationary, overlooking the overall scene.

From time to time, his brows slightly wrinkle, and his eyes are always staring at the front. Concerned, but not important.

People and bikes blending in with the surrounding student body, heading towards the school gates, is exactly the feeling Lehmann wanted.

When the figure of the bicycle completely surpassed the camera\'s view point, Lehmann immediately shouted "Crack!".

Leaning in front of the monitor and watching the footage again, he made sure there was nothing wrong, and then said to Dijang Kumar, who was beside him, "Tell the actor that this scene is over."

The first scene that the crew started filming, the scene he chose was also the simplest one, and the shooting was completed very smoothly.

The team this time is really much better than the grass-stage team he found last time.

Everyone knows what they want to do and can be responsible for their own work, which makes Lehman not too easy.

In this battle-like filming process, early review and planning is really important.

Lehmann prepared the script and composition of the shot, and distributed it to the camera and lighting teams, and they would understand what visual effects you want to present.

The equipment and props were also watched by someone from George. Even Ryan, who was on the side, carefully handled various shooting affairs. The operation of the crew was really good.

After the staff present heard it, although they were in a good mood, they immediately took action.

Carrying the machine, preparing for the next scene.

The next scene is naturally the part of the dean\'s speech. He talks about the eternal competition theory, and wants to make these students who have just joined the university realize the cruelty of society, so as to encourage them to study more attentively instead of. After entering the university, I thought that I could sit back and relax and fall down.

This shot is naturally a medium and close-up shot. The shooting position of the camera is placed on the side of the shooting venue, and the other camera is placed on the side of the student group.

This requires driving all the camera equipment, recording equipment and the generator car used just now into the academy, as well as re-adjusting the lighting and thinking about the actors\' positions, which will take a while.

Actually, Lyman planned to shoot that scene this morning, but the shooting went smoothly. Before 11 o\'clock, the scene was finished, and while the state was good, he hurried to get the next one.

"Come on, Ryan, let me help." Seeing that Ryan was struggling to carry a large cardboard box, which was full of student clothes that would be used for the filming, Lehman walked over quickly and supported the other side. .

This time, the choice of the background board for passers-by can\'t be replaced by the crew. Because of the frontal photos, the dozen or so in front of the student group can\'t let a group of middle-aged people in their 30s and 40s play.

Even if you can put on makeup, it is a very troublesome thing.

Not the main actor, who is willing to spend so much time.

So after solving the problem of the camera seats, Lehman directly found Dijang Kumar and told him whether he could invite some school students to stand in the front three columns for filming. He thought about it, and it was not difficult. When it happened, I temporarily went to communicate with the group of students who were on the sidelines.

Maybe it\'s the reason why you can get 1000 rupees for this little time, or maybe those students are willing to participate in the shooting of a movie, in short, the communication went very smoothly, and even the selection of the number of people was very positive .

Seeing this, Laiman simply selected all the people he wanted to participate in. There were a total of 80 people, lined up in 5 rows, standing in the center of the field surrounded by a semicircle. The protagonists also stand in a distributed manner.

On the other side, Boman Irani, who finished his makeup, also quickly came on stage and began to adjust his stance and position to ensure that he could frame the image of the lens in a position that was 30 degrees away from the close-up camera.

Lehman called the actor who played the salesman again, and asked him to stand behind the pillars in the corridor, only half of his body was exposed, and he happened to be swept by the second camera.

After directing the actors, Lyman called George again and asked, "Is the props, lighting, etc. all ok?"

"no problem."

Hearing the accurate answer, Lehmann stopped looking at the monitor. He walked over to Thomas. Next, he was in charge of the No. 2 camera. He needed to switch characters back and forth, which was a test of skill. He hoped Can\'t go wrong here.

"Thomas, I\'ll leave it to you."

Thomas smiled, carried the camera and said, "Don\'t worry."

Hand-held shooting is indeed a test of a photographer\'s shooting skills.

Different from the fixed camera position, this kind of back and forth switching, if the hand is not stable enough, or the speed control is not coordinated enough, the camera picture will easily collapse.

Just like when Hollywood blockbusters are filmed, they like to use auxiliary devices such as slide rails to guide the camera to shoot, which is to highlight a smoothness.

But Lehmann didn\'t like that method. The shots that were shot like that lacked a sense of movement, were uneven, and were extremely rigid and lifeless.

George, who got the signal, made a gesture after seeing that everything was ready. The staff stepped forward, and after calling the sequence number of the shot, he tapped the board, "—" Lehman shouted.

With an order, everyone present entered the performance.

Naturally, those passers-by and students don\'t need to move on the background boards~www.novelhall.com~ As long as their eyes are focused on the dean, they can pretend to be listening carefully. And these are really true to the "real" group of students who have attended classes all the year round. They stood in unison, looking forward.

The dean, played by Boman Irani, carried the birdcage and pulled the cover open to reveal a cuckoo inside.

"This is?"

Ryman immediately frowned and shouted directly, "Stop!"

He strode to the center of the field and took the bird cage. The prepared cuckoo bird was lying in a sluggish corpse in it. It looked listless, with only weak breathing and closed eyes, and told Lyman, It\'s still alive.

"Props!" Lyman\'s voice was not loud, but it was unusually powerful. "What is this? What I want is a cuckoo that dances around, not this."

The person in charge of the props team who came to hear the news trotted over and looked at Laiman nervously.

He really didn\'t expect that the first accident in filming would be on the prop team, but not on Thomas, who was more worried about him, "Tell me, what\'s going on?"

He pointed to the dying cuckoo and asked.

"Director, I..."

Lehman didn\'t wait for him to explain, and interrupted directly: "Is there a problem with getting a lively cuckoo bird again?"

The person in charge of the props team is a French in his thirties, and he is also a frequent collaborator of Europa Films.

He understood that his team made a mistake, and quickly remedied: "Give me ten minutes, and I\'ll change one right away."

"Come on." The filming was suspended due to this little negligence. It was really unacceptable for Lehmann, and his tone of speech became cold.