Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 4: flick investment

Walking out of the office area of ​​the "The Pianist" crew, Lehmann looked up at the sunny sky in Cannes, but didn\'t know where he was going.

He really underestimated the many barriers to newbies in this industry. Even if he told those people that he had rich experience in the industry and had directed a feature film, he still couldn\'t get a decent salary. As an intern, he really has to sell cheap labor for a living. With just that little money, how can he continue to make bread and water? He has had enough of that kind of life, and he doesn\'t want to go down like that.

He went to look for opportunities from the newspaper recruitment information that he had copied down before, but what he could get was a job and salary with no guarantee and no future prospects, which made Lehmann extremely depressed.

He has a lot of ambitions, but he doesn\'t have the opportunity to display them. The real film industry kept him out.

This is a circle that pays attention to connections, qualifications and successful experience. Unfortunately, there is nothing left by his predecessor. This is the most pitiful.

Standing on the street of a small town where people come and go, an extremely crazy idea suddenly appeared in Laiman\'s mind.

He is going to defraud the investment, no matter who it is, or whether he can deceive it or not, in short, he is going to try.

It is better to take the risk to fool the fat sheep instead of waiting for the opportunity of others to give charity all the time.

Even if they were found out, they would be caught and put in jail, it would be better than being passive as they are now.

Opportunities are created and won by people\'s efforts. If you don\'t give it a try, you can\'t know whether you can succeed or not.

Layman, who had made up his mind, did not plan to move forward according to the previous plan. It was the world and God who forced him. His smooth sailing life was ruined, what burden would it be for him to be a liar?

Taxi back home, put on a suit that looks the most stable, and shave off the messy beard that has not been repaired in the past few days. Looking at the mature style shown in the mirror, Lehman took the preparation A good variety of information files are out.

Here is his college diploma, a script written by his predecessor, and the distribution contract for Miramax.

He has prepared everything that can be used, and it depends on whether there are fat sheep willing to help him.

As for looking for his father who has never met, or his friend Ryan, they are not in Leiman\'s consideration. To cheat people is to cheat strangers, acquaintances, etc. His face is not allowed. He starts.


In a well-known studio in Cannes, Lehmann managed to infiltrate a crew with his calm temperament, and then escaped the inspection of the security at the gate.

This place is used to shoot interior scenes, and a lot of post-production work is also carried out here, and there are all the crew members and investors who come and go.

Just like "The Pianist", which has attracted the attention of the whole French film industry, part of the filming work will also be carried out here.

When passing by the crew with the nameplate of "The Pianist", Lyman subconsciously stopped and watched for a while. The staff inside were communicating and coordinating something. He still had some thoughts on this matter, but he had already made another decision after all. An option isn\'t it?

It is good to be able to improve the qualifications of the industry smoothly, and it is good to obtain opportunities, but who is willing to take risks and defraud investment.

Continuing to walk, Lyman walked towards the parking lot.

Pulling investment also pays attention to a technical job, especially if the funds involve tens of thousands of yuan, it will test a person\'s persuasion ability. After all, people need to invest money in a project with illusory profit prospects. This bowl of rice.

There are many luxury cars in the parking lot.

Rolls Royce, Maybach, Porsche, Bentley...

Lehman\'s eyes kept searching for prey, and finally his eyes were placed on a silver-gray Cadillac.

The owner of the car was a man with glasses, about thirty-five years old.

This kind of person also means financial independence. Those who can drive Escalade automatic models must have a good net worth and have the concept of investing in income.

When he saw it, he acted. Lehmann tidied up his clothes and walked towards the target person without a word.

The weather in June is a bit hot and dry, which makes people feel bored unconsciously.

Anyway, Lehman felt this way at this moment, thinking that he had lived for 27 years in his previous life, and he had never done such a thing. He had only heard of it, and had seen others do it. It really made him feel a little nervous.

The palms of my hands began to sweat involuntarily, and the business document bag I was holding felt like it was about to loosen.

Finally, he came to the owner of the car.

Ryman adjusted his breath and said in a deep voice, "Hello, sir, can I take some time for you? There is a very promising movie project right in front of you, maybe you can listen to it."

Christopher Lambert looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him in amazement. What did he just say? I was thinking about something in the car and didn\'t pay attention.

"Excuse me, what\'s the matter with you?"

"I\'m a director, I\'ve directed a feature film, and I was picked up by Miramax Films and brought to Hollywood for distribution. Recently, I thought of a good story and wanted to shoot it, but due to financial constraints I\'m nervous, I need a little investment, sir, are you interested?" Lehmann quickly introduced his situation, and then said, "If you don\'t believe me, I also brought my university diploma and film distribution contract. , and the script for the new project, you can check it out."

Christopher Lambert subconsciously took over the various documents handed over by the man who claimed to be the director who appeared in front of him.

"Wait, you want me to invest in your new movie, right?"

"It can be said that this is a very profitable project, we..." Lyman was about to talk about Barabara again, Christopher Lambert interrupted him, "Get in the car first. Well, it\'s not appropriate to talk here, let\'s go to the coffee shop and talk."

When Lyman heard the opportunity, he immediately sat in the back seat of the Cadillac.

They drove smoothly all the way, and after a while, the two arrived at a cafe called "Leisure Time".

Christopher Lambert asked Lehmann for his opinion and ordered a blue mountain for him, and a katim for himself.

Taking advantage of the gap between the waiter\'s delivery, he quickly flipped through the movie script that Lyman handed him.

As a person who is interested in investing in the film industry, he went to the studio today for investment matters, so someone came over and told him that he wanted to investigate the project with profitable prospects. Moreover, the face of this person also changed. Make him feel familiar.

After getting a general idea of ​​what the script wanted to tell, Christopher Lambert looked at Lehmann and asked, "Perhaps, you can tell me what the profit prospects of this movie project are?"

"This is a movie about a woman\'s view of love. It uses the derailment of a married woman as a selling point. It must have great market potential. Many movies focusing on similar themes have achieved good results." Lehmann almost didn\'t explicitly say follow suit.

Fortunately, Christopher Lambert understood what Lehmann was trying to convey, and he went on to ask, "What about the investment? How much investment is there?"

"We have raised 200,000 euros, and we are still 300,000 euros short." When Lehmann lied, he didn\'t even blink an eye. It sounds like he wants to do that, but in fact he doesn\'t even have more than 2,000 euros of funds. Apart from the cost of these two days, he only has 1762 euros.

"What about the revenue share? After the film is released, how to make money?"

"Don\'t worry about this, my studio has a very close relationship with the Hollywood distributor Miramax Films, and they helped run my first work, and naturally I don\'t have to worry about entering the theater when the second film is shot. Problem, they will also represent again. I have a good relationship with them." Lehman once again emphasized the topic of good relationship, which has no factual basis at all.

Anyway, even if the film\'s funds have not been raised, Lehman is not worried about the follow-up operation. The film has not come out. What\'s the use of thinking too much. There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. This sentence of the ancestors has always been regarded as the truth by him.

After a while, the waiter brought up two cups of coffee.

While drinking coffee, the two chatted about movie projects. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Most of the time, Christopher Lambert asked, and Lyman answered his doubts.

For a potential gold-heavy sheep, Lehmann was full of energy and showed no sign of impatience.

In the process, Christopher Lambert became more and more optimistic about the prospects of the project. After all, Lehman\'s theory of "I have a good relationship with Miramax Films" is really tempting.

What was the film made for? Isn\'t it just for profit? Among them, how many finished movies are not even qualified to be released in theaters, and they have been pushed into the offline DVD and video tape market in a hurry. As for Lehmann, he has a good relationship with a Hollywood distributor. For Christopher Lambert, the operation of the film to North American release has undoubtedly given him full confidence in the prospects of the project.

The only thing that makes people uncertain is whether this issuance contract is true or not. If Lehmann didn\'t lie to him, then it is not impossible to invest 300,000 euros. Christopher Lambert thought of this and asked again: "After I put the remaining amount of funds into the project, how will I be divided?"

"Give you 40% of the producer\'s profit. Our team is responsible for filming and production, and we should also get a share of the profit."

This made him feel that the project was more credible. Although he spent a lot of money, he did not get the expected 60% return on investment. Instead, he needed to allocate a part of his profits to the production team. This is the division within the operating rules of the industry. As for the means, those who say that most of the profits belong to him are liars at first sight.

"Don\'t know what your name is?"

"Lyman Rattles."

"Lyman Rattles..." Christopher Lambert murmured, the man\'s name also gave him a sense of familiarity.