Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 5: support silently

"Uncle Del, I seem to have met your son yesterday, Lyman."

Christopher Lambert finally understood what the familiarity that young man gave him yesterday, and when he went home and looked through the photos, he realized that the man was Uncle Del Rust\'s son, Lyman Rust.

He himself also attended Lehman\'s adult banquet. He could not have imagined that 7 years later, they would still meet under such circumstances. This was something that Christopher Lambert had never thought of.

Time is such a thing, it really goes by so fast. You must know that they were neighbors before, but when they meet again, they don\'t recognize them anymore, and they have to use photos to confirm their identities. Also, since Uncle Del divorced Lyman\'s mother and remarried another, the connection between everyone was broken. Christopher Lambert didn\'t go to the funeral after hearing about Lyman\'s mother passing away a few years ago. Feelings are a thing, and there will be separation wherever you go. After such a long separation, you are already strangers.



"That\'s right, he lives there. So how did you meet him?"

"He wants me to invest in one of his films."

There was suddenly no sound on the phone, and after a while, Uncle Del\'s voice came, "Is he serious?"

After meeting yesterday, Christopher Lambert has investigated the authenticity of the documents given by Lyman. He has a say in this regard. "It seems that he is serious, but he lied to me."

"A lie?" There was a hint of doubt in his voice.

"Yes, he said that he signed a distribution contract with Hollywood\'s Miramax Films for a movie. I asked my friends in the industry about that document. There is no problem with the authenticity of the contract, but the various terms in it are clearly stated. It\'s a pit. I think your son should have been deceived. Moreover, he probably found such a situation, but he still took out this contract to discuss investment, I think..."

There was no sound on the phone again. The meaning of Christopher Lambert\'s words couldn\'t be simpler. He wanted to say that Lyman wanted to use this contract to deceive him, but he didn\'t say the word deception after all. He didn\'t want to hurt Uncle Del too much, after all, they were neighbors once.

"How much does he want to make a movie?" Del Rust\'s voice sounded calm, as if he didn\'t take Lambert\'s words to heart.

"Do you want to help your son? Uncle Del, I don\'t think it\'s appropriate."

A film project that was tricked by a liar, and even invested money in it. Anyway, after Christopher Lambert had a deep understanding of it, he had no interest at all.

"I\'m Lyman\'s father." Del Rust\'s voice was still calm: "Even if his movie project is fake, he needs the money to be real, so how much money does he want?"

"300,000 euros, Uncle Del."

Christopher Lambert has persuaded him, but people still have their own ideas. As a neighbor, he has done his best.

"Does his film project only need so much money?"

Christopher Lambert can understand the doubts revealed in Del Rust\'s words. After all, Uncle Del has never learned about the production of a movie before.

But in the eyes of the general public, making movies is expensive.

"I have read the script, the storyline is not complicated, the characters are not too many, and there are very few scenes that need to be used. According to my prediction, of course, the premise is that if the movie project Lehman said is true, 500,000 The euro is about the same, and he himself said that he has raised 200,000 euros.”

There was another silent silence.

"Is it 500,000 euros? I have this money here, you can invest it in him for me."

"Uncle Del, don\'t you tell him personally?"

The calm voice came again, "If he still hates me, I won\'t go. Please help me hand it over to him."

After a busy tone, the phone hangs up over there.

Christopher Lambert put down the phone with a bit of emotion. This father and son are really strange.

A custody right hangs with his father, but he has never been to his father\'s new home, instead he stayed with his mother.

One has a son under his name, but he has never been the same for so many years. At a critical time, he still has to help.

In such a complex relationship situation, who can understand the feelings between them if they are not in the game. Anyway, Christopher Lambert doesn\'t understand. However, since he promised Uncle Del, he will do it too.

Family love is really the strongest bond in the world.

Lyman knew nothing about his father who had never met and wanted to help him after hearing about it. He was about to fool other fat sheep at this time.

It is obviously not safe to put treasure on a person.

Although the investor from yesterday seems very eager to invest, he cannot give up the opportunity to find other people for financing before the money is available.

He is serious about attracting investment.

"Excuse me, sir, I have a very promising film project here, are you interested in learning about it?"

"Not interested in."

"I\'m sorry to bother you."


"This beautiful lady, take your time, do you want to know about a very promising film project."

"I\'m interested, right? That\'s it. Here is the general script of the movie. You can read it first."

"What, are you not interested? I\'m sorry. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me."



After a busy morning, I didn\'t get any good answers. This time, Lehmann went to the studio where he invested in the last time, but he couldn\'t meet anyone who was so foolish.

Many people are interested in listening to him talk about the prospects of the film project, but in the end they always refuse due to various concerns.

One of them felt insecure about directing a movie at his age, and when it came to the end, it fell through;

Some of them had industry experience and directly asked him if he had found a publisher. After he mentioned Miramax and took out the distribution contract, he saw the loopholes and refused. Someone kindly reminded him that it was an irregular distribution contract, and asked him to go to Miramax to inquire about the situation. There is no such thing as paying licensing fees or buy-out fees for movie copyrights. Such unreasonable places cannot escape the eyes of people who have experience in the industry.

Of course, there are those who are polite and kind, and there are those who are not so good-natured. When they talk about issuing or taking out a contract, they bluntly say that he is a liar, let him go, and what\'s more, they want to beat him.

Fortunately, Lehmann was agile and did not let those rude people succeed.

After a morning of intensive sales, Lyman was also a little tired.

After he left the studio, he found a restaurant and decided to sit down and have a meal and rest.

"Boss, a large portion of macaroni."

After ordering, Lehman took off a suit he was wearing outside and hung it on a chair.

Today\'s action is undoubtedly not smooth, he also needs to think about it.

In this world, there are still many smart people, and there are too few rich people who can fool around.

The problem with the movie script is not big. Most of the people who were willing to listen to him did not say anything wrong with the plot design.

The doubts of those investors are nothing more than the issue of directors and distribution.

Lehmann\'s age is not convincing enough. Investors expressed deep doubts about his ability to control a production crew. As for filming, it is even less confident.

A good story is not important, the important thing is that the finished product can be photographed according to the meaning expressed in it.

As for distribution, Lyman has no good idea to replace the hypothetical giant Miramax.

The distribution contract he signed was the only thing he could use to deceive trust.

In this huge industry, the distribution company is always at the top of the food chain. Those investors will not be naive to think that as long as they can make a movie, they can find a suitable distributor for distribution. Causality doesn\'t work that way.

Most of the process of establishing a movie project is to find a distributor first, and then shoot the movie. Otherwise, the risk here is too great, and if there is no issuing company to take a step forward to get the bottom line~www.novelhall.com~ it is difficult for people to have the confidence to invest a huge amount of money into it.

Therefore, Lyman needs a tiger skin to serve as his facade, and Miramax is the most reliable of all the white-toothed fools.

Why do directors who have just debuted all follow the path of producers or film companies, because this is a no-brainer choice.

The movies you shoot must always be released, and the right to release is in the hands of senior film companies in the industry or producers who have dealt with theater chains. This is the reality of the film industry.

After the macaroni came, Laiman ate it in big gulps. Speaking of which, he hadn\'t eaten such delicious food for several days. He was driving him crazy by eating bread all the time.

After lunch, Laiman stopped going to huyou to invest. Yesterday\'s prospective investor made an appointment to meet at the coffee shop in the old place the next afternoon.

He has to rush ahead now. As for the outcome, the choice is in the hands of others, he can only accept the fact that everything happened.

After taking a taxi to the destination, he told the waiter to wait, and Laiman sat in the reserved seat quietly waiting for the person from yesterday.

At about 3:00 in the afternoon, the investors arrived.

"Hello, Mr. Lambert."

After a friendly handshake and greeting, the two took their seats.

"I have decided to invest in your project."

Christopher Lambert\'s first sentence made Lyman\'s heart elated.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded in cheating, and there are really stupid investors with a lot of money willing to fund it.

"Thank you, Mr. Lambert, for his trust in me. I will definitely make a good film."

"Well, I still have a few conditions, you can listen to..."