Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 3: Look for work

The French film and television production industry and distribution theater chain are fairly well established, occupying a certain position in the entire European cultural circle.

After Lehman had breakfast, he went out to look for opportunities to make money.

Going to a newsstand on a street corner and buying several newspapers, Lehman went to a secluded place again, and then carefully read the recruitment column on the newspaper, trying to find the type that suits him.

His requirements are not high, as long as it is a related type of work in the film industry, as for the remuneration, if it is enough to support himself, he chooses to accept it.

With his current conditions, getting to know more people in the film industry is the kingly way.

He thought about it, after he joined the crew and showed a certain ability, maybe someone would be willing to help him.

The road has already been chosen, it is up to you how to seize the opportunity.


After flipping through several newspapers, Lehman copied down several interesting information one by one, and made plans later. When I flipped through the last newspaper, a job advertisement that took up a lot of space appeared in In front of him, he was instantly moved.

A film that has just been approved began to prepare for crew members, and openly recruited many staff such as artists, costumes, and field assistants, and the name of this project is - "The Pianist"!

After reading the recruitment introduction in detail, Lehman was convinced that this was the classic anti-war movie. The Palme d\'Or, the highest prize at the next Cannes Film Festival, was won by this film, and it was nominated for the Oscar for best film that year.

If he can join this crew, it would be absolutely great for him to improve his qualifications in the circle.

Think about the audience\'s reputation and honor brought by the release of the film in the future. If you are an insider, how can you not follow along.

Lehman, who made up his mind, immediately took a taxi to the recruitment location mentioned in the newspaper.

When I got there, I found that there were quite a few people coming and going.

The competition is undoubtedly fierce.

After all, director Roman Polanski is a veteran filmmaker who has directed a series of excellent films such as "Water Knife", "Chinatown", "The Strange Tenant", etc. The establishment of his new film project has attracted attention. inevitable.

Moreover, the investment share of "The Pianist" with an open production cost of more than 35 million US dollars will inevitably convene a large-scale crew, and there will not be a small number of behind-the-scenes staff, which is also the reason for external recruitment. where. Brokerage companies don\'t have so many handymen.

"All line up, come one by one, fill in the information first, and then go to the corresponding position." A person maintaining order, holding a small horn, shouted there.

When Layman heard the call, he hurried to the back of the line.

He probably estimated that there were at least a few hundred people in front of him. Such a long line was really a thousand troops crossing the single-plank bridge.

A long time passed, and finally it was Lyman\'s turn.

After writing his basic information on the registration desk, he received a number, number 523. According to the person who received him, he was going to the No. 3 studio for trial employment.

Walking into the huge studio, Lehmann started to think about which position to apply for while heading towards the target point. Combining his own strengths and weaknesses, he finally decided to apply for the art of the crew.

Because he has seen the movie "The Pianist", the photography style in it is still familiar, which is also an advantage. Moreover, his composition ability benefits from the addition of the experience of the two worlds, and the effect is quite good. If he drew a drawing that matched the temperament of the film on the spot, it would definitely be a bonus, Lehmann thought to himself.

Maybe because there are relatively few people interviewing for this type of work. As soon as Lehman entered Studio No. 3, he was immediately told by the staff that he could go in for the interview. You must know that when he came in, there were many people waiting outside the hall. Woolen cloth.

Gently knocked on the door of an office, and after waiting for the sound of \'please come in\', Lyman pushed the door and walked in.

There are not many people inside, only three, one is a middle-aged woman with short chestnut hair, the other is a fat uncle with gray hair, and the other is a little younger than the previous two. According to Lehman, he is the one. The one who just said \'please come in\'.

"This way."

The slightly younger man pointed to the chair opposite him and motioned for Lyman to sit down.

"Thank you." Lyman responded politely.

It seems that this man\'s status is obviously lower than the first two.

"My name is Nonne Corritz, and the crew is in charge of the art and props business." As if it was a routine, he introduced the latter two again.

Sure enough, Lehman\'s conjecture was not wrong. The fat uncle with gray hair was a production manager, coordinating the logistics of the set, and the middle-aged woman was the specific person in the art department.

"Hello, Mr. Corritz. Hello, Ms. Damir. Hello, Mr. Bolton." Lyman greeted each of them politely.

The two of them just nodded, and None-Koriz added, "Then let\'s start now, and briefly introduce yourself."

"My name is Lehman Rattles, a native of Cannes, who directed a feature film..."

Lehmann quickly recounted his well-designed personal resume in concise sentences. His predecessor was considered to have a foundation in the film industry, and these experiences are also bonus points.

After saying that, Lehman sat quietly in the chair, waiting for the judgment of the three.

"Is he lying? A director who has directing experience will come to fight for a small position like an art assistant?" The middle-aged woman couldn\'t help but muttered to the fat uncle.

"Ask." The fat uncle didn\'t come to a conclusion easily. He asked Lehmann, "Can I know some information about your feature film?"


Then, Lehman told the basic information of the film work he had shot in his memory, and took out the film distribution contract signed with Miramax from his file bag to confirm what he said. .

Lehmann didn\'t expect these documents to be useful at this time. He was a little fortunate that he had foresight. After going out, he didn\'t forget to bring these seemingly useless things.

The three took the document and opened it to make sure that Lehmann wasn\'t lying.

"It\'s true." The fat uncle with a little white head said softly.

Putting the documents back, the middle-aged woman carefully looked at the candidate in front of her.

He is a young man with a tall and strong body. Even when he sits there, there is a pressure from his height conveyed. The slightly elongated face has an ordinary face and a slightly larger nose, which does not seem to have neat facial features. The chestnut-colored short hair completely exposed the forehead, and the hairstyle was also very bad.

As a woman, after looking at it for a while, she automatically picked out many flaws in her appearance.

"So, why do you want to join the crew of The Pianist as an art assistant? You have directed movies."

Lyman understood the meaning of the middle-aged woman\'s words, and he explained: "After the film was shot, it took a long time to collect the profits, and I was a little bit cash-strapped recently, and joining the "Pianist" crew allowed me to Learn more production experience. So, I hope I can participate in such a work."

He lied, the movie actually lost all of it, but the three people in front of him didn\'t know that it was right to gain a small advantage for himself. He continued to strive: "This is an opportunity that can benefit people a lot. I really want to join this crew and learn some experiences from successful people." The touted words popped out of Lehmann\'s mouth without any hesitation.

Nonne-Coriz nodded lightly. If the job selection was in his hands, the person in front of him could totally join the crew.

Polite, experienced and know how to speak, it is really not too much to give a chance.

Just when he was thinking about it, Madam Damir\'s voice sounded next to him, "Then are you willing to accept a low salary?"

Lehmann could see that the interviewer had a good impression of him. As long as he could accept the salary conditions, it is estimated that he could join the crew of "The Pianist".

Damir\'s words are still going on~www.novelhall.com~ The filming time is about 4 months. You are an art assistant. The first two weeks are an internship, and there is no salary to take. After that, the salary is calculated according to the weekly salary of 300 euros, and the crew is provided with meals. , local shooting does not provide accommodation, shooting in other places will provide. "

Lyman became anxious after hearing this. Is he exploiting labor like this? He opened his mouth and said, "Ms Damir, I have plenty of art experience, not a newcomer."

"I know, but the budget for the crew is tight. We only recruit art assistants." Ms. Damir said slowly: "Although the salary is low, the artists do not have much work to do, so you have free time to go. Walk around the set and learn more about the shooting of such a film.”

Ms. Damir\'s good look on his face made Lehmann a little funny. He has worked in a large production crew, and he is not unfamiliar with more people than this. He used to be a scene manager in a previous life, and he knew too much about the operation of the production crew during the production. . The words that were obviously only used to pull in the opportunity to enter the crew, but became his restraint.

This makes Lehman say that he is here to survive in the future, but how can this salary condition make people live, and also work for free for the first two weeks, no matter how you think about it, it feels like a pit. In case he was kicked out of the production after two weeks of work, this kind of method was not uncommon in Lehmann\'s previous life. If it was true, it would undoubtedly make him even more embarrassed.

"Ms. Damir, are there any other options?" The unwilling Lyman said again.

"No, the conditions in our art department are like this. Maybe there are better conditions for other positions."

Hearing this, Lyman regained a little confidence.

He quickly said goodbye to the three and left the office to inquire about other job opportunities.

The result that can be obtained is a unified reply \'No\', and the crew is full.