Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 38: 1 party confinement

By the beginning of November, it took 4 days to audition. Except for Aamir Khan, who played the leading role, Rancher, he still did not enter the crew in other places. The roles in the movie, big and small, were already in place. As for the background boards of passers-by who don\'t have lines, naturally there is no need to look for them additionally. With so many behind-the-scenes people in the crew, it is definitely more than enough to use them only for cameo appearances.

In the following week, in addition to letting the determined actors familiarize themselves with each other\'s scripts and practicing the opposite scenes, Lehmann went to find the location for the filming.

Eros International Pictures has found several suitable targets, and Lehmann needs to choose and confirm.

The first one to investigate is the poor and shabby family in Raja in the play.

After the group assembled, they began to survey the scene.

Only less than an hour\'s drive from Bollywood, the surrounding scene suddenly began to run down.

This made Leiman, who was looking out of the car window all the way, especially frightened. He seemed to be in a time-space shuttle and went directly from one world to another.

It’s hard to imagine that if you step back for a few minutes, you will still see the modern prosperity with high-rise buildings and crowds; but now, garbage can be seen everywhere, and the roads have turned into dirt roads, and the raised dust can cover people. sight.

The surrounding houses are all low and cluttered, looking like dilapidated houses that should be abandoned.

All kinds of things are piled up on the passages between the houses, making it difficult for pedestrians to get down.

"It\'s right here, isn\'t it?" After the group reached a slum in Mumbai, they abandoned their vehicles and started walking.

"Yes." Dijan Kumar had already covered his mouth and nose with a gauze, and answered vaguely. He originally suggested that Lehmann set the scene to shoot, but he refused and insisted on shooting on location. No way, he had to follow here.

Seeing a large number of flies flying here, and an indescribable odor mixed in the turbid air, he was about to collapse.

The group walked for about two minutes before arriving at the house that was negotiated with the owner in advance.

Lehman stood at the door and gestured, and Dijan Kumar went first to communicate.

After a while, everyone entered the room.

The wooden door creaked open, and Lehmann began to look carefully at the scene. The so-called four walls of the family are probably like this. The whole house is not small. Decorated, there is a stacked wooden bed in each room on both sides, and a thin layer of sheets is piled up in disorder on the bed, revealing the mat below; and in the hall where they are located, there is only a very short wooden table, a There are no stool-style seats, and they are placed alone along the direction of the kitchen.

Lehmann, Thomas, Dijan Kumar, and two staff of Eros International, one serving as a driver and one doing errands, stood in the room like this.

Due to the poor geographical location of the house, the sunlight from the outside is basically unable to penetrate. Therefore, even if it is still broad day, the interior of the house is not bright and gray.

And because the kitchen stove was going to burn, the surrounding walls were also blackened.

The owner of the house is a thin middle-aged man, and he has an equally thin wife. Since they came in, the two have been busy at a well at the back of the aisle, brewing tea for them, and they are very enthusiastic.

"Thank you." The middle-aged man carefully served the carefully brewed milk tea, and Laiman took it and thanked him politely.

For the owner of the house, he could not understand what Lehman and others said, but he could feel the kindness, so his face was also full of smiles.

"Do you want to see the next house?" Dijon Kurma didn\'t drink milk tea, but just watched from the side. At this time, seeing Leiman and others finished visiting the house, he asked.

"Just this one, tell them if you want to act or not. It just so happens that Laga\'s family also needs actors to play the role." Laiman put down the milk tea he drank, handed the cup back to the owner of the house, and responded.

Dijon Kumar went to communicate, but Lyman took Thomas to the outside along the way he came.

He hadn\'t been in contact with this kind of place before, and neither did Thomas. They need to see more.

Unconsciously, after exiting the alley, he came to a river.

The river has been covered with a large amount of garbage, and the drainage holes are still pouring sewage into it, and occasionally pedestrians pour the garbage in the garbage cans.

There was a stench in the air, a smell similar to rotting fermentation.

This smell made Thomas cover his mouth and nose subconsciously, but Lyman, who was silent on the side, said, "Thomas, did you see it?" His voice was low, "I want to use a documentary quality to tell the story. Raja\'s story, his family, his misfortune, and every detail is presented realistically. So I hope that the lens can show the graininess of life, and the color is preferably black and white, just like the silent films in the past, there is a deductive style theatrical quality.”

Someone once said that a movie is like a person, the director is the brain, the screenwriter is the spine, the actors are flesh and blood, the visual effects are the body, and the cameraman is the eyes. Perhaps this description is not completely accurate, but it can also be seen that teamwork during film production is very important. The importance of the cameraman to the director is really like the eye can clearly deconstruct the image in the director\'s mind, and even complete the director\'s intention according to his own understanding to achieve better results.

Therefore, during the filming of this film, it was good for him to communicate with Thomas a lot.

Speaking of his professionalism in photography, Thomas quickly focused his attention and even forgot that he was beside a river of garbage, "You mean to give up color completely and increase the black-and-white texture like a silent film to show the conflicting meaning of the plot. ."

Lehman nodded and agreed with Thomas\' idea, "Yes, this kind of dramatic conflict, artificially created, will also be a wonderful turning point." effect achieved.

"Think about it yourself. You can even watch some old movies from the past to capture the feeling of shooting."

Thomas smirked, and he could see that Lyman\'s words were for his own good, "I will."

No more words, Laiman silently looked at everything around him, some ragged children began to approach the two of them curiously, because their temperament was completely unacceptable here.

Lyman found this too.

Looking at them eagerly and eagerly by those black and white eyes, the envy in his eyes revealed little by little; he was thin and dark-skinned, raised his head and looked at them...

He suddenly felt that this land was like a shackle, which bound the people here deeply. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn\'t get rid of it. It\'s like an independent world, cursed.

Seeing this scene, Lyman sighed. He took out a large amount of change from his pocket and distributed it to the children who were approaching. Another group of children in the distance who didn\'t follow saw it, and they rushed up in an instant, and soon surrounded the two of them.

A dense array of arms stretched out towards the two of them. When Thomas saw this scene, he was as stunned as Lyman, and didn\'t even think about running.

The children who got the money in front of them saw this scene and wanted to leave first. They ran, and a group of them quickly chased after them, while the rest still stretched out their hands anxiously and refused to leave.

When Dejan Kumar came out of the alley, what he saw was such a scene.

He didn\'t hesitate, walked over quickly, took out a few banknotes, and said something loudly in Hindi.

Then, he gave the money to a few children at random, but after a while, the dense crowd dispersed.

"Mr. Lehman, what\'s the matter with you?" Dijan Kumar asked suspiciously, "You show kindness here? They don\'t appreciate it, and they will only make things worse."

After going through what just happened, Lehmann also had some heart palpitations~www.novelhall.com~ I see. "

The group then went to a university for inspection, which was much better, making people feel like they were back in modern society.

The principal is a reasonable person. He knew the intention of Lehman and others, and he happily agreed that the film crew could shoot here.

But there is one thing, you can\'t disturb the normal teaching in the school.

In other words, the crew can only come to shoot on days off or during holidays.

After the two sides negotiated, they agreed to the principal\'s request. Is it a campus scene? You can focus on shooting together, but there is no need to follow the story line step by step.

You can\'t shoot at school, you can also shoot other scenes first, it\'s not a conflict.

In the next two days, Aamir Khan also arrived in Bollywood.

After meeting him at the Eros International Film Building, Lehmann formally interviewed him about the role of Rancher.

Aamir Khan seemed very interested. After all, the French went to India to make a movie, and it was an Indian-themed story. It was the first time he met.

After reading the general script of the character, he expressed his willingness to take over the film project.

The salary is 10 million rupees, which is about 500,000 euros. This is already considered to be a good match for his worth. Although he has been out for some years, he has not participated in too many movies, his popularity is far less than that of later generations, and there are still exchange rate conversion issues, but in general In other words, he is still the one with the highest salary in the movie. For the same leading actors, Laga\'s salary is only 80,000 euros, and the rest is even less. The total expenditure on actors is controlled at around 900,000 euros.

Thousands of preparations have been completed, and with the successful addition of Aamir Khan, the entire preparations have been completed.