Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 320: powerless

In the huge office, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

The sun in May is already hot, and it hits me along the window, but I can\'t feel any warmth.

Brad Pitt sat blankly on his office chair, smoking a cigarette in silence, his eyes still on those newspapers, as if these newspapers had infinite attraction, and the words of criticism and ridicule seemed to pass through the text. The sword, like a knife, cuts flesh and blood. It\'s numb and incapacitating.

Johnson Gray, who was sitting on the opposite sofa, was also smoking a cigarette, but his eyes were aimed at the floor.

The two didn\'t speak, as if they didn\'t want to break the silence.

"What about Warners? What are they going to do?" Finally, Brad Pitt spoke first.

"I don\'t know, but if they wanted to get ahead, they would have intervened long ago." Johnson Gray breathed out a cigarette, calmly. "In this situation, we should think about what to do?"

"What should I do? You ask me?" Pete narrowed his eyes, very tired.

Yes, even the media have spoken out, so what can we do?

You can\'t cover the lid and keep people from talking.

If the film has a good idea, it can still boast the depth of the plot and try the award-winning route, but the problem is that even the film critics think it is a bad film, the audience is not satisfied, and the two parties are not flattering. Helpless.

"Troy is definitely not going to get its money back, let\'s think about investing in that new project," Johnson-Gray suggested.

It is said that the film industry of Plan B still has a certain strength in the circle. As for the new project that Gray mentioned, it was a script that director Tim Burton took a fancy to at the beginning of the year, and Pitt and Tim Burton have a good personal relationship, so this is why get involved.

Furthermore, the loss of "Troy" absolutely needs to be recovered, and since this one has failed, it is also very feasible to find new profitable projects.

"Will that script be too niche? Although I recognize Tim Burton\'s ability to direct, I can\'t afford a second failure." Pitt said with some concern.

""Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is a bit niche, after all, it was adapted from a children\'s book. However, Tim Burton has a lot of ideas, and the plot design is very innovative and not young."

"What about Johnny Depp, what about his salary?" Brad Pitt said.

Well, Tim Burton\'s favorite actor is Johnny Depp, including "Beetle Juice", "Edward Scissorhands", "Guillotine", they have cooperated three times, and this time "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" ", Tim Burton\'s first choice for the actor is Johnny Depp.

If it was in the past, Plan B Pictures would definitely not have any doubts, because Johnny Depp is not very expensive, but since this guy appeared in "Pirates of the Caribbean" and played the most popular "Captain" role, the salary Soaring, no one in the millions is embarrassed to speak. This really represents a lot of risk, and it also means that the shooting budget of the project has been greatly increased.

"Can you talk about it first, how about letting him get more share and less salary?"

Because it is difficult to accurately estimate the profit prospects of each film project, in order to avoid risks during shooting, this suggestion is a relatively routine operation in the industry.

It probably means that if the movie box office is good, the main creator will be given more points afterwards. If the movie is average, then this condition will be automatically voided.

"Will he agree? I heard a few days ago that he signed three drama contracts with Warner Bros., or a step-by-step salary increase. As long as the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean" can maintain good results, his development momentum can be even stronger. , Johnny Depp wouldn\'t necessarily take a risk, betting against us on the profitability of a movie."

Johnson-Grey said: "Let Tim Burton invite him out, let\'s meet, anyway, the shooting of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is next year, and there is so much time left, he must take over the role. Let\'s be more sincere. , it\'s better to explore the style first."

"What about the release?"

Like the average star or director\'s studio, Plan B Films did not establish distribution channels at all.

"I\'m still looking for Warner." Johnson-Gray analyzed again: "The failure of "Troy" has affected the relationship between the two of us, and we need a more ideal cooperation to make up for it."

Brad Pitt was silent.

Of course he knew this truth, but he was still a little unhappy in his heart.

"That\'s it." Brad Pete nodded.

He has not yet had the strength to turn against Warner, and even if he is upset, he can only endure it temporarily. Looking forward, the new project "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" can save something for him.

Now, it is not only losing its reputation, but also losing its profits because of poor market feedback. Both are very even.

Looking back at the time when "Troy" was just prepared, isn\'t everyone very confident? Why did it suddenly go wrong.

Brad - Pitt can\'t figure it out, but he has to accept the reality.

The reality is, how beautiful it was before~www.novelhall.com~ how sad it is now.

"Mr. Gray, the TV interview you have asked for is here."

When the two of them were in trouble, thinking about how to save the predicament, an assistant knocked on the door and came in, reminding them.

"Understood, you take the person to the reception room first." Johnson-Gray ordered, put out the cigarette butt, and sighed: "Let\'s go, see if I can take you out of it and put the responsibility on the director. body."

The failure of a movie always requires someone to take the blame.

Anyway, why not let the director take the biggest blame?

This is also Johnson-Grey\'s careful thinking. After all, the entire Plan B film industry is strictly speaking, relying on Pitt\'s influence to operate.

The head of the family is down, and the effect of existence is not great.

"Don\'t want to go." Pete sat in the chair, still not coming out of the matter.

"Go ahead. We have to do this, let the TV station report it, and at least save a little bit of popularity for those watching the movie."

"It\'s all like this, can it still work?" Brad Pitt laughed at himself.

"Even if you don\'t have it, you have to explain it. Once something is contaminated, if you don\'t want to get rid of it, it\'s really stupid." Johnson-Grey said angrily, "I\'ve already greeted the people from the TV station, you\'ll be fine. Feel free to go down and talk."

The online, in the newspapers and privately from fans, the scolding is endless, which is very detrimental to an iconic actor like Brad Pitt.

If there is no way to minimize this negative impact, Pitt\'s acting career will be ruined.

It is very serious indeed.

Brad Pitt looked at Gray for a while, but said nothing, or all the words turned into a sigh.
