Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 319: 1 more crash

The well-prepared premiere for "Troy" failed, even if Warner Pictures was very reluctant to admit this fact, and even tried to cover the media and newspapers to prevent them from publishing negative news about the film, but it couldn\'t do it.

After all, only you, Warner, are allowed to fall into the trap, and others are not allowed to take advantage of the situation?

Universal said the pattern was broken.

Sure enough, the next day\'s newspaper rhetoric changed completely.

The editorials that boasted about how luxurious the main creator of the work was and how difficult the shooting process was were all covered by the movie\'s viewing reviews, and most of them were merciless.

"Variety" and "Hollywood Reporter" gave a review of only 52 points, which has completely announced the collapse of the movie\'s reputation, and even fantasized about the double harvest of box office awards like "The Lord of the Rings" and "Ben Hur". completely awake.

And with the end of the opening weekend, audience feedback also ushered in large-scale bad comments.

The freshness of Rotten Tomatoes is only 54%, with a score of 6; in addition, there are more than 7,000 viewers on IMDB, and the score is temporarily maintained at the very embarrassing number of 6.4.

You must know that this is a big production with an investment of nearly 200 million. Such feedback data is undoubtedly a fiasco. Even "Van Helsing", which has been hacked some time ago, is a little brighter than "Troy", and it has not fallen like this.

This is definitely the most tragic ending for an epic masterpiece that is eager to achieve a win-win situation.

The "San Francisco Tribune" commentary also pointedly pointed out, "In the name of an epic, it adapted the most famous battle of ancient Greece, but as a result, the elements of ancient Greek mythology were abandoned throughout, and finally became a popular, clumsy film. It\'s the worst kind of naive commercial movie."

In other words, if you planned to make a commercial love movie from the beginning, you might not be so badly sprayed.

What\'s really sad is that Troy, which was clearly well-intentioned, grand, and self-conscious, turned out to be worse than a mediocre commercial popcorn movie.


Brad Pitt has been very irritable these two days.

"Troy" opened with nearly 4,000 theaters, and it\'s not strong.

On the market, "Van Helsing", which has been shown for more than a week, and many low-cost, fun films have been squeezed by attendance.

But the reputation of this screening is too worrying.

"Dong dong dong." There was a knock on the door.

Brad Pitt sat in the office of Plan B Pictures and said, "Come in."

Coming in is Johnson Gray, one of the shareholders of Plan B Pictures.

He walked in quickly, and his expression was not very good.

"What\'s the matter?" Pete asked.

"I just got the news that Troy\'s box office was only $16.52 million yesterday." Johnson Gray sat on the sofa with a sad look on his face.

"What, the single-day box office on the weekend is only more than 16 million?" Brad Pitt looked at his shareholder and friend in surprise, and once thought his ears had heard it wrong.


For a first-line big production like "Troy", if the box office does not exceed 20 million in a single day on the weekend, it is already considered a failure. However, what is the concept of just harvesting more than 16 million?

The box office on the first day was still very optimistic, and it began to fall off a cliff on the second day?

It sounds like a fantasy.

What\'s wrong with this world? Am I still awake?

Just when Brad Pitt doubted his life infinitely, Johnson Gray still confirmed: "It is indeed this data, I have counted it with the theater chain several times. 3896 theaters, 5 consecutive shows a day, this paragraph Almost all of the time slots are allocated to "Troy", and our attendance rate has not been high, and the number of moviegoers is still declining."

With that said, Gray put several newspapers he bought on the desk.

Brad Pitt reluctantly read them one by one, but his face was even more ugly.

Even "Entertainment Weekly" conducted a random sampling survey on the audience of "Troy", and the audience\'s comments on the movie were also very shameless, highlighting a truth.

Something "disappointed" and "boring"; something "well below expectations", "feeling like the movie was a mess and didn\'t know what to say".

More, or for the main actor, that is, Brad Pitt, the most critical.

There is no way, who made you the most famous.

"Compared to Pitt\'s God of War, Eric Bana\'s Hector, as a foil, is a bit more brilliant", "The result of all actors participating is a big bad movie, and Pitt is the best performer. The bad one."

"I can\'t see the big scene, I can\'t experience the thrilling war, I can\'t even see the hero, I don\'t know what the movie wants to show us, and I can see Helen and Paris elope? If so, maybe it\'s not bad, at least, this The two of them are quite compatible.", "Pitt is not suitable to play Achilles at all. From the figure to the performance, the characterization is always very bad, there is no similarity, and there is no heroic charm..."

It\'s full of negative comments. Even a small number of brain-damaged fans have given very sublime positive feedback to Pitt\'s characterization~www.novelhall.com~, but they can\'t cover up the complaints, or anger and disappointment of more people. .

Under the influence of such high expectations, the more the finished film fails to meet expectations, the easier it is to be scolded. Very normal phenomenon.

For example, bad films are produced every year, but the most scolded are always the works of directors or stars who have made achievements.

A bad movie is bad, someone should watch it first, right?

The high profile of the propaganda period is also more like a sharp blade inserted into oneself.

It was originally the most watched film this summer. It is no exaggeration to say that many audiences\' expectations for "Troy" have exploded.

For a long time, the topic of scandals emerged one after another. While seducing everyone\'s curiosity, it not only created the conditions for the film to achieve good results, but also faced the danger of causing a crisis of confidence.

Unfortunately, Troy does only the latter.

Warner Bros. originally gave a box office forecast of 95 million in the first week at a media conference.

At that time, many media felt that Warner was too conservative, investing 200 million, not to mention that it broke 100 million in three days like "Spider-Man", but in a week, what\'s the matter, getting a box office of 100 million is not high, maybe even try It is not impossible to hit the box office record.

But who would have thought that it was not Warner\'s conservativeness, but that he did not have much confidence in himself at all.

The single-day box office of more than 16 million also proves that they are right, and it is likely that they are still inflated. With this performance and the reputation of the collapse, whether it can exceed 70 million in the first week, there is a question mark.

Like "Van Helsing", "Troy" is also from heaven in an instant, and half of the body falls into hell, or even worse, after all, people\'s investment is not as big as "Troy".

They are all thrashing, and there is obviously one who thrashes more powerfully.