Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 321: shirk

in the reception room.

Several people sat loosely.

The reporter who came to interview was the WB TV network owned by Warner Bros. In the past, the two sides had a lot of greetings, and the relationship was not bad. Furthermore, the red envelopes, carriage and horse fees are also not less, so it is also my own.

After the assistant poured a few cups of coffee, he closed the door and retreated.

The cameraman on the side was fiddling with the machine. When it was almost time, the interview officially began.

This reporter worked very hard, basically didn\'t talk nonsense, and didn\'t dig traps. The key is to ask all the ideas. People have to admire a sentence, this is professional. value for money.

"Now everyone has a lot of bad comments about this movie, and even a lot of people criticize your character performance in it. What do you think about this?"

Brad Pitt sat in a sitting position and said: "This is a relatively inappropriate statement. A movie, the audience does not buy it, or the filming is not so satisfactory, it must be caused by many reasons, can\'t just say How about a certain actor. "Troy" was completed step by step according to the normal preparation process, and it was also the first actor who had an idea, a script, and a shooting team, and finally the actors were selected. I joined the crew and started shooting in less than a week. Even the script that was given to me is just for my character, I don\'t know what the final film will be like?"

The reporter asked along the topic: "So, the entire level of participation of actors in this is the lowest?"

"That\'s right, as I said, after making this film, I also participated in other works, and I was not notified until it was about to be released. At the premiere, it was also the first time that I completely knew the whole plot."

"Then what did you think when you were watching?"

"I feel terrible, that\'s not me."

"Aren\'t you satisfied with your performance yourself?"

"It\'s a little bit, but it\'s more that the scenes I acted have a sense of abruptness, and that\'s why the audience thinks I\'m not in the show."

After all, all kinds of hints are the director\'s pot. Actors don\'t care.

Even the early publicity is to fulfill the agreement, not to actively exaggerate the wonderful degree of the movie. It\'s not even a deception, because he himself doesn\'t know whether the movie is good or not.

The two of them were like a rehearsal, asking and answering questions and cooperating tacitly.

When it came to an end, the reporter also published a message about the rigidity and pipeline of the Hollywood production model, and gave his own expectations for the prospects of the future film market. Then, the camera was turned off.

Several people shook hands and said a few polite words to each other.

Johnson-Grey was also very discerning and handed over a remuneration again, saying that it was from a long distance, the cost of traveling, horses and lodging.

The people from the TV station took it and were very satisfied. After being sent to the parking lot in person, they patted their chests and promised that this interview would be broadcast on the TV station tomorrow.

Brad Pitt and Gray headed back to the office after the delivery.

Continue to discuss plans.

Obviously, the focus of public opinion is not so simple to shift. Since the director needs to take the blame, it is best for Warners to cooperate in private.

Of course, they would certainly like to.

Anyway, this project has to have a victim, so why can\'t it be director Wolfgang Petersen?

And doing so has several benefits.

The first, naturally, is to divert attention. Not only does Brad Pitt need a good public opinion environment, but Warner also needs it.

Second, it is also because the director Peterson is German and has very shallow roots in Hollywood. Even if he throws dirty water, he can\'t do anything. If he is a big director, maybe the one who should be blamed becomes the actor in the play, but unfortunately, he is not.

Third, the brokerage company also needs such a suitable backer. CAA, ICM, etc. all have actors involved in this movie.

To put it bluntly, this kind of operation will be more convenient for Warner, reduce losses, and use the power of multiple parties to suppress it together.

Very realistic, isn\'t it.

As for whether this will directly cut off the director\'s future, it is not within the consideration of Brad Pitt and Warner.

As the so-called dead Taoist friends do not die poor Taoism.

Who turned this movie over?

You do not take responsibility, who does.

Anyway, Warners will definitely not have a second cooperation with such a smudged director.

Pete is different, and has utility.

When you think about it, things become clear.


"Warners said they wanted you to participate in a show."

A mansion in Beverly Hills, an ICM agent, looked at a frowning Orlando Bloom and said.

The failure of "Troy" is not only a big loss for Brad Pitt, but also Orlando Bloom\'s actor career is even at risk of failure.

You know, he doesn\'t have as many works as Pitt. He has just gained a little prestige with the role of the Elf Prince in "The Lord of the Rings" and the role of the little blacksmith in "Pirates of the Caribbean", and he suffered such a blow. For a rookie actor, it\'s really scary.

What made this young man even more uncomfortable was the change in everything around him.

A few weeks ago, he was ICM\'s most popular newcomer~www.novelhall.com~ Even the top figures of the agency were willing to greet him, screen movies for him, and put resources into operation.

In those days, he could get a lot of project plans from his agent every day, referring to which role he would compete for, and at the recent MTV movie festival, relying on the company\'s personal connections, he won the "Most Best" Breakthrough Newcomer Award".

This kind of start should have gone well.

But after the negative influence of "Troy" took off, he was also criticized by many people as one of the main male supporting characters.

In just a few days, the company\'s attitude has changed drastically.

If it weren\'t for his rescue, maybe he would be abandoned by the capital and sink to the bottom, just like those actors who had achievements and suddenly fell silent.

This is a very terrible result, and no one wants to accept it.

So, after hearing the agent\'s words, Orlando Bloom asked, "When?"

"Tomorrow, when the time comes, listen to my arrangements."

Orlando Bloom adjusted his sitting position unnaturally. He feels that his agent has not been so polite to him these days.

This kind of indicative words made him quite awkward.

And "Troy" has also been reduced by the theater chain, and its decline has become more and more obvious.

The single-day box office plunged again from more than 15 million to the early 1,000-plus mark.

On the working day, it\'s even worse, you can\'t even get 10 million.

For a big first-line production, this can happen because the reputation of the movie has been ruined.

Coupled with Warner as the publisher, it is very slick.

Seeing that the situation is not right, even the publicity expenses have been cut by more than half.

There is no publicity and momentum, and secondly, there is no praise from the audience. If there is improvement, there will be ghosts.
