Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 318: family and country

"Troy" is directed by Wolfgang Petersen, a German.

It may be unfamiliar just by the name, but he once directed a "Striking from the Bottom of the Sea", which was nominated for the Oscar for best director and best screenwriter for the second year. No. 2 in top10.

At that time, he was 40 years old.

After working with the crew for many years, his reputation has grown, and he has more room to display.

When it came to "Troy", it was his ninth work and his most ambitious one.

The theme is taken from the most famous battle "The Siege of the Trojan Horse" in the ancient Greek myth "Homer\'s Epic", and it is not lacking in popularity at all.

The popularity of "The Lord of the Rings" has also brought a wide audience base to similar epic works, which is why Warner is willing to support it.

In terms of casting and investment in the film, it also took a lot of thought.

Achilles found Brad Pitt. If you need a figure and a figure, and a fan base with a fan base, the choice is absolutely suitable.

The rest are Orlando Bloom, the Elf Prince, a popular fried chicken, and the appearance is online, no problem.

Judging from the entire lineup, they are quite in line. The combination of a group of old actors with traffic is a classic. For several female partners as vases, it is not inferior.

That\'s not to mention, "Troy" was written by David Benioff (nominated multiple times for best screenplay) who wrote the screenplay for Spike Lee\'s "25 Hours", and Phelps is also an Oscar nominee. Get soft.

It can be said that the main creators behind the scenes are basically the top players in the industry.

Only on a platform like Warner, a project that has raised nearly 200 million yuan can find a team like this, otherwise, even if the relationship is good, there will not be so many shooting funds to convene.


There were many acquaintances at the scene, and it took Laiman more than half an hour to greet them one by one and sit in his seat.

Companions, and Benjamin Joseph.

As the manager of the internal affairs of Firefly Pictures, he needs to manage contacts and the like. He is also very good at it.

At 8 p.m., the movie starts showing.

After the brief background introduction at the beginning, the dog blood plot officially begins.

Lyman had heard of the film\'s reputation, but had not seen it. When he watched it again, his eyes unconsciously aimed at Brad Pitt, who was leading the cast and crew in the front row.

He suddenly wanted to know what this guy was thinking at this moment. Will it be embarrassing?

At the beginning, Paris, the Prince of Troy played by Orlando Bloom, hooked up with Helen, the queen of the King of Sparta. Aside from the setting, the handsome men and beautiful women are quite eye-washing, and the next story develops more and more...

What can I say, it\'s bullshit. In other words, why did the focus of filming change from war to love?

Could it be that this is not "Troy", the title should be "Troy Love Story"?

Especially after the first Greek warrior, Achilles played by Brad Pitt, was even more unwatchable.

On the big screen, the rudimentary and ridiculous battlefield, the scene of the two armies facing each other, is more like a child\'s play.

What\'s even more speechless is that the picture is very thin, and when the troops on both sides are pulled apart, not only does it not have a grand effect, but it also has a strong sense of discomfort. Spicy eyes. It\'s like... Japan\'s Warring States period, the promised national war, and the result is that hundreds of people are fighting, like villagers fighting, that weapon, that equipment, it feels like a joke.

God, anyone who knows a little about the story of "The Siege of Troy" should know that before the Trojan horse trick was used, the armies of the two sides faced each other for ten years, and almost all their belongings were put here.

Lehman barely watched it for half an hour, and couldn\'t stand it.

Movies always have to have some climax scenes, not to mention the fact that the battle scenes must be portrayed realistically, at least they must be able to convince the audience before and after.

Even a more awesome operation is coming. Brad Pitt also contributed a full back/naked appearance in the movie.

The producer probably wants to impress female fans with this meat sale benefit?

Otherwise, why does the setting of the first Greek warrior rely on this to interpret the characters?

I just don\'t understand this operation.

You must know that "Homer\'s Epic" has a specific depiction of the heroic scene of Achilles, the answer is given, and it is impossible to copy.

The development of the gods of the plot is not over yet - the generals regarded by the warriors as the **** of war, that is, Hector played by Eric Bana, the great prince of Troy, in the confrontation with Achilles, actually Can\'t take a single move, and lie down in an instant.

Then I saw Brad Pitt\'s proud look on his face, holding a weapon and looking down on the audience.

how to say. Lyman can guess that the design of this shot is to set off how powerful Achilles is, and the force value is amazing, but...how can such a dangling person fail to win Troy for so long?

Is such a force value setting reasonable?

It\'s not enough to fight a hundred with one, it must be exaggerated to the point of fighting a thousand with one, and fighting a thousand with one.

So powerful, can\'t win a city?

Lymans are stupid~www.novelhall.com~ feel their IQ has been insulted.

Even if he didn\'t know much about Homer, he knew that such a plot would be a disaster.

Or maybe the viewer feels the same way.

Just when Lehman was bored and looked around, he found that some audience members were leaving.

You must know that this is the premiere, and all who come are true fans.

If you are not a true fan, no one is willing to endure the long-windedness of one or two novels. You can only watch a movie by standing and blowing the wind, and the ticket price is very expensive.

To sum it up, "Troy" is a love movie with an epic battlefield theme, a plot arrangement that is not very clever, pale and powerless character settings, and not enough blood to dogs.

What\'s more, Homer\'s epics are famous, not the kind of vulgar love novels where the author has three problems with the time to pass the time.

This is even more unacceptable.

And "Troy" is more than 160 minutes long, and the rhythm is very protracted.

In the end, after the death of Hector, the Trojan Horse suddenly appeared.

The two sides have been fighting for more than ten years, and they succeeded by relying on this strategy, but this scene is very abrupt in Lyman\'s view - although it is out of consideration for film production, the time is condensed , but the entire climax of the magnificent and surging waves did not impress the audience at all, but made people laugh.

Achilles laid the groundwork for so much, and finally died in Paris, that is, at the hands of the prince who eloped with the queen and caused this war.

This? ? ?

The culprit who started the war turned into a hero?

Wonderful, very wonderful, the finishing touch of this work, a masterpiece that Brad Pitt can\'t save by showing his **** on the big screen.