Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 312: Lions Gate

After solving the actor\'s problem, Director Zha hurriedly went to the studio to preside over the preparations before the shooting, and then summoned a group of leading actors to try out the costumes and take makeup photos.

As for Lehman, he finally got his leisure time. He wandered around the company all day, and occasionally went to Warner Studios to see the progress of the shooting of "Hellboy" directed by Gyro.

In other words, Wen Ziren has already started to work on the editing of "Chainsaw 2", and the top guy has only filmed half of it. The speed of the filming is really touching.

Another day, Lyman was interviewing new employees.

The front desk staff called him.

"President, a film company boss at the front desk said he wanted to see you."


"Lionsgate\'s Jon Fleming."

What did the Lionsgate executive come to do with me?

Although Lyman was a little puzzled, he still let people come to his office.

This guy is in his fifties but looks in good spirits.

Speaking of this person, Lehmann still admires him.

Lionsgate is a film company controlled by capital. The founder, Frank Gusta, is a Canadian banker. For the Lionsgate industry, he hopes to invest profitably.

He didn\'t know how to make movies either, so he hired the former Colombian president Jon Feilmeier to manage the company.

Over the past few years, Lionsgate has grown so fast, thanks to this person at the helm, and the production and distribution business has been growing, which undoubtedly proves this person\'s talent.

It\'s just that such a Lionsgate executive, who has a lot of influence in today\'s Hollywood, suddenly visited him as the owner of a small company, which really made Lehman unable to guess his mind.

Lyman shook hands with him quite enthusiastically, pretending to be surprised: "Mr. Jon is here, why didn\'t he notify him in advance, so I can prepare something to entertain the distinguished guests."

Jon Feilermei smiled heartily: "Don\'t be so polite, didn\'t we meet at Paramount\'s celebration last time, and said there was a chance to work together."

Is the politeness of that kind of hypocritical place also serious?

Lehman pondered what idea this guy wanted to make, and when he heard him talk about cooperation, he wondered if he was looking for him to collaborate on a film?

It was not easy to guess for a while, and Lehman simply pretended to be confused, chatted with him, and said some company management things around the corner.

After walking around for a long time, seeing that Lehman refused to answer the call, Jon Ferrermei simply asked: "Lyman, I heard that your company has finished filming "Chainsaw 2"?"

Lehman felt that he was getting to the point, so he quickly nodded and said, "Yes, the filming is over, and editing is in the process of post-production."

Jon Feilermei asked again: "I take the liberty to ask, when are you going to release it? Are there any plans?"

This question is a bit unruly. Paramount is doing the distribution, and the two are in a competitive relationship. As a production company, Lehman should rely on Paramount. What\'s more, the specific release date is are trade secrets.

Lyman shook his head, pretending to be at a loss, "Paramount is still negotiating the schedule, I don\'t know more about it."

"Have you considered letting Lionsgate distribute it?"

I didn\'t expect this guy to have this idea.

It seems that the value of "Chainsaw" has also caught Lionsgate\'s attention. That\'s right, Lionsgate also developed this series in the previous life, and the company has always been good at developing horror-themed movies.

But Lehman still smiled and shook his head, and declined: "Lionsgate released more than 40 films last year, and also released 6 films at the beginning of this year. The circulation is quite good in the industry. I am afraid there is no shortage of film sources."

Lionsgate is indeed doing fairly well in the distribution business. What is the use of having more distribution? They are all European films or low-key projects prepared by themselves. It has been 4 months this year, and more than 10 films have been released. However, only 3 films have exceeded 10 million at the box office, and there are even several films that are losing money and earning money. The next blood, the situation is not optimistic.

If the distribution channels are not perfect and there are many ways to make profits, otherwise the investors behind this kind of box office market revenue will have to withdraw their capital, and Lionsgate will not be under too much financial pressure at that time.

However, Jon Feilermei would not explain this situation to Lehmann, but just smiled: "No one will think too few good projects. Besides, Paramount\'s distribution business is not bad, it is inevitable that there will be When there are pros and cons to consider, if the schedule of the movie is not well scheduled, some things may be sacrificed. What do you say, Mr. Ryman.”

Of course, this is what Lehman has always been concerned about. After all, outsiders will never be as good as his own. Who knows how Paramount will arrange it when they meet in the schedule, otherwise, he will not be approached with a close attitude. Warner.

Seeing that Lehmann was a little hesitant, Jon Feilermei said: "Lionsgate\'s conditions are absolutely sincere. As long as we cooperate with us, the issue of schedule can be decided by you, how about it?"

It\'s a pity that the "Chainsaw" project has already been arranged, and it is impossible for Ryman to change his position at this time. He said bluntly: "I have signed the release terms with Paramount. I\'m sorry, Mr. Jon."

"What about overseas?"

By the way, Lionsgate also wants to bypass the domestic market and seek overseas distribution.

This is a bit too much to think about~www.novelhall.com~ Who doesn\'t know his relationship with Europa Pictures, and besides, Lionsgate\'s own overseas distribution has to be left to others.

Moreover, Lehmann has already signed a three-year distribution agreement with Luc Besson, and the overseas market of Firefly Pictures\' films is handed over to Europa for operation, and Lehmann also has certain investment rights for the films that Europa invests in.

Even if Lions Gate offers better terms, compared with Europa\'s investment income, the distribution fee saved in the middle is simply not enough.

This is also the reason why Paramount never mentions this requirement, because they also know that it is impossible to make a better deal than Europa Pictures.

"Impossible." Lyman said firmly.

Obviously don\'t want to talk anymore, but Jon Feilermei did not give up.

He added: "Hellboy, which your company invested in, has not signed a publisher yet, or we can negotiate with New York City."

This guy really wants to win over Firefly Pictures, and is willing to offer conditions even for projects that are still in filming.

And this is not impossible to consider.

Lehman pondered to himself, multiple partners can be regarded as multiple paths.

In case Paramount and Warner are unreliable, he still has to countermeasures, so as not to lose the initiative all of a sudden.

After all, Lionsgate still has the strength, and he also knows that Lionsgate is secretly establishing overseas channels at this stage, so he intends to bypass the Hollywood Six and distribute overseas business.

When it succeeds in smuggling in the future, it will also open a hole. It is bound to attract more film companies and seek more and better film sources to break through the blockade of the six major Hollywood.

At this time, boarding the ship first is equivalent to purchasing an insurance in advance.

Under the calculation of various pros and cons, Lyman nodded calmly, "If it is the release of "Hellboy", we can discuss it."