Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 313: Pull sponsorship

Jon Feilermei walked away with a dashing stride. There was no sign of a man in his fifties.

Back at the company, he immediately called the chairman and reported the meeting to Frank Gusta. It is also a recognition of his own merits.

It was his efforts to win over Lehman\'s Firefly Pictures and establish a preliminary cooperative relationship. It was also because the company\'s performance in the past two years seemed to increase steadily, but the crisis did not decrease. As the booth grows larger, the need for better film sources is even greater.

In any case, it\'s never wrong to have a good deal with an independent studio like this.

Moreover, the industry can actually inquire about the production projects of Firefly Pictures. It can\'t be hidden at all.

It\'s not that no one came to seek cooperation, and Lionsgate wasn\'t the first.

But the problem is that when everyone\'s bids are similar, Lehman is unwilling to change his position, risking the consequences of slightly offending Paramount to talk about cooperation lightly.

If it weren\'t for the fact that Lionsgate is indeed more sincere: "Hellboy" they only charge 8% of the channel distribution fee, but the publicity expenses will be shared by the two companies, and Lionsgate will pay 60%.

The background, strength and backing behind it are the prerequisites for cooperation. Without the latter, no matter how good the former conditions are, Lehman will be concerned about the gains and losses, and will likely give up.

Although Frank Gusta is somewhat unfamiliar with the film industry, he also knows that Firefly Pictures is a company with potential for development.

With the results of "Chainsaw", it is very supportive for Jon\'s action to win over.

Now that I hear the news, I am in a good mood.

Because once the initial cooperative relationship has been established, it is definitely much easier to deepen the relationship than to deal with each other again. Moreover, for Lionsgate, the business philosophy and policy are completely consistent.

It is to win over major independent studios, integrate forces, and develop overseas channels.

Jon Feilermei did the same for his overseas business when he was acquired by Sony when he was in Colombia. It can be said that he is very experienced.

The only difference is that the difficulty has increased. After all, Colombia\'s strength was much stronger than the current Lionsgate even when it was acquired by Japanese capital.


By about three o\'clock in the afternoon, Joseph ran to Lyman\'s office.

In the past two days, he has been busy sponsoring the movie "New York Row".

As a qualified manager, of course, this kind of thing is left to him to do.

Joseph is quite capable. With the production budget and shooting plan, he went to several companies, which is considered a gain.

"The New York Railroad is reluctant to pay the sponsorship directly, but they are willing to provide us with a scrapped train for filming. Dior, because the ad you\'ve shot for them recently has a good response, they are willing to sponsor $500,000, and the request is theirs Clothing needs to be displayed for at least one second. There are also several watch companies, only Omega is willing to invest, the cost is 800,000, and it also requires close-up shots.”

Lyman stood up, took the sponsorship contract and glanced at it. He waved his hand to let Joseph sit down first, and asked the assistant to take the coffee before saying, "Is there anything else?"

"There are still some companies that are still considering it. They are all concerned about the effect of such publicity, and they are afraid that the role of the brand will be wasted in vain."

"Of course it won\'t be easy for people to invest money. However, I have a way, you can try it."

Joseph took a sip of coffee and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Lehman took out the market statistics of "Micro Love" sponsor brand feedback from the drawer, put it in front of Joseph, and smiled: "You take this to negotiate. Let\'s say that our "New York Tour" is a movie with a relatively concentrated audience. The subject matter, and most of them are people over 16 and under 50 with purchasing power, or I personally supervised the production, it will definitely receive a certain amount of attention, and the success of "Micro Love" should also make those people think more about it, like this Isn\'t it worth it for a sponsorship to advertise in front of so many audiences in disguise?"

With the data base, it will definitely be more conducive to negotiation. Joseph also said: "Okay, I will communicate with them later."

"Well, all the sponsored funds are included in the company\'s account. You and the relevant action personnel have a bonus, and report it to the Finance Department for details."

Sponsorship is a part of making extra money for the production company, and Lehman is not stingy, offering Joseph and others a reward ranging from about 20,000 to 50,000.

And this kind of incentive undoubtedly makes Joseph very motivated.

After drinking coffee, I immediately took the market data of "Wei Ai" to various companies that may place advertisements.

It took about two days for Coca-Cola to beat Pepsi to come up with a sponsorship fee of $700,000. I hope that the notice board at the train station in the movie will have a full-body poster of Coca-Cola, as well as Dior. , and took the initiative to give 3 million sponsorship fees, requesting cooperation, and it is not the "New York Tour" ~www.novelhall.com~ but a long-term contract with Firefly Pictures. The contract stipulates that in the next year, all the clothing brands that can appear in the film project produced by Firefly must be Dior.

It is equivalent to a monopoly in disguise, excluding all possible competitors.

To this end, Joseph made a special trip back to discuss with Lehmann whether to sign a contract.

Is it good, of course, to get a fee of 3 million, is it bad, or maybe the bad thing is that in terms of clothing, apart from Dior, they have no choice this year, even if other gold owners want to invest, they can\'t accept it .

But Lehman thought about it and felt that the latter disadvantage was not very harmful to the company\'s interests.

Because it can be seen that Dior obviously pays attention to the publicity of the market, and is also willing to invest in Lehmann\'s company.

Even if they sign this contract, they will definitely not be perfunctory, they are serious sponsors, and they will not make any strange requests.

And the time is only one year, in case the effect is not good, Lehman also has room to choose again.

Well, I believe that Dior made such a plan, and it is estimated that there are also considerations in this regard.

At the same time, Christian Bale is also under constant physical adjustment. It took 10 days to return to 170 pounds and complete the physical needs of the role.

Director Zha also constantly sent people to contact the filming location. After all, the title of the film is "New York Trip", and it does not necessarily have to be filmed in New York. In other words, even if the train station scene wanted to be shot in New York, it would be inconvenient.

Only a part of the exterior scene can be shot. If the interior scene is to be shot, it is still necessary to set the scene to shoot.

In addition to the framing location, various props and preliminary lens experiments finally met Zha Dao\'s shooting needs. Not long after, Eva Green finally ended her role in "The Day After Tomorrow" and returned to Los Angeles from Canada to join the crew to fix the makeup.