Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 311: favor

Mike felt himself being noticed by God and his old man.

His eyes were fixed on Lyman\'s face, only to feel that this person was extraordinarily close.

What he just said, needs Christian Bale to build muscle.

God, I don\'t even know what the script is about, and investors have already begun to ask for it.

What does this mean? If it\'s not a joke, it must be a default role.

But he only received news from caa yesterday, saying that it was an audition invitation.

This wind direction seems to be a bit fast?

Could it be that the headquarters has exerted its strength, and it can\'t.

If caa really valued them, they wouldn\'t have wasted so many years.

After eliminating 10,000 possibilities, there is only one answer left: the director or investors appreciate Bell very much, and the role must be determined.

For just this moment, Mike wanted to thank God that his old man finally opened his eyes.

"I weigh 142 pounds now, and in a week, I promise to increase to 170 pounds. Is it enough?"

Christian Bale said with a swear word, his eyes full of earnestness.

Lehman waved his hand with a smile on his face, "Don\'t be in such a hurry, if you can increase it to about 160 pounds in two weeks, and you don\'t look thin, you will meet the standard."

Bell nodded, looking confident.

Lyman also doesn\'t think weight control will be a problem for a rubber guy like Christian Bale.

This guy is someone who can gain weight by dozens of pounds a week, but he can\'t be cruel to himself.

In order to appear in "Vice President", he did just that.

Perhaps this is also the reason why he has not been popular all the time. He does not take care of his image very carefully, and it is difficult for people to remember that he is fat and thin.

"This is the script, you should read it first."

"Zombie movie?" Christian Bale opened the script, looked at the general plot, and was a little surprised, "The background of this is interesting."

"Why, not interested in characters?"

Bell immediately shook his head.

It\'s not that there\'s anything wrong with the characters, it\'s the style of the subject matter. You must know that when he entered the film industry, most of the scripts he received were literary and artistic, and his roles were mostly abnormal. For example, the mental illness in "American Psycho" and the insomniac in "The Mechanic" were rarely received as normal. The role makes him a little strange.

During this period, it is not that he did not try to enter the mainstream film circle, and the word-of-mouth "Empire of the Sun" supervised by Spielberg was also quite successful.

Also, he also appeared in "Treasure Island" released by Disney.

But after the filming, everyone still likes to ask him to play some niche literary films, and the audience can\'t remember him. It seems that he has always challenged himself in his life.

Christian Bale smiled helplessly, "I\'m not very experienced in this type of movie."

"Don\'t worry, the filming is up to the director, you just need to play the role well. How is it? How did you think about it?"

"Of course I\'m fine. When is this drama going to be filmed?"

"It\'s only been two weeks, and the crew is still planning and preparing."

After finishing speaking, Lehman pointed to his agent Mike, and the others went to the side to discuss the remuneration.

As for Bell, he sat down on his own and continued to read the script, trying to figure out his role.

Mike struggled in various ways, and the final salary that he needed to pay was 3 million US dollars.

Christian Bale is very experienced and has played many roles. Although he has no special market appeal, he is not bad in the circle. In fact, it\'s a question of comparison. After more than ten years of filming, I can\'t reach the top level, but the medium is still quite matched.

The salary of this product three years ago has already received 2 million US dollars.

Some time ago, "The Mechanic" got 1.5 million instead, and human feelings accounted for a large factor.

But the coffee position has always been there, and this price is also worthy of his worth.

The mainstream film industry is a little more market-oriented and more fair than the independent world.

After negotiating with his agent Mike, Christian Bale was also very satisfied with this figure and readily signed his name on the performance contract.

After the contract was settled, Zha Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

If the main actors are not done properly, the start date of the crew will definitely be delayed. This was not what he wanted to see.

And he really recognized Lehmann\'s casting very much. At one glance, the decadent feeling on Christian Bale really fits the protagonist of "New York Trip", who has been depressed since his divorce. He\'s also a man oppressed by the burdens of life, much like.

Time flies, and it\'s late April.

With the props, costumes, and venues negotiated one by one, the set matters are also on the right track.

Those group performers, supporting roles, that is, zombies and passengers in the train carriage, were taken away by some small actors signed by caa.

In Hollywood, this part of the trick has always been easy to handle, and the salary is generally very low, and it has to be scraped by caa. It can be said that it is not good.

The villain in the play, the train and railway company that selfishly killed a carriage of people, was also very simple. He directly invited the cold-faced and acting veteran Peter Sterman to take over with a salary of 750,000.

There is also a wrestler corner, Icm recommended a candidate, former professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson.

This guy\'s father is a professional wrestler, and he has won a wrestling championship himself, which can be said to meet the casting requirements.

He is tall and has a distinctive appearance.

And it\'s not that he has no performance experience. In 2001, he starred in the movie "Scorpion King" and was the protagonist of it.

Although his acting skills are not strong, his muscles are solid. To play such a wrestler is to play in his true colors.

Moreover, the salary is not high, only 1.1 million US dollars.

On the basis of other people\'s conditions, after just one audition, Zha Dao decided that he would play the role.

Finally, the hero\'s daughter.

The age is set at around 6 years old.

But what about actors? You can add a few years on top of that.

Generally speaking, such a young actor, everyone is not at ease. When he is older, he is more reliable when shooting.

The selection came and went, a little girl named Dakota Fanning was selected by the director for her outstanding audition performance ~www.novelhall.com~.

She was born in 1994 and just turned 10 years old this year. She is also a child star.

In the early 2000s, he began to appear in TV dramas.

In 2001, he participated in the movie "I Am Sam" and cooperated with Sean Penn.

And it looks sweet and lovable, which is its advantage.

After all the characters were selected, it was April 27th.

Firefly Pictures has officially announced the shooting plan.

The New York Daily News also released the news.

The audience and fans are not too impressed. After all, director Zha has no works, and the actors have no fans. Instead, the industry has paid a little attention to it.

The production cost is a full 70 million yuan, and in the second-tier production, it can be regarded as the top one.

But just pay attention.