Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 31: New movie plan

In an apartment late at night.

Lyman lay on the bed, stretched out his body greatly, did not cover the quilt, and forced himself to sleep by closing his eyes.

But I don\'t know why, my head is messed up, and I can\'t sleep.

With a sigh, he pulled his trousers from the bed and put them on, then walked around the room naked and without shoes.

Looking out through the window, the street lamps on the roadside were still working as usual, and the soft lights spread all over the surrounding area, illuminating the open space outside the house in half-darkness.

After wandering around for a few laps and still not feeling sleepy, Lehman simply ran to the study and continued to finish his new script outline. In fact, he now has two plans in mind. The first is naturally a low-cost production. After all, the profit after profit sharing is only enough to support him to complete similar projects; the second is another way of financing and shooting. Europa Pictures In view of the good situation after the release of "Buried Alive", and he also made a special trip to tell him things like that, Lehman thought about it and thought it was okay.

As before, spending all of his wealth on the production of a movie, that kind of extremely risky behavior, only once is enough, not to mention other things, his own future life also needs to use money. If you can live a good life, why do you force yourself to eat bran and pharynx? Lyman is not a **** and doesn\'t want to repeat the bitter consequences.

He spread out the manuscript paper, picked up the pencil, and began to write the story of the second plan down the line of thought.

Scene 5: Dormitory, close-up spotlight.

Character: The protagonist.

The young student took off the light bulb and used the high school physics he had learned to make a simple electrical prop. He wrapped the wire around a piece of metal and stuck it out the door along the gap.

Then, the school senior who wanted to pee and protest was hit by the electric current on that part of him...

Yes, the film he is about to make is mainly about a new college student named Rancher who fights against India\'s rotten education system.

Imperial University of Technology is a school with the highest comprehensive strength in India. The newly admitted Lancher is a different college student. He openly questioned the dean\'s teaching philosophy and used maverick to break the traditional educational concept of the college. In short, He is a thorn in the eyes of a teacher.

For example, life in the university is always staged in turn with study and exams. Rancher, on the other hand, is doing well, always at the top, and has an unusual love and obsession with mechanical applications. His two roommates, Farhan and Raja. The former one actually didn’t want to major in industrial design. He wanted to become a field photographer, but his family’s incomprehension and persuasion led him to embark on this path; as for Laga, his family was very poor and his family was very poor. His family hoped that he could find a good job to supplement his family after graduation, so he also entered the college of industrial design.

During their time with Rancher, they did a lot of things that went against the dogma of their previous life, until they both found out that if this continued, they would probably not graduate. There is a gap between people\'s mental talents. It just so happens that their good friend Lancher is a very good person. He doesn\'t spend a lot of time studying every day, but he always gets high scores in exams. Confused, they choose Cut off relations with Lancher...

Different from the single characters and scenes in "Buried Alive", this time, Lehmann wanted to shoot a big scene, a large space spanning an academy to serve as the background for the filming.

In terms of story design, there are not too many new ideas, but the perspective is put on the Indian teaching system.

Since the last time he watched the "Monsoon Wedding Banquet", he always felt that he wanted to do something.

This story is also selected to focus on some social situations in India.

Is it an education issue? The whole world is paying attention.

Who doesn\'t want to let their children become talents through education?

So, his new film is ready to shoot such a story.

A movie called "Three idiots make trouble in Bollywood".

The name sounds a bit frustrating, but I can\'t help it. Lyman can\'t think of any more in line with the storyline. Let\'s go with the previous life.

Like the first self-produced film, Lehman also intends to distill some core elements of his previous works, and will innovate and adapt the story.

This is his work. Naturally, the value of the film will not be as beautifying the Indian education system as the previous work. For example, he faked his studies and successfully graduated, and he even got the "Space Pen" that symbolizes honor from the dean. This kind of design concept can\'t even happen in American schools, which have always been liberal and democratic, let alone in India.

Jumping out of the limitations of the region, Lehmann simply chose to interpret the story in his own way.

Therefore, in terms of the overall look and feel, although the tone of this film is also joyful, it is more of a sadness.

The rigid educational dogma suppresses the nature of every student, forcing them to study hard, take exams, and be obedient, otherwise they will not graduate.

That little certificate is related to the yearning and helplessness of all students.

As for whether such a large-scale adaptation will fail, is it too risky? But then again, which movie was not a big gamble at the beginning of shooting?

The betting audience will accept it, the betting market will be optimistic, and the betting theater release will be smooth...

Before any film is shot, there is no way to really predict whether it will be successful or not, and whether it will have a good result. Even if the Indian director Rakuma Hirani from the previous life was asked to direct "Three Silly Trouble in Bollywood", at this point in time, it is impossible to completely replicate everything in the previous life.

The design of lighting, the use of lenses, the director\'s shooting concept, the connection of characters, and even the editing, soundtrack, sound effects, etc. in the later stage, a slight change will produce a different finished film.

There are never two identical leaves in the world.

What\'s more, the film he shot is aimed at the global market, and it does not only rely on the Indian region to contribute to the box office.

Moreover, the nearly three-hour completed film of the original is really difficult for him to repeat. If nothing else, if he shoots it like this, the theater chain will never provide any good screenings or more screens to show it.

In the world of businessmen, profit is everything that measures value. A movie from someone else has been shown twice before you play it once. Even if the attendance rate is high, the theater chain will definitely choose the former movie first.

Moreover, there are a lot of hypocrisy in the plot of the original work, and the plot is also a bit procrastinated. The male protagonist has a lot of straightforward lectures in the film, which can be completely deleted.

As for the creation of the villain, the dean is also a bit rigid. He has taught for so many years, and his cognition is definitely qualitative. He who abides by the education system will not be so easily persuaded. The line also dragged down the overall rhythm of the film, and Lehmann directly gave up this branch.

What he wants to talk about is the corruption and the nature of killing students under an Indian education system, rather than focusing on the ambiguous story of Rancher and the dean\'s awakening.

After sorting out the adaptation ideas, Lyman wrote the outline very quickly, and the shaping of each character began to emerge:

A dean who symbolizes the dogma of the old era, his face is always serious, and he stubbornly believes that only grades are the standard to measure the value of a student;

Lanche, who symbolizes the new ideas of education in the new era, is optimistic by nature and can always influence the people or things around him. He does not take the dean\'s achievement theory in his eyes, but instead encourages the surrounding roommates to try to stick to their ideals.

It is also this complete opposition that determines all the conflicts and plot rhythms of this film.

A series of things caused by the collision of ideas is the main line. As for the other branch lines used for embellishment, those unrelated to the main line are all removed.

The interlude method used by the original director, the way of starting the plot from the agreement ten years ago, naturally cannot be used. The branch is gone, and the agreement is naturally a joke.

Lehman\'s thinking is very simple. He uses the most straightforward and straightforward narrative to describe the real life of an Indian university. Under that high-pressure state, the suppressed nature of each student is what he wants to tell through the film. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He never thought of mechanically copying movies. He is a director and has his own thoughts, and the stories he wants to tell will naturally be different.

Even if there is a successful precedent of the previous work, it cannot be copied completely. He has his own shooting philosophy.

Besides, copying is never a panacea. Just like the movies made by some directors are never edited according to their own wishes, there are too many changes in this world, and immutability is the most important thing.

For example, black politics is the most mainstream direction of Hollywood creation in the future, and black lives are expensive, and people like to promote it. Do you still think that you can still succeed in the big environment of the film, and that there are still many audiences who agree with it?

The answer is a question mark. The right time and place are suitable for people, and movies also pay attention to these. Different environments will shape different movies. Isn\'t homosexuality acceptable only after the new century became the mainstream sense? Who would have thought that these would become normal words in people\'s mouths?

Therefore, blind copying is not absolutely correct.

Moreover, if the film is all copy and pasted, it will lose its most desirable charm. The wonderful feeling of being immersed in the world the director has portrayed for the audience is what this light and shadow art needs most.

Art creation requires the irrigation of the creator\'s ideology and spirit in order to truly take shape and enjoy the sweetness.

"When an orange grows in Huainan, it is an orange, and when an orange grows in Huaibei, it becomes a citrus."

In this small study, supported by the soft light, a man holds a pencil in his hand and shapes his views on Indian education, a story about an academy.