Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 30: Create an atmosphere

The midnight show data of "Buried Alive" was counted into the hands of the relevant person in charge of Europa Pictures the next day.

The box office result of 17,000 euros is really not beautiful.

Durant looked at the report in his hand and instructed: "Continue to maintain the number of screenings in 30 theaters."

The attendance rate is less than 10%, which is relatively normal for such low-cost thriller movies.

According to the development of this situation, Europa Films will definitely be able to make profits from the operation of this film, which is also in line with the expected goal of the original release.

On Saturday, a traditional day off, "Buried Alive", which has the same number of theaters, did not show a violent and aggressive momentum at the box office, and won the box office of 26,000 euros steadily.

This result is still average, but it is also within the expected atmosphere. If this momentum can be maintained, it can also receive a box office of 130,000 to 40,000 in a week. In addition, after the next week, it will be released in other regions, and the global market will go down. After that, it can also have the follow-up offline video tape distribution income. In general, Europa Pictures estimates that it should not be a problem to harvest two or three million income from this operation, and it is very satisfied.

Anyway, they didn\'t expect such a film to have an overwhelming attendance rate, and the weekly box office exceeded its cost. Stable data performance also means no risk, isn\'t it, which is exactly what Europa Pictures would love to see.

After Sunday, the box office increased slightly to 28,000 euros. As of today, "Buried Alive" has received 71,000 euros from the French market in three days.

And some things happened as promised—

On Tuesday, September 11, a very ordinary day was turned into an extraordinary one by a terrorist attack.

Lehmann only found out about it the next day. He was busy writing the outline of a new script. Ryan suddenly went to his house to tell it, and also attached the newspaper with the highest sales in France - "West de France" ".

After carefully reading the newspaper, all kinds of memories emerged one by one:

Two civil aviation planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in the United States shortly after each other.

Under the raging flames and thick smoke, everyone from the on-site interview host to the street people to the rescuers was all panicked.

They have gone through too many peaceful days, and they seem to be very uncertain when they encounter this disaster.

Immediately, the U.S. airspace began to blockade, prohibiting all flying equipment from taking off.

Then, then-President George W. Bush issued a statement confirming that it was a premeditated terrorist attack.

After that, the military all over the United States entered the highest alert state, and immediately determined that this terrorist attack was planned by Ben-**, and he was officially wanted by the world.

Of course, the Taliban regime, which has always been unhappy with the US government, insisted that this incident had nothing to do with the citizens of its country.

The newspaper also published the analysis of relevant experts in France who have a clearer understanding of international relations, and believed that the root cause of this incident was the Middle East policy that the United States has always implemented. The long-term Israeli-Palestinian military conflict, the harm done by the Israelis to the Palestinians, and the U.S. favoritism towards Israel have led to a group of fanatical radicals with mortal determination.

In the next few days, the whole world knew the news, and various media reported it in multiple ways, and they were always able to report the most cutting-edge news.

On September 14, the U.S. House of Representatives approved and instructed U.S. President George W. Bush to use force against terrorists; at the same time, after the news was disclosed, according to an opinion poll organized by the U.S. media, more than 90 percent of the participants supported the U.S. enemy armed plan.

On September 19, armed forces landed in Afghanistan.

On October 7, US President George W. Bush announced that he had destroyed some of the military targets of the Taliban authorities in Afghanistan and the famous Qada training camp of the terrorist extremist gang. The war on terror broke out.

This incident has made many Americans "sanctify" all the technical means that can defend the United States almost instantly, and the national missile defense plan that has been debated before has entered the implementation stage directly. In addition, the serious differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party disappeared, and the national government and opposition were united to fight terrorism together.

The Bush administration, which was originally criticized, also changed from a "weak" situation in an instant, and its government\'s prospects were not optimistic to the public. With its excellent crisis management ability and prompt action response, the favorability of the American people was overwhelmed. Seize the governing body.

Some conspiracy theories also began to appear at this time. They believed that the attack was directed and performed by the Bush administration to maintain the international status of the United States, achieve hegemony and peace, so as to be able to intervene in the entire Middle East in an open and fair manner... .

Of course, these have little impact on the French side, except that high-level meetings have become more frequent, and anti-terrorism operations have received support from many countries.

To say that the only reaction is that Lehmann is more concerned with the film market.

Since this incident, theater chains around the world have been left alone, making many movies that are currently being released as victims, especially comedy movies, which have become the biggest victims of terrorist attacks, and many are expected to be released. The videos have also been withdrawn.

As a result, in the entire huge movie market, only a few new films are still being released, among which is "Buried Alive".

The world has changed, and the film market has also changed.

A constant theme was remembered - against violence.

And Europa Pictures is not short of discerning people. In the face of such a market reaction, they seized the opportunity and began to re-promote "Buried Alive" on a large scale. See newspaper.

Under the circumstance that the whole world is affected, the publicity effect is amplified one by one.

Overseas regions such as the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, Italy, etc. have also begun to exert their strength.

The new week\'s box office of "Buried Alive" was finally fixed at the figure of 4.68 million euros. Compared with the box office result of 820,000 euros in the previous week, it was the gap between the sky and the earth, which was a full 6 times.

The number of local theaters in France has also increased to more than 800. Anyway, not many movies will be released in this schedule, and "Buried Alive" is all cheap.

Although many viewers did not choose to go out to the cinema to watch movies at this time, the base is undoubtedly greatly reduced, but it can\'t stand up to competitors, and there are few of them. Moreover, the audience can choose only a few after tossing and turning, and " Buried Alive indeed vaguely hints at the phenomenon of innocent people being implicated and maliciously retaliated against under the panic of war, which makes it particularly prominent in these films.

Of course, there are also downsides. At least the United States, where the incident took place, was very unhappy with the film.

After a week of release, it earned less than one million dollars at the box office, and the American people didn\'t have many choices.

The anti-war ideology reflected in it and the ridicule of all aspects of the United States really make the people of this country uninterested at this time.

Usually, everyone can mock the Washington authorities as much as they want, but at this time, they can\'t.

Unsurprisingly, the second week of "Buried Alive" in the U.S. film market was even worse, and the theater chain did not expand the release, but reduced the number of broadcasts.

The "September 11 Incident" has indeed had a huge impact on the political and economic life of Americans, and this trend in the entertainment industry is inevitable. In addition, the North American film market has always been xenophobic, and it will be more difficult for foreign products to achieve results. The masses have long been accustomed to supporting "Made in America", so the coldness of "Buried Alive" is completely expected.

Fortunately, other regions are still relatively powerful. Europa Films is not happy for everyone. After two weeks of operation, they have recovered the cost, including the follow-up promotion fee. And the most important thing is that the market potential shown by "Buried Alive" has not been fully released, which means that their next results will definitely be better. Therefore, the company\'s executives waved their hands and continued to increase publicity expenses, allowing more audiences to spontaneously walk into the cinema to enjoy the film.

After the third week ~www.novelhall.com~Buried Alive", the local box office score was 1.35 million euros, and the global box office accumulated $9.62 million. Over the 10 million mark is just around the corner.

This data is like a thunderbolt, making the entire Europa Films boil.

They only spent 2 million euros to buy back the film distribution rights, and now they are worth over 10 million at the box office, not to mention the follow-up video tape distribution and surrounding copyright authorization must also be a lot of money.

Maybe, this year\'s performance will be able to draw a very good number by relying on this movie.

For such dark horse movies, the media and newspapers are naturally reluctant to let go of the opportunity.

A lot of spontaneous propaganda began to emerge, and many reports began to pay attention to the follow-up development of the film.

On the day of October 2, it once again earned a box office of more than 3 million US dollars, which also made it leap over the 10 million mark, reaching a data score of more than 12 million US dollars.

However, just like the operating rules of market development, after more than a month of screening, the growth momentum of "Buried Alive" has come to an end and has begun to decline gradually.

Perhaps a popular commercial movie can usually be shown for more than half a year, but for a movie that has not won a mainstream award, it is a little extravagant.

People from Europa Films also clearly informed Lehmann that they would no longer invest in publicity, and that the next date negotiated with French theaters would also be maintained for about half a month.

Lasting for more than a month, with a release time of nearly 50 days, it is already worth seeing this niche movie. As for overseas markets, it may be extended a little according to the screening situation in various places, but it is estimated that it will not be enough.

On October 24, "Buried Alive" was officially released from the French cinema, with a total local box office of 5.24 million euros.