Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 32: huh huh

Early the next morning, Lyman was awakened by the strong sunlight coming in from the window.

Last night, after Ma Liu wrote the outline of the script, he felt sleepy, got into bed in a daze, and even forgot to close the window that he opened when he was walking last night.

He scratched his hair vigorously. Although his brain was still a little awake, Lyman didn\'t want to fall asleep.

With his misty eyes open, he kicked up his slippers and walked to the bathroom.

After a meal, I took care of personal hygiene and my spirits improved a little.

After changing his clothes, he picked up the script outline, and Lehman closed the door with his backhand and went out.

Walking on a fairly tidy street and being exposed to the sun in summer, the whole person is instantly awake.

Vehicles galloped past, while pedestrians paced slowly. Dressed in a cool body, it was inevitable that he would start to sweat.

Lehman thought to himself: If I had known that Ryan would come to pick me up by car, I wouldn\'t make an appointment to meet at the studio.

But there is no way, it has become an established fact, and it is useless to think blindly.

Continuing to walk along the street, the tall trees on both sides of the road barely shaded a lot of sunlight, so it wouldn\'t make it more uncomfortable.

Not far away, there is a breakfast shop. Laiman has eaten it a few times before, and the taste is okay. The most important thing is that it is close to his house, and it is also in the direction of the studio. Stop by.

When I went in, I saw that there was a large table inside the door with various food trays on it, and there were all kinds of bread choices. On the other side, there was a large iron bucket with hot milk in it.

Lyman said, "A croissant, a chocolate loaf, and a cup of cold coffee."

The smiling fat boss, wearing a mask, heard this, held a bread folder, gently and quickly took it out of the plate, the other hand had already taken out the plastic bag, and skillfully placed it, lifted it, and pulled it. , two loaves are ready. He took out the packaged coffee from the counter at the back and handed it to Lehmann, "A total of eight euros."

Received money, asked for money, and said with a smile, "Welcome to come again next time." The fat boss went to meet the requirements of the next customer again.

Seeing this, you may find out why all foods are sweets. In fact, Lehmann doesn\'t understand either. Perhaps the French believe that breakfast is the first meal to supplement the energy needed for the day, and the most needed thing is glucose.

I ate while walking along the way, and when I was about to get to the studio, Laiman had already finished breakfast.

After drinking, the shriveled coffee bag and the plastic bag containing the bread were rolled into a ball and neatly thrown into a garbage can on the street.

He took out the key, opened the door of the studio, and Lehman walked in in a blink of an eye.

This house is located on a facade on the outer street of Monica Community, which is about 2,000 meters away from Lehman\'s apartment.

The interior space is not large, only about 20 square meters, with a toilet, but no equipment required for bathing. Anyway, it\'s an empty shell, and Lyman, Ryan, and even Thomas don\'t live here.

Ryan lives in an apartment across the street in the center of Cannes. His father bought it for him, and he stopped living with his parents when he became an adult.

Thomas actually lived in the Monica community. It was the property of one of his uncles and was temporarily lent to him to live there.

Lehmann took out the mop from the bathroom and mopped the floor while he was free.

I haven\'t been here for more than a week, and there is a little dust on the ground.

Just as I was going to scrub the nameplate at the door, Ryan also arrived.

He drove over in the silver-white sedan under the DS flag.

"Hey, man, you haven\'t come out these days, but you\'ve missed a lot of things." As soon as Ryan entered the door of the studio, he pretended to be regretful.

"What did I miss?" Lehmann said cooperatively, helping him answer the question.

"You missed it, we went to enjoy the beauty activities together. A few days ago, Thomas and I went to Martinez Beach, and at a glance, it was full of bikinis, the temptation... zizizi." Ryan smacked his mouth, looking extra exaggerated.

"Come on, I haven\'t been to that place before. Is it necessary for you to do this? Seriously, let\'s get down to business first." Laiman looked puzzled.

I can\'t do it just by looking at it, and the behavior that has been addicted to the eyes is what a silly child like Ryan likes to do, and he pretends to be a lover. He is a pure lover. Lyman said he saw through everything.

"Do you have a new plan?"

Hearing the business, Ryan\'s eyes became more active. The creative road of "Buried Alive" is still vivid in his mind, and the success has made him eager to make his next film project again.

"Well, you have an idea. You can look at the outline of the story first." With that said, Lyman took out a stack of manuscript papers from the document bag on the table and handed it to Ryan.

With anticipation, Ryan took the manuscript and sat on a wooden bench to read it carefully.

Well, what is the name of Nima? "Three idiots make trouble in Bollywood", I\'m watching the plot design that happened in India, and then I look down, it\'s still the story of college students. After reading all the way, Ryan put away the mood that he had been looking forward to earlier, and many questions that he didn\'t understand piled up in his mind, so he had to spit it out.

"I think we need to change the name first." Ryan began to express his opinion.

Lehman took advantage of the time he was reading the script just now, and wiped the nameplate hanging outside the house. Hearing this, he said, "What\'s the name?"

Ryan said: "I can\'t get out of it, how about it, express my heart and echo the ending."

"Why don\'t you call the three fools? It\'s more direct and clear." Lyman rolled his eyes and ignored it.

Ryan was obviously not reconciled, and he continued to express his opinion, "Then why do you want to film Indian education, France, Britain, and the United States, these campus stories are definitely worth watching, why go so far?"

"I want to involve the caste system, do these countries have it?" One sentence kowtowed Ryan.

He thought about it for a while, and then continued: "If we make movies in India, will there be an audience?"

"As long as the story can be told well, non-English films will also have audience support. Film art has no borders."

Lyman finally knew what Ryan was worried about? It is nothing more than seeing that the main creative place is in India, and the actors are also selected in India, I am afraid it is too risky.

These years, non-English films are indeed not very popular in the global market. Few of the market masterpieces are born. Most of them have good reputation, but the box office results are not good.

"Okay, since you\'ve thought about it, I don\'t have any other questions." Ryan spread out the manuscript and asked, "What do I need to do, and what are the creative ideas?"

"Do you know the caste system in India? Do you understand the entire education system? The general direction is to talk about these. I need you to write the background conditions clearly to make my shooting ideas clearer."

"Oh, man, you have given me another problem. When will you be able to make a film with a French background? This Indian country, I can\'t understand it too deeply, not to mention the social system. , you really found something for me to do, and I have to refer to various literatures, and I may disturb my mentor again." Ryan is also convinced, why does this friend like to shoot this kind of background investigation? movie? The whole thing is simple, isn\'t it? It\'s really hard for me to be fat tiger.

"Just say if you can do it." Lyman looked at Ryan and said, "Finish the background, the way the characters speak, and the details of life everywhere. We have a big ticket this time."

"Oh, by the way, I haven\'t asked you yet, this movie will cost a lot to see, do you have enough money to shoot?"

"Don\'t worry, I have a plan." Lyman said confidently.

When Ryan heard this, he didn\'t say anything. He took the file bag, sorted out the script outline, took it and left.

It is not an easy task to study the social background of India, and he is probably busy.

After watching Ryan leave, Lehmann stood in the studio, and after careful consideration, he decided to do all the preparatory work first, and he could be more convincing to invest in Europa Pictures.

He called Thomas, and the two of them went to various unions to file the project together.

The first stop I went to the Screenwriters Guild~www.novelhall.com~ The procedures here are very simple. You can edit the general situation of a script and pay a small fee to complete the inclusion of the script for the new project.

French copyright law is very complete, but Lehmann did not expect that the recordation of the Screenwriters Guild could play a crucial role. Film companies have always had no morals, and imitating creativity is more commonplace. Even if it does go to court, it is absolutely fine for this kind of lawsuit to drag on for a year or two. Liberal democracy, you know everything.

The role of the Screenwriters Guild is just to add an insurance, not a guarantee that the creative copyright will not be infringed. No one would be foolish enough to think that if the script has been accepted by the Screenwriters Guild, everything will be safe. If this is the case, it would be great.

After getting the filing documents issued by the Screenwriters Guild, the two of them went to the Directors Guild non-stop.

The entry threshold here is still very conditional, and Lehmann also successfully joined in by virtue of the release of "Buried Alive" and his complete creative experience.

If you pay a membership fee every year, you can get the help of the union, such as putting pressure on the production company to get a suitable salary, and reasonably asking for a profit from the film. All these, the directors of the director union will try their best to join each of them. The director strives for the best conditions, and when Lehmann went to negotiate with Europa Films, he was a very strong reinforcement.

After dealing with a series of possible advantages to the negotiation, the next step, the two of them went to the photography union to go through the formalities for Thomas.

Since he wants to truly become a photographer in the circle, qualifications are essential. With the help of the trade union, the situation will be better.

There is also the budget statement for the shooting. Lehman also began to put his heart into writing it. It is also a time-consuming task to be well-founded and coherent.