Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 29: Promotion Plan

In a flash, the time came to September.

A notice came from Europa Pictures, saying that it was going to promote the movie "Buried Alive".

The initial plan is to promote it for a week, and then push it into the French market.

Speaking of this publishing company, it is quite interesting.

It was also after many inquiries that Lehmann found out that one of the founders turned out to be the very famous French commercial director Luc Besson.

Yes, it is the Luc Besson who made a series of acclaimed films such as "This Killer Is Not Too Cold", "Joan of Arc", and "The Fifth Element".

At the beginning of the establishment, it was also because he was very dissatisfied with the status quo of the domestic film market. He felt that if this continued, France would sooner or later become the back garden of Hollywood films.

So, he let go of his heart as a literary director and studied how to make movies more commercial.

It is precisely because of these reasons that although Europa Pictures is a newly established film company, its local distribution capabilities are very good.

And there is a certain degree of competitiveness in the entire European market. Otherwise, director Luc Besson would not have dared to say that he would unite the forces of the European film industry to counterattack the Hollywood market.

Of course, as a big director, his main job position is naturally not biased towards film and television distribution, and he doesn\'t pay attention to the distribution of "Buried Alive" at all.

Small-budget films like this need to be evaluated by the company\'s internal staff to customize the operation of appropriate resources within the circle.

In a word, a small cost should have the appearance of a small cost.

Time entered September 3rd, and news reports about the movie appeared one after another in the entertainment section of French newspapers.

"Focusing on human nature, who is to blame for the tragedy of innocent citizens being buried alive?" - Le Parisien

"A great thriller, officially broadcast on September 9." - "Le Figaro"

Silently, it can be regarded as attracting a small group of attention.

After all, for Europa Films, which has not completely bought out the copyright, it will definitely not give too many publicity resources to promote "Buried Alive", half of which is the procurement cost, which is the publicity fee of 800,000 euros. At this price, they think it is very suitable.

So, no need to think about any TV channel advertisements, headlines in the entertainment section of national newspapers, outdoor large-screen advertisements... you don\'t need to think about it, you won\'t spend so much money there.

They mainly put up movie posters in some theaters, and also put second-page advertisements in some local media.

Such a meticulous operation will naturally not cause any trouble.

However, after all, the cost of the film is there, and it is impossible to invest too much in it. Otherwise, wouldn’t Europa Pictures suffer a loss.


An apartment somewhere in Cannes.

Lehmann has a well-groomed haircut and fastened with mousse, wearing a beige short-sleeved upper body with various French fonts printed on it, a pair of loose trousers on the lower body and a pair of trousers over his feet sandals. As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Ryan and Thomas smugly in front of the mirror.

Both of them were wearing formal suits with ties on their chests. Suits, trousers, leather shoes, as if they were going to some high-level dinner party.

"Do you two want to be so exaggerated, aren\'t you just going to a movie?" Lyman pouted, expressing that he couldn\'t understand the operation of the two.

"It\'s not the first time in my life, so it\'s natural to be more formal." Ryan laughed and asked back, "Go and change into a formal suit as well."

"No, it\'s too hot, I\'d better wear this, cool down."

"Can you change? Shouldn\'t the three of us wear the same type of clothes when we set off together? We\'re not a team anymore." Ryan said, giving Thomas a look beside him.

"Yes, the three of us are walking together. You look very incongruous when you dress like this." Thomas also said.

"Hehe, don\'t."

It\'s just to watch the midnight screening of "Buried Alive" on the spot, so what are you doing grandly? Ryman categorically rejects this very stupid proposal.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was surrounded by two big men, "If you don\'t change, we will do it."


Forced into desperation, Lehman also put on a formal suit, from head to toe, surprisingly consistent with the two next to him.

In the breeze, the three got into Ryan\'s car, a silver-white car made by DS.

Driving smoothly along the way, the three came to a cinema in the southeast of Cannes.

"Okay." Ryan sat in the driver\'s seat and began to greet, "Let\'s get out of the car, it\'s already here."

Lyman pushed open the back seat door and turned to look at Ryan, "It\'s really stupid that we dress like this."

"Stop complaining, man, you have to cooperate, you know?" Ryan closed the car door and walked towards the theater first.

After the three walked to this slightly remote theater, Thomas pointed to the poster column in front and said, "Look, our movie poster."

Directly in front of the entrance to the cinema hall, the poster of "Buried Alive" designed by Europa Pictures was posted there. Inside the dark coffin, a man with blood on his forehead and fearful eyes was holding a lighter and looking around.

"Let\'s go, let\'s go." Ryan\'s voice was full of excitement.

"Hello, we want three tickets for Buried Alive." At a glass ticket counter, Ryan turned to the middle-aged male conductor and asked, "Hi! Man, how\'s the ticket sales for this movie? There are a lot of them. Anyone watching?"

Thomas and Lyman on the side also raised their ears and wanted to know the answer to this question. The eyes of the three of them looked at the slightly obese middle-aged man conductor at the same time.

The conductor took out three movie tickets sloppily, handed them to Ryan, and said slowly: "You mean this movie, right? The seats inside are empty, and no one is going to watch it at all."

The three were stunned. Ryan paid 18 euros for the ticket and asked reluctantly, "Is this movie bad? Otherwise, why would no one want to watch it."

"In the evening, there are few people, and it\'s still such an unknown movie, who would make a special trip to watch it?" Immediately, the middle-aged male conductor seemed to think of something, and said Cancan, "Of course, I\'m not talking about you."

The three men in formal suits stood side by side, as if their minds were abnormal, and the conductor didn\'t want to offend them at all.

Lehman and the others were silent as they walked towards the third cinema.

In the dark movie hall, there was really no one, it was empty, adding up the three of them, there were no more than ten people.

Taking a closer look, they are still couples.

Before the movie started, they hugged and chewed together.

It\'s vulgar, corrupts the atmosphere, the fire of my big FFFF group, burn these two pairs of heretics to death for me.

It\'s only ten minutes before the movie\'s broadcast time. Obviously, it\'s easy to see that the conductor is right. There really aren\'t many people watching this movie.

In such a large space, there were enough seats for hundreds of spectators, and only 7 people were scattered sporadically, which seemed really disheartening.

"Lyman, it\'s okay, there are 20 theaters playing, maybe this one is the only one with a bad location, so it seems to be less crowded." The three of them sat on the best seats in the middle and lower, and Ryan comforted. .

Such a niche film and lack of publicity, how could there be a lot of viewers watching it? He should have figured this out a long time ago, but when he looked at the deserted movie hall, he still felt an indescribable emotion piled up in his heart. Quite depressing.

"I\'m fine, Ryan, at least our movie is in the cinema, isn\'t it? It\'s better than the beginning." Lyman suppressed his emotions and said with a smile.

Ryan nodded, looked at Lyman\'s rather relaxed expression, and sat down in his seat.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Thomas began to gag.

The three of them chatted, and soon after the midnight screening after 12 o\'clock, there was no new spectator in the movie hall, and there were still seven people watching.

Oh, maybe only the three of them came to watch the movie seriously, and the other four were still immersed in the world of hurting each other after the movie started, and they didn\'t have time to care about the others. Just beware of each other\'s ubiquitous attacks, it was enough for them bear it.

On the screen, the company logo added by Europa Pictures appeared. After a few seconds, it fell into darkness, and then, a long shot from sound into painting appeared.

On the still pitch-black screen ~www.novelhall.com~ sounded a man\'s rapid breathing, and after a few coughs, a faint firelight sounded, reflecting the man\'s face.

The movie continued, and after more than 30 minutes, the theater was always very quiet. Only on the screen, Paul, played by Heath Ledger, made various sounds.

Lehmann turned his head and looked back. At the end of the seat, a couple had finished fighting and were watching the movie intently, while at the other end of the seat on the right, there was still a fierce battle going on.

At least two people are willing to watch it, which is not bad. Lyman deceived himself and comforted himself, turned around, and continued to look at the big screen.

At the back of the movie, the relationship between the characters and the background of the burial appear one by one, the rigid alarm system, the indifferent company leaders, the official 911...

It also highlights the theme: selfish and indifferent relationships are more terrible things, and also puts Paul in the film in real despair.

This kind of plot design is like a huge black hole. The hope of survival is like the oxygen in the coffin that is gradually being exhausted, and the ray of fire that is on and off. There will never be any light, and only eternal darkness will wait. .

From anticipation to loss, from reinvigoration to despair, there is only one word "ok" to accept death calmly.

Paul died, he was buried alive, buried under heavy sand, and the movie ended.

There was no applause, no cheers, everything was so quiet.

Lehmann stood up. One couple in the back seat had already left, and the other was about to leave.

"Let\'s go."

After speaking calmly, he walked along the long stairs towards the outside of the theater.

The moon hangs high in the sky, looking very beautiful.