Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 2: buddy ryan

People always like to chase poems and distances, chasing illusory dreams, but before taking action, it’s best to fill your stomach first. If you can’t even do the most basic survival, everything else is just empty talk.

It\'s been two days since I came to this strange country. Except for walking around here and getting familiar with the environment, Laiman didn\'t go anywhere or do anything.

Before his film dream can be realized, he must first have an opportunity to participate, or a job related to it.

After all, his total assets, apart from the property, were only 356 yuan, and he spent 30 yuan at the bakery today, and it was only 326 yuan.

If he doesn\'t find a source of income, he may really starve to death in France - dying in a foreign country would be too cruel, and Lehmann would never do that.

The sky soon began to get dark again, and France didn\'t know whether the security conditions were good, and Lehmann didn\'t dare to hang out alone at night.

Dinner was the baguette sticks that I bought in the morning, plus some boiled cold boiled rice. I chewed it a few times, and swallowed it against the water.

It only cost about 5 euros. Lyman has no financial income yet, and he doesn\'t dare to spend a penny. He must save some money.

Lying on the bed in the bedroom early, Lyman turned his thoughts, thinking about how he should make money next?

write script? no. Not to mention that his creative ability is very poor, and he can barely justify himself. Even if he writes a good script, who will buy it? There is no shortage of good stories in this world, but there is a shortage of people who can make stories. As a former insider, Ryman knows that the script library of many movie companies is full of scripts that no one appreciates. This is a path with infinitely low probability.

To be an actor? It doesn\'t seem to work either. When he looked at his face, he looked like he was running around. How an ordinary, featureless face can make a living in the cruelly competitive showbiz...

As for copying songs and so on, it is even more a fantasy. He has heard a lot of songs, and also a lot of English, but listening and writing songs are completely different existences, so let him who has not received professional learning come here. Write, kill him can\'t do it.

Thinking of this, Lyman, who was a little bored, stood up and walked to the window. He looked through the window at the sky full of stars in the distance. He needed to calm down.

After a long time, he sighed, discarded those unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and turned his thinking back to the most realistic thing, which is to find a job with income first and solve the problem of survival in the future.

Everyone wants to get rich overnight, but it\'s just a fantasy.

Where is this place? Cannes, the town with the most cinematic atmosphere in France. The two-week international film festival is held here every year in mid-May.

There must be no shortage of jobs in the film industry here, Lehmann thought to himself.

The night was getting darker, and Lyman stopped thinking about how to go tomorrow. The physical and mental exhaustion had begun to urge him to rest.

After a good night\'s sleep, Lyman was woken up by a knock on the door early the next morning.

Just as he opened the door, a dark figure rushed up.

He hugged Lehman and patted Lehman\'s back lightly with his palm.

"Ryan Garcia." Lyman only saw who was coming, and he immediately called out.

The man called Ryan let go of his arms and stood in front of Lyman with a smile on his face, "Oh, my dear friend, you don\'t seem very happy."

The man standing in front of Lehman had chestnut-colored hair that was casually draped behind his shoulders, a pair of dark blue eyes with a high nose and rough eyebrows, and a rough chin. The messy beard is embellished, the whole round face is matched with the tall and thin body, and a wild temperament is blowing.

He was Lyman\'s friend in college, Ryan.

That is, one of the two members who wanted to make movies and make money back then.

Laiman pouted, worried that he was coming to collect debts, but he said calmly, "Why are you coming to me?"

"It\'s already June, we agreed to go to the beach to pick up girls, have you forgotten?" Ryan looked at Lyman strangely, wanting to see panic on his calm face, but unfortunately he didn\'t.

Of course, Lehman didn\'t know what Ryan said. This might be what the original body promised. Although he inherited some memories, he didn\'t have the impression of it.

"But I have to find something to do."

"Didn\'t you say you don\'t work part-time? My friend, are you going to get out of your leisurely life so soon and be exploited by others?" Ryan took a careful look at Lyman and said a little uncertainly: "It\'s because Did the movie fail? I said at the beginning that I used my money to make it, and I still have several thousand euros on me, so you can use it first.”

"Isn\'t it just a loss? What\'s the big deal? My family runs a slaughterhouse. What kind of money is this? I can bear it." Ryan\'s determined eyes seemed to be true.

But Lyman knew it was different.

Ryan\'s family is indeed rich, but it is his father\'s property, and he has two older brothers.

That money was also his father\'s starting capital to finance his business. Now that it\'s gone, he estimates that he will go home and inherit the family business after hanging out for a while.

Of course, it\'s not the slaughterhouse business. It\'s actually the product of his father\'s small success at the beginning of his career. Now he has quit that line of work, and has transformed into clothing agency and processing. There are also several stores and factories under his name, which is absolutely counted. Above are the wealthy.

After Ryan finished speaking, he actually took out a handful of banknotes from his pocket, and said, "I only have so much on my body. I thought I would use it when picking up girls, but now..." He turned his head to look at the room that was cluttered but was still a bit messy, and said, "You need this money more, take it first, if you have any questions, tell me, we have known each other for so long, so don\'t treat me as a friend. Good to speak."

"Oh, I was just hit by a sudden blow. I was sleeping at home to heal my injuries. I forgot to contact you. I\'m sorry, Ryan, I made you worry." Lyman said apologetically and sincerely.

Ryan\'s mood was obviously improved. He thought his friend would be unhappy because of this blow. Now that he can still joke, it shows that he really came out.

"If you want me to say, it\'s that the genre of the movie is too unpredictable. Others play plain, we also play plain, and there is no innovation. Isn\'t this a failure?" Ryan seriously analyzed the reasons for the failure of the movie. He still didn\'t know that they were trapped by Miramax, and thought that the film had no audience and was not recognized by the market, which led to the complete cost of shooting.

Lyman nodded, agreeing with Ryan\'s point of view.

There is some truth to his analysis.

The plain style of the movie plot, if you don\'t follow the film festival route to expand your reputation, in all likelihood, it will not be recognized by the audience. The audience will not pay attention to the release of each movie, of course, some inducement conditions are needed to let him choose the movie he wants to watch. No one knows how there is a market.

Although there have always been a lot of literary and artistic films in Europe, it is only based on the appropriate theater release and the quality reputation of their own existence in order to gain some success in the box office market. What\'s more, those famous literary and artistic films, there is no need to worry about copyright operation. , since there will be other distributors paying high prices to subsidize the production costs, unlike the two of them, one is the wrong choice of subject matter, and the other is believing the nonsense of Miramax Films, which is a heavy loss, and a little profit is recovered. Funding conditions are not available.

"Yeah, Ryan, so I\'m going to find a job in the film industry to gain more experience."

Lehman still accepted the money. In the past, he would never have asked for it, but considering that he hadn\'t eaten normal meals for two days, the follow-up work problems were not settled. In the face of the heavy reality, he didn\'t give him too many choices. He hesitated a little and took the money from Ryan\'s hand.

"You\'re majoring in philosophy, and your electives are directing theory and on-set control. You\'re really willing to do chores on the set."

Even Ryan knows that the qualifications in the film and television industry is a hurdle~www.novelhall.com~ A novice like Lehmann can only do chores.

He said again with a hint of disappointment: "Does the first failure count as a gain of experience? I will go to my father to ask for money again, and we are shooting a vigorous movie. I believe in you, Lehmann, you are an excellent The director will definitely succeed.”

When he was in college, Lehmann was praised by many professors for his directing ability, and Ryan, who was a scumbag, also admired Lehman very much.

His dedication to the film strives to analyze the ideological language conveyed behind each scene in the film. When directing the first work, the huge composition of shots and the filling of various details of the script all show his love for this career.

In Ryan\'s view, it is impossible for such a person to be successful in movies.

"So I succeeded." Lyman\'s response made Ryan choked directly, the words were not finished, the next sentence was more impactful, "But I think it\'s better to direct again in the near future, find a copy The job is more suitable for me at the moment."

Now, Ryan didn\'t understand even more, "Lyman, do you really want to do this? You don\'t believe in yourself more than I do."

The three years of hard work in the last life made Lehman more aware of the cruelty of the circle. It\'s true that he has a lot of experience with shooting, and the rest of his job experience has given him a good understanding of how the set works, but so what, where does the money come from? Relying on Ryan funding again?

He didn\'t want to do that.

Shooting a movie is risky. He can\'t do things that he is not sure of again and again, but let Ryan bear the consequences. That\'s not what friends should do.

Although he had only been in contact with him for so long, he felt Ryan\'s friendship with Lyman.

It is precisely because of this that he cannot easily get involved in filming. That\'s disrespect for that feeling.