Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 28: reach cooperation

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

In a conference room of the hotel, Lyman exchanged contracts with the short-haired man, and then handed the briefcase containing all the copies of the "Buried Alive" film to Arman next to him. Since then, the film has basically nothing to do with him except for the names of the production list and the shooting team.

The legal lawyer hired by the two parties next to him witnessed the transaction.

Just yesterday, the people from Europa Pictures had a final round of tug-of-war negotiations with him, giving Lehmann an offer that was hard to refuse.

In addition to the payment of 2 million euros in copyright fees, they are also willing to give a 30% box office dividend, and promise that Europa Pictures will appropriately invest in Lehmann\'s next work and provide distribution channels for it.

According to the short-haired man, we are all compatriots in the same country and should help.

Of course, Lehmann didn\'t believe this nonsense, but the conditions they really gave were the best among all the publishers these days, so he agreed.

And the reason why, after agreeing again, still vaguely said to cooperate with Miramax\'s people is nothing more than disgusting them. From the beginning to the end, Lyman did not believe them. do it?

After the contract was signed, the short-haired man had no intention of continuing to be polite, and reminded: "We will fly back to France in a few days, and we will notify you when the film is scheduled to be released."


The short-haired man smiled, motioned to the two colleagues in the back to pack up their belongings, stretched out his hand and shook it with Lehman, "I hope to have the opportunity to collaborate on your next film."

Laiman also returned a polite smile, "Your blessings are yours."

He is already very happy with the smooth transaction this time. Those copyright fees are a lot of money. In addition to the subsequent release, if the market performance of "Buried Alive" is not bad, then he will be happier.

For so many days, you have been working hard to maximize profits, aren\'t you?

After the three returned to the hotel, Lyman sat on the bed and was completely relieved.

Although many people offered conditions, but the contract was finally signed and the copyright of "Buried Alive" was sold, and that sense of authenticity was truly realized.

Just as he was about to say something, Ryan jumped up on him and pressed him on top.

"We made money, we made money, Lehman, we succeeded." Well, he looked more excited, and he probably didn\'t vent his emotions along the way, which made him suffocated.

Lyman patted him on the back, seeing that he didn\'t respond, then pressed his shoulder with his right hand and pushed him aside, sat up slowly, and commanded, "Thomas, open the window, it\'s too hot here. ."

Even a fan in this shabby hotel is a decoration, and it doesn\'t turn on when the switch is pressed.

Seeing this, Thomas walked over to the wall and pushed the window open.

The cool wind blew in, taking away the indoor temperature.

Very comfortable!

Thomas went back to his bed, unbuttoned his shirt two in a row, grabbed the collar and kept opening and closing it, feeling the flow of air, let out a long breath, and then said, "How long will we go back?"

"Go and book a plane ticket, we\'ll leave tomorrow."

After selling the film rights, the Venice Film Festival is not over, but it is not the place Lehmann wants to stay.

It has lasted for nearly a week, and I have gained so much, so what\'s not to be satisfied with.

This time, they came right.

The next day, the three packed their luggage and took the flight back to France.

After leaving the airport, the three took a taxi back to Laiman\'s residence.

Next is to deal with some things.

Two million euros of royalties have been paid to Lehmann and Ryan\'s studio accounts. The money involved is very large, and it must be taxed before it can be used.

Although Lehmann did not want to give out the money out of thin air, the French tax bureau is not a vegetarian, so it is better to be honest.

But although it is necessary to pay taxes, there are reasonable tax avoidance methods or some money can be saved.

The deal for Buried Alive was made in the name of Mann Studios, which is registered in Cannes.

So, they went to another relevant lawyer, and at his suggestion, after paying more than 200,000 yuan, they were properly dealt with.

This funding has also changed from 2 million euros to about 1.8 million.

Busy until the evening, the three of them went to a high-end restaurant for a big meal before returning to their respective houses.

Lehman closed the door and lay directly on the bed. After a busy period of time, especially after the tightness of the mental door, he felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

However, when he thought that he had successfully taken the first step and accumulated a sum of money, the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously, and he smirked.

From the moment of madness, he never talked to anyone about his pressure, cheating investment, project preparation, shooting, post-production, and seeking distribution.

Step by step, they are all gambling.

Even if he fails, he will go to another place with an unknown future to fight again, but fortunately, good luck is on his side.

Lehman thought about his gains and felt infinite satisfaction.

A director, without the scenery in front of the stage, has the same sense of achievement.

Is there anything more pleasing than seeing that your work can be loved by the audience?


The next day, Ryan and Thomas arrived at Lyman\'s house again.

Lehmann has never forgotten the help they had given him. Now, it\'s time to share.

He directly gave Thomas 100,000 euros, which is the best response to his hard work and subsidies. He is quite satisfied with this honest person who joined their team as an intern, and if he wants to continue to maintain the friendly relationship between the two sides, it is naturally impossible to make others pay without reward.

100,000 yuan was the most suitable amount after Lehman thought.

And there\'s Ryan. He really treats him as a friend to this man who has a lot to do with his predecessor, and who keeps helping him when making movies. Moreover, the studio was established in the name of the two of them, and the income was also divided into half.

Perhaps, he can not follow that division method, after all, it is just a directory, and the studio is also an empty shell, which can be dissolved at any time without any legal issues, but he still chooses to continue to maintain the studio\'s income and does not intend to end it this relationship.

Money can be earned again, friends, but it is not a commodity.

So, he only gave Ryan 20,000 pocket money, and he stopped paying attention to him, saying that he wanted to invest the rest of the money in new projects, and let him remember to help write the script.

After the last cooperation experience, Lehman felt that it would be better to leave it to Ryan to write the script.

"Do you have a new idea?" Ryan took the pocket money from Lyman and was happy when he heard that he was going to create a new movie.

"Of course."

He didn\'t know how many good ideas were in his mind, and he didn\'t have to worry about inspiration at all.

"I want to join too." Thomas, who was beside him, also hurriedly roared.

"Don\'t worry, the two of us won\'t abandon you."

For Thomas, who has gone through many trials and tribulations, this revolutionary friendship is still necessary.

"Then can I be the cameraman for this movie?"

"Is a deputy okay?" Lyman thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I promise it won\'t hold you back."

It\'s enough to be able to do camera work. As for the rest, Thomas doesn\'t mind. He also knows that his experience is not so reassuring in comparison.

The videography job requires talent, skills, and experience. He is very satisfied with Lehman\'s commitment.

After all this is done, there is another thing to be done first. The 500,000 euros sponsored by investors must be given to others.

Although Lehman really wanted to wait until the money from the box office was cut, he still didn\'t know what Europa Films meant, so he\'d better divide it up first, and stabilize the investors first.

According to the contract signed that day, the investment cost of 500,000 euros can account for half of the total income, that is, the initial income of 900,000 euros (tax deducted), and the subsequent box office is divided, and can get another half.

So, after making an appointment with Mr. Lambert on the phone, Ryman was thinking about whether to give all of the 900,000 yuan, or whether it would be appropriate to pay him back the cost of 500,000 yuan first.

Anyway, all the benefits haven\'t come down yet, it can be slowed down for some time.

While thinking about it, the appointment time for the meeting came, and Laiman hurried to the appointment.

It was the same cafe where the two met.

"Mr. Lambert, my film has been sold for distribution rights. This is a signed contract~www.novelhall.com~ You can take a look first."

Lehmann took out a distribution contract with Europa Pictures and handed it to Christopher Lambert.

But the gentleman in front of him didn\'t want to look at it. He said, "Lyman, the money is actually not from me, but from your father."

"What?" Lyman was a little confused, what does this mean?

"That day, you found me in the parking lot..."

Afterwards, Mr. Lamport told a series of events, how he recognized Ryman, how he called his father to inform him, and the reason why his father was willing to pay the money.

Of course, there are a lot of omissions in this, such as the fact that he thinks Lehmann is a liar and is reluctant to invest, "Your father entrusted me with this money to you, and it doesn\'t require anything in return, so, you know what? "

He took over the contract and handed it to Lehman, "I came here today to clarify this matter. Now you know, I still have something to do, so I\'ll leave first."

After all, I wanted to leave the cafe.

"Wait, Uncle Lambert, I still want to ask you to return the money to my father."

Christopher Lambert stopped, turned around, and looked at Lyman in a complicated way. He really didn\'t understand the father and son.

"There is a total of 900,000 in this bank card. Please give it to him for me. Even if he invested, now it\'s the harvest."

After speaking, Lyman stood up and bowed politely, "Thank you."

Then, he turned around and left the cafe.

He didn\'t want to owe anything, and he wasn\'t really "Lyman", and he couldn\'t, or even shouldn\'t, get the money back. It would be best to go back and make a break, and he didn\'t want to disturb other people\'s families.

Looking at the scenery along the way, it is very beautiful.