Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 280: Production department

After finishing the banquet, Laiman pressed his temple ruthlessly.

I don\'t know if these grandsons had discussed it privately, and as soon as they came up, they started to drink alcohol in the wheel battle.

At first, Lehmann didn\'t notice either. Are you happy? Just drink it.

As a result, I vomited and vomited, and after the stamina came up, my head also rose sharply.

The next day, I woke up.

When Lyman came to the company, York had already brought people over.

They are a team, dig, and also a team.

Luc Besson is also generous. After knowing this, he didn\'t say anything, just called and laughed at Lehmann.

This kind of behavior of soliciting is very common in major film companies. Moreover, production teams like this are actually quite loose. Unlike ordinary companies, it is difficult to leave because people are basically affiliated and usually do not receive wages. Only when the job is received will there be income.

What\'s more, York and his subordinates still have some recognition for Layman. The movie is a big hit, and they don\'t take too many red envelopes. Knowing that Layman is not a stingy person, joining Firefly Pictures can still be reused, which is good for them. It\'s a good thing to say.

Lehman entered his office. The company has a special editing room, which is also an asset of the original company. First, he instructed Ryan to seal the film and put the post-production aside first. Then he called York to talk about the production. The department continues to expand.

"The salary is not a problem. I guarantee that Firefly Pictures can provide a salary above the industry standard to deal with the project shooting, and there is no need to worry about not working. This year, the company has at least two or three movie plans." Lehman continued. : "If you have any suitable candidates, just go and dig them. The filming team Thomas has already been selected, and the rest of the sets, props, and art are still short of manpower. Whether it is a team or not, it is enough to recruit people."

York also understands what Lehman means. Just like Firefly, there are too few people in the production department. Generally speaking, there are less than 30 people in the production department. It is estimated that it will be difficult to launch two project plans at the same time. Invitation by the team, and scheduling appointments based on other people\'s time, this is definitely not acceptable for a normal and healthy film company.

He thought for a while, and suddenly said, "I think of a person, but this person has a lot of quirks, I just don\'t know if you can stand it."

Lehman smiled and said, "As long as I have real strength, I don\'t care about other aspects. You can talk about that person first."

"This guy is a Mexican, his name is Guillermo del Toro, and I used to be on a set with me, and then I heard he started a studio and started his own movies." York continued: "Seven years Before, he filmed a "Variant DNA". Because of the strong intervention of the producer, the two sides broke up. He returned to Mexico to help the TV station produce the program. Three years ago, he made another "Ghost Boys\' Home" , the box office is ok, recently, his "Blade Warrior 2" is not bad, but he fell out with the producer New Line Pictures, also because of the interference in the production."

"He has a very weird personality and a bad temper, but he is a very good art director and is very good at weird painting styles. And now, New Line Pictures has said that it will never talk to him again because of the filming. cooperate."

Lehman said happily: "That is to say, he has nothing to do now?"

York nodded and said: "Yes, but it\'s best to recruit him early. He also helped Peter Jackson\'s "The Lord of the Rings" design some orc characters some time ago. As long as there is a similar weird style, many people will think of him ."

"Very good, this person, you should contact him immediately. It\'s best to dig up his entire studio."

One of Mexico\'s top three "top", if not recommended by York, Lehmann almost forgot.

Such talent cannot be ignored. Even if his personality is a little weird, he doesn\'t like to interfere with shooting like most Hollywood companies. He still prefers the "director-centered system". The producer is responsible for controlling the budget and funds, and controls the finances well, so that the director can shoot with more confidence, which is the king\'s way. Of course, this is Lehmann\'s own position as a director. The **** decides the head.

After York left, Lyman called Ryan and Thomas again, and the three went into the editing room one by one.

With the assistance of the two right-hand men, I began to slowly pull the huge film material, and put it together according to the sequence I remembered when shooting.

After two days, the first cut of "Million Dollar Baby" was completed, and Morgan Freeman was called in to prepare for the film\'s narration while continuing to cut. Speaking of which, this is also a major feature of the movie, relying on narration to promote the plot and explain the emotions of the characters at that time.

Like a bystander, a comb after witnessing the entire story.

There are not many narration lines like this, but they are the turning points of the story. Morgan-Freeman\'s lines are very high-level, with a mellow, hoarse voice and a little magnetic, which is the most ideal voice input.

It took about two days to get it done. Of course, it took a lot of hard work for people to come, and there was no sign of it.

There was still some budget for the crew anyway, so they offered a salary, not much, $50,000.

But obviously, Morgan Freeman is extremely satisfied.

As a black actor, he basically did not encounter many opportunities in the first half of his life. Instead, he continued to play some rude roles, that is, clowns. This was also a kind of discrimination against blacks in the general direction of Hollywood at that time.

Later, there were some changes in the social environment, and the discourse power of black people gradually increased.

Affected by this, Hollywood is the fastest to change.

He no longer lacks opportunities, and even because he is too busy, the schedule is often insufficient and needs to be coordinated.

In the past few years, he has not become inexplicably proud due to a change in social atmosphere~www.novelhall.com~ or even cerebral palsy.

Many black actors in the circle have begun to become cerebral palsy, strike at every turn, and warn of racial discrimination, which, in his opinion, is somewhat unreasonable.

But he just does what he is.

He is not a person who likes to be in the limelight, and in his acting career, he is mostly willing to be a green leaf.

He is actually very optimistic about Lyman.

Be polite, respect him, and don\'t judge people by their skin color.

And generous, the film can produce results, he is also willing to cooperate with such a director.

These two days of free time were squeezed out by him.

He doesn\'t have many scenes in "Million Dollar Baby". Although the role is throughout, if he takes out his scene alone, it is estimated that he can get it in a week. Therefore, he is also the earliest main actor to leave the group.

After another three days, the re-cut was also completed, followed by the later dubbing and the addition of the title sequence.