Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 279: Fix it

It cost $15,000 to build a hospital ward.

Renting a whole set of medical equipment, calculated at US$900 a day, has been delayed for 7 days and cost US$6,300.

There are still 32 filming staff and 3 actors left in the crew. Each person basically spends more than 100 US dollars a day. This is still a holiday period...

Well, Ryan finally breathed a sigh of relief when both Lyman and Clint Eastwood were back on set.

Since he became a producer, he has become more and more sensitive to the funding of the crew, and even when the budget has not been overrun, he has so much energy in his heart.

The crew has been shut down for a week, and she\'s already going crazy.

Not to mention that the shooting plan was disrupted, and the actors\' schedules needed to be reassigned, that is, the whole group ate, drank and slept, which was not a problem.

But fortunately, the crew began to work smoothly again.

On February 3, the weather was fine.

"Prepare yourself, we\'re about to start shooting."

"Million Dollar Baby, Scene 2, Scene 1, Scene 65, a."

This is a single-person ward in a compartment specially set up on the set. The two cameras are placed in a position with a 45-degree angle of view pulled left and right, aiming at the front hospital bed.

A slightly relieved smile appeared on Hilary Swank\'s face, and there was a bit of indifference in her expression. Coupled with her weak and pale complexion, two different complex states appeared very naturally. It belongs to the character psychology that she has fully pondered during this period of time. Interpreted very well.

Clint Eastwood gave her a distressed look, struggling in her heart.

This is Maggie\'s last request - to end her life.

But "Frankie" couldn\'t make up his mind about the idea of ​​killing his beloved disciple with his own hands, even if he himself knew that instead of lying in a hospital bed in such lifelong pain, euthanasia may be the greatest relief for her.

Seeing his hesitant appearance, "Maggie" bit his tongue fiercely.

Blood poured out of her mouth in an instant, but she could no longer make a sound.

"Crack, prepare for the next set of shots."

Lyman, who had been staring at the director\'s monitor, immediately shouted.

At this time, Hilary Swank got up from the bed, took the mineral water handed to her by the staff, and rinsed the colored plasma from her mouth.

The previous paragraph was one of the most important tear-jerking points in the film. For this reason, she did not know how many times she had practiced it in her mind in private.

Given Lehman\'s high requirements for this film, it is very rare that he has never directly tried it once.

The next few sets of shots were much simpler, "Frankie" still couldn\'t cross the hurdle in his heart, and ran to the church to talk to a priest.

After returning, he finally made up his mind after seeing the increasingly tarnished "Maggie" lying like a living dead.

Three days later, the last set of shots of the crew began to shoot, which also means that the film is about to be completed.

"Mokushle (touch cuishle

"Meaning my beloved, my flesh."

Clint Eastwood said softly, and then took out a shot of adrenaline ready.

The camera finally freezes on "Maggie" who is sleeping peacefully.


Lyman\'s voice sounded.

It took nearly 2 months from start to finish.

The shooting speed is even slower than the original work, but considering the delay in the middle and for better results, the actual shooting that was insisted on in the boxing ring is actually not too time-consuming.

Lehman clapped his hands and attracted everyone\'s attention before saying, "See you tonight at the Hilton Hotel."

"Oh shit."

The crew cheered with ease.

Lehman pointed to the messy shooting scene and said to everyone: "But before that, you have to work hard to clean up this place, and I will hand over to the people from Warner Photo Studio. I will return the lease. I told them in advance."

"Don\'t worry, we will take care of it." The field manager smiled.

Then, Lehmann walked towards the art team again.

The quality of art direction is directly related to the quality of a movie.

In each wonderful performance, in addition to the actors, the matching of lighting, photography, costumes, props, sets, etc., as well as the overall style design, are mostly from the hands of artists. Mei Zhi should pay attention to the director\'s shooting intention before shooting, discuss with him in advance, and try to convert such an idea into reality as much as possible according to the existing shooting conditions.

This position can be said to run through every aspect of filming.

Whether it is "Fury" or "Bad Guy", the team led by York is taking on this important task. After so many years of cooperation, they have long been tacit.

The company was a start-up, and the production department had nothing but a few small fish and shrimp. Lehmann also had the intention of digging the entire shooting team.

Watching everyone was busy, Lyman found York, who was packing up the drawings, and asked with a smile, "Are we still happy to work together this time?"

"It was very easy to follow Director Lyman to film." York said sincerely, "There is no place to spend too much effort."

"Are you interested in working in my company? I\'ll give you a higher treatment than Europa Pictures."

"This..." York hesitated for a moment.

In terms of company size and assets, Europa Pictures is more than one grade stronger than Firefly Pictures. However, York entered the industry at the age of 18, and has worked in countless film crews for more than ten years. If nothing else, he has a broader vision than most people.

The two have worked together so many times, and they know very well that the director Lehmann has both ideas and the ability to turn them into reality. Backed by the big market of Hollywood, the company has great potential. On the other hand, Europa Pictures has a large number of people in the production department.

He is not the only one in the art team~www.novelhall.com~ In addition, Luc Besson also has his own direct line of shooting, so his status in it is not very high.

Moreover, York is not at all clear about the situation of Firefly Pictures. His company has no mature art director at all. If he goes, he will definitely be the one with the most experience, and the future will be promising.

People, especially those with real skills, will inevitably feel dissatisfied with their current situation.

Between repetitions, I thought about the gains and losses: on the one hand, it was a newly opened company, which was very short of people, and would be reused in the past, and it was possible to expand its own art team;

After hesitation, York still said: "Mr. Ryman, I promise to join."

"Okay." Lyman laughed.

Some fight, but don\'t fight yet. If you miss the opportunity, Firefly will slowly recruit people. If you want to regret it at that time, it will be too late.

He chose to bet on the former between "help in the snow" and "icing on the cake".