Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 281: gyro

Guillermo del Toro is probably the best director Oscar winner with the weirdest resume - I mean more than a decade later.

Can you imagine a director who made cult films, obsessed with ghost elements, or someone who has made "Blade 2" and who the Oscar judges despised will rely on "The Shape of Water" to beat "Three Billboards" in the future ", "Green Book", "Dunkirk" and other powerful enemies won the best director, best picture?

No one thought about it, including himself.

As a kid, he was just a fanciful kid, and it wasn\'t until his dad hit the lottery and got rich overnight that his life became amazing -- it\'s a real thing. I can also think that everyone wants such luck, to have a European emperor possessed. I want, too.

In order to decorate or embellish the atmosphere of a cultural person, his father bought a lot of books and kept them at home.

In his childhood, Top was very withdrawn, and he often liked to read books, especially fantasy and thriller books. His early exposure to these niche and marginal cultures made his hobbies seem really different from ordinary people.

Edgar Allan Poe and h-P-Coffkrat are two of his favorite authors. At the age of 7, he made his own models of human organs and used them to scary people.

As he grew up, his zeal for these interests shifted to a fascination with movies, which, in his own words, "saw those good-looking situations or funny monsters, and he wanted to turn them into pictures and present them."

Top started as a makeup artist, not from a major, because he loves to read, but his grades are poor, and he doesn\'t love going to school.

He has been on the set for more than ten years, and has worked as a producer, artist, assistant director, and field manager... He has dabbled in almost every profession.

After he felt that he had almost accumulated enough experience, he wrote and directed a film "Devil\'s Silver Claw", which was a Spanish-language film and won many awards in Mexico, but the market did not accept his alternative style very much. Therefore, he owes the distribution company a loan of 500,000 US dollars (this product has also been scammed, there is no guarantee for the completion of the film, and Xuanfa has been fooled to bear a lot of money. Of course, if he does not do this, it is very likely that people will not push it in. Cinema).

Later, the film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival, and was appreciated by others, and bought overseas copyrights. If there is no such thing, he may be called by the Mexican film company to collect debts. He also sighed with emotion: "You don\'t have to go to jail now."

After going out for the first time, the second feature film is also a matter of course.

But at that time he went to Hollywood, and he also had a hard experience with the iron fist of Hollywood capital.

The investor in that "mutant DNA" was Miramax (they again) headed by the Weinstein brothers.

Harvey is very controlling, and the director\'s creative freedom has been repeatedly interfered with, and the two sides almost had to cancel the film.

This rather painful creative experience also allowed him to return to Mexico in a bleak way.

At least, in Mexico, he has a lot of creative freedom.

Then, he launched the third feature film "Ghost Boys\' Home", which is also a Spanish-language film.

The reputation is good, the market performance is also good, and at the same time, it is once again called by Hollywood.

He couldn\'t hold back and went to film the comic book "Blade Runner 2".

Although he didn\'t participate in the screenwriting, and even had the producer in charge, he still had some degrees of freedom, and he could stuff all kinds of bad tastes into it.

After the film was released, the results were still good, even better than the previous work. At this time, New Line Pictures wanted him to continue shooting "Blade 3", but he was not happy, because he wanted to shoot his own works and his favorite genres.

So he fell out with New Line Pictures.


On the outskirts of Los Angeles, "Bleak Villa", the studio stronghold of Top in Hollywood, welcomed a guest.

"Hi York, long time no see." The top is a little fat and wears a pair of glasses.

"Toro, you look fatter than ever," York joked.

"What do you find me for?"

The two were chatting, and the top suddenly asked seriously.

"Well, it\'s like this..."

After York finished.

Guillermo del Toro was lost in thought.

York is naturally talking about adding fireflies, and the top is thinking about the benefits of this.

He is a director and occasionally guest art director, and is very popular in the industry.

After all, few people are better at his unique style than him.

He also knows that the theme he likes is not the one that the public likes. Basically, few of the films he made have made money. Just like now, he has been running for more than a month with the script, even if the results of "Blade Warrior 2" are still good OK, few people are willing to invest in him.

And the Firefly Films that director Ryman created is exactly what he knows.

Some time ago, "Chainsaw" was a big hit, and he noticed it.

Top has always been curious about Lyman, and even admired him a little.

He has been in the Hollywood film circle for more than 10 years, and the films he made are still not popular, but Lehmann has only been here for two years, but he has already become famous and has opened his own film company.

Do you have any idea about this comparison?

And he\'s Mexican. America is xenophobic, and so is Hollywood.

The staff of the crew can inadvertently show some contempt and some discrimination, presumably Lehmann has also encountered such trouble.

But this person can still make a career and be recognized by everyone, which is very remarkable.

The most important thing is that his new film did not attract investment, and Lehman may have the willingness to invest. In fact, based on this alone, he has a reason to meet Lehman.

The gyro does exactly that.

That afternoon, he followed York to the headquarters of Firefly Pictures.

"Mr. Lyman, hello." After seeing Lyman, Top immediately stepped forward and shook hands with him.

Although the man in front of him is younger than him~www.novelhall.com~, Gyro\'s emotional intelligence is not low. He is just stubborn about movies and unswerving in his aesthetic sense, not everything can make him care.

At least, at the moment, his posture is very low.

Whether it is grades or qualifications, people are crushing him.

"Hello, please take a seat. Laura, get Mr. Toro a cup of coffee."

Several people went to the office to sit down.

The top said again: "Mr. Lehman, I heard that you want to set up the production department of the company, and there is a shortage of manpower, right?"

"That\'s right, I want to invite all the studios founded by Mr. Toro to join Firefly. I don\'t want management rights. It\'s similar to affiliation. It\'s a good partnership. How about that? Director James Wen, you know? This is also the case. For his project, we can help find the publisher to issue it as an agent, and the investment can also be shared by both parties. Mutual benefit."

"I can agree, but I have a script in hand, are you willing to invest?"