Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 27: flicker

In room 209, Ryan, who was writing and drawing with a pen and paper, glanced at Lyman on the bed, and then continued his calculation career.

Lyman on the side was sitting on the bed and was bored. Looking at Ryan, who had come into his room in the morning, he didn\'t know what to do. He looked back at him from time to time and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ryan was also worried that he didn\'t know how to express his achievements. Hearing this question, he raised his head and smiled and said, "I calculated the conditions given by the two companies and found that our movie box office can reach more than 5 million yuan. , it is best to choose Fox Searchlight, and if there are 7.5 million, it is best to choose Focus Films.”

As for Europa Pictures, which was contacted at the beginning, it was subconsciously excluded from Ryan\'s options. The conditions given by that company were far less sincere than the two companies who contacted later.

"What are you doing?" Lehmann was a little strange.

"Is there a psychological expectation in this way? It\'s better to choose one of the two."

"The Venice Film Festival has just started. What\'s the hurry? There will definitely be other distributors competing. Let\'s talk about it later."

Unconsciously, the three of Lehman have been here for almost four days. In the past few days, they have also met with two other distributors who are interested in releasing their films, and got the psychological price they gave.

It can be seen that the situation is improving.

With the addition of other competitors, the release conditions of "Buried Alive" have become more and more respectful of the normal proportion of dividends in the industry, and the copyright buyout fee has also risen to 1.8 million euros - given by the person in charge of Fox Searchlight, There is a 30% share, but the initial distribution fee of 400,000 will be preferentially deducted from the share.

That is to say, they only care about publicity, and regardless of the cost of distribution, that part has to be deducted from the profit that the producer can get.

Of course, the first round of negotiations between the two companies is only the first step in the sale of the distribution rights for "Buried Alive". Just like Europa Pictures.

"Hi, Lyman, Ryan, another publisher is coming to us." Thomas, who had just entered the door, couldn\'t wait to share his news.

This morning, he did the movie screening at the intersection entirely by himself.

"Which one?" Layman asked lazily.



Chris smiled as he watched the group of three people on the opposite side visit.

He has already understood this transaction negotiation thoroughly. Whether it is the opponent\'s conditions or the reasonable offer given by the company\'s film viewing team, he is invincible.

He has been following the project for the past two days since he found out that the film was being shown at the intersection the day before yesterday.

He also kept in mind the real reactions of those watching the movie.

In his opinion, the work "Buried Alive" is destined to be very small because of the subject matter, shooting and other aspects, and it will also restrict its distribution in various regions, but this disadvantage is also an advantage, such as those Certain literary and art lovers will definitely like this work, and the publicity will focus on this part of the group, which can also greatly reduce the waste of resources, that is, it can reduce a considerable part of the cost of publicity and distribution.

"Three, let me introduce myself first. My name is Corris, and I\'m from Miramax Films in Hollywood."

"Well, I know." Lyman said calmly.

He had a hard time forgetting this international publisher who had killed his predecessor. When Thomas said that the company was also interested in his work, he wanted to reject it outright, but he didn\'t know why. Agreed to meet the request.

"Okay, since you know our company, then I won\'t talk nonsense. My appointment this time is for the distribution rights of the movie "Buried Alive". It shouldn\'t have sold the rights, right?" Corris is quite confident \'s rhetorical question.

"Yes, the distribution rights are still with us."

"Box office, or awards?" Corris said pretending to be mysterious: "If you know about our Miramax Films, you should know that what our company is best at is operating films to win various international awards, oh, yes Now, do you have any intentions in this regard? I mean, have you considered hitting the Oscars?"

No director can resist such a temptation, which is why Corris is so sure that he can get the distribution rights of the film. In the past, he relied on this trick to fool many excellent works into giving up the conditions of other publishers and switching to Miramax.

As for whether it will work or not, it depends on the Weinstein brothers, the executives of the company. This is not within his purview as a film purchasing manager.

"Of course, no one will reject Oscar." Lyman pretended to be very fascinated and said deliberately, "Will Miramax be willing to help with the operation?"

Chris nodded and smiled: "As long as the distribution rights of "Buried Alive" are sold to us, we will help run your work into the Oscar competition unit."


"Our Miramax has always had a good reputation in the industry. For this, I would like to reassure Director Ryman that we will not fail to do what we promised."

"Then how much are you willing to pay to buy out the copyright?"

The fish took the bait, and Corris forcibly restrained the dark feeling in his heart and said, "1 million euros."

Lyman frowned slightly, pretending to be thinking, and then said: "Too low, Fox Searchlight gave 1.8 million and a 30% dividend, your offer..." Said , he shook his head, "I can\'t agree."

Corris was not at all affected by Lehmann\'s rejection, he still looked confident, "1.2 million euros, this is my last offer."

"It\'s still too low."

"But the three of you have not thought about it, if your work is on the Oscars, it will be more beneficial to your future, and it cannot be measured by a small profit in front of you. Moreover, we need to do our best to operate. Miramax is responsible for all sales, and if you are willing to take on this part, the conditions can’t be raised, how about it?” Chris lowered his head slightly, and his mouth was full of analytical thoughts for the future of the three of Lehman. out.

Lyman thought for a while, seemed to hesitate, then stood up from his seat and said with a humility: "I\'m sorry, Corris, give me a little time to think about it. You know, after all, this matter is for me, for Our team is so important."

The smile on the corner of Chris\' mouth was sketched with satisfaction, he knew that Lyman couldn\'t resist Oscar\'s temptation, and now with this hesitant look, it won\'t take long before he figured it out, and he also stood up, "Of course, you know me You can find me again at any time." Then he politely shook hands with the three of Lehman and watched them leave.

"Is it really possible for us to get to the Oscars? That\'s great!" Thomas, who had been holding back for a long time, said excitedly on the way back to the hotel.

"If you can really run for the Oscars, Miramax\'s offer is the best." Ryan also agreed.

Indeed, in this era, as Corris said, it is beneficial for the director, starring actors and even the production team behind a work to enter the Oscar competition. It not only means the rapid rise of industry qualifications, but also It means that there will be opportunities to get help from major production companies.

There is no shortage of opportunities for directors of Oscar works to direct film projects, which is why Corris is so confident that Lehman and others will still look for him.

For small directors in these industries, opportunities are always more important than profits.

"Yeah, that\'s Oscar, an opportunity that many people have dreamed of, so let\'s come across it like this." Thomas continued to be immersed in joy.

"Perhaps." Lyman said lightly.

If he hadn\'t experienced that deception, maybe he wouldn\'t doubt the "sincerity" that Miramax released, but now, he just feels hypocritical, and he doesn\'t believe every nonsense said by the man named Chris. .

Over the next few days, the Lehmann trio continued to negotiate with several publishers.

Fox Searchlight and Focus Pictures also began to slowly increase their prices, but it can be seen that they are approaching the bottom line in their hearts~www.novelhall.com~ Every time the negotiation of interests becomes more and more difficult.

In addition, Ryman also met several small independent publisher representatives through the continued screenings of the intersection, and they also showed a lot of interest in "Buried Alive". Especially with the increase in the number of viewers, many distributors have seen the market potential that this work may have.

In the past two days, the daily number of viewers of "Buried Alive" has always been on the rise, and it ushered in the highest peak yesterday afternoon.

The entire intersection was surrounded by more than 200 people who watched and applauded.

In this increasingly lively atmosphere, the publishers participating in the competition are becoming more cautious. In this copyright battle, the speed of offense and defense is far beyond their expectations.

Some people have begun to quote 2 million euros in copyright fees plus 35% of dividends, excluding the conditions for the cost of announcement and distribution, and this is the last quotation from the most courageous Fox Searchlight, and it is also their bottom line.

"The buyout fee of 1.6 million euros. If you agree, we will immediately compete for the next Oscar and put your work into operation." Corris looked at Lehmann quietly, and showed his bottom line.

This was their third meeting, and he could see the indecision of the rookie director, so he increased the stakes again.

"Prepare the contract, we will sign it tomorrow."

Huh, still couldn\'t escape the temptation, Chris finally heard what he wanted.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

The next afternoon, news came from Europa Pictures that they officially took over the distribution rights of "Buried Alive".

When Chris heard the news, he tore up the prepared contract angrily, "Fuck! How dare you play me."