Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 278: cheap and easy to use

In the offices of Twentieth Century Fox.

Roland Emmerich was sitting there with a few others.

Two were executives in Fox production, another in the corporate legal department, and a Lionsgate executive.

As for why people from Lionsgate can sneak in, it is because this movie is a collaboration between the two.

In other words, Roland Emmerich\'s studio signed a contract with Lionsgate, and then hired Twentieth Century Fox to help distribute it.

At this time, Lionsgate has a lot of money and is trying to open up a world in Hollywood. They also know that money alone may not be able to do it. Therefore, if they want to win over 20th Century Fox, they must first have a guarantee with the help of its distribution channels.

As for profits, of course, people take the big bucks, they make it small, and when the time is right, they will slowly become independent -- it\'s the same idea as Lehmann.

At this moment, after everyone said hello.

One of the executives went straight to the topic, "We expect to shoot this film for about 3 months. The role of Emmy Rosen has more than one-third of the scenes, and the time on the screen is not small, and she is also the heroine in the film. If Eva Green wants to play, we feel good after the audition, but the initial investment in the project is too much, all kinds of special effects shots cost a lot, and the budget is not enough, maybe the pay for this film is not too high."

After slowly talking about their considerations, he took out a contract and spit out the number, "$200,000, paid in one lump sum."

According to Hollywood\'s actor industry rules, actresses of the same grade are born with lower salaries than male actors. Don\'t say anything about the role, it\'s just low. It\'s a Hollywood convention. After all, in this circle, those with real power are almost always men. Like directors, producers, photographers and even field managers, most of them are men, so naturally the status of women will be inherently low.

Then, as a newcomer who has just debuted for two years, Eva Green has not acted in many works, but it is not too small. The salary has been stable at around a hundred thousand (supporting roles, there are few scenes), but this will be "The Day After Tomorrow". "The role is too much. If you give $200,000, it\'s a bit low.

"One million, paid twice. Gentlemen, you may not know that Eva has appeared in Lehman\'s new film "Micro Love". At that time, the salary was 450,000, and the role was roughly the heroine. So, 200,000 is a bit too low."

Several people present really didn\'t know about Eva\'s role in "Micro Love". After all, it was still in the confidential stage. Although the post-production was completed, the schedule had not been selected, and the promotion had not yet started.

After knowing it, I was rather happy. Why, if the actors are hot, it\'s a good thing for the movie.

After they discussed it a little, one of them said, "1 million is definitely not enough, it is beyond our budget. At most 500,000."


"Okay." After all, the conditions are set here, and there are new movies that will be released. If you want to get on the bus, you have to give something.

After some arguing, several executives of Twentieth Century Fox asked the staff of the legal department to draw up a contract, and Johnson called Eva in again. After both parties agreed, they signed their names and stamped their official seals. In duplicate, each recorded.


In the car, Johnson held the steering wheel steadily.

Eva sat in the back seat, chattering to Ryman. Very happy look.

Before, she really thought that if Lehman agreed, she would say goodbye to the entertainment industry and stay at ease. Can\'t act anymore.

It will be reassuring when the roles are finalized. I also knew that Lehman didn\'t have that plan, and he took the initiative, so let\'s not mention the joy in his heart.

As for the salary or not, I don\'t care.

After all, in the beginning, she also took three or four thousand. Now that it has risen to 700,000, there is nothing to be satisfied with.

"Hey, do you know who I saw when I just auditioned?"

"Who is it?" Lyman echoed.

"Jake Gyllenhaal, the one I played opposite. We haven\'t seen each other since \'Micro Love\', I didn\'t expect it to be in the audition room of \'The Day After Tomorrow\', and I watched it It was only after the script was written that I found out that the role he was trying to try was quite close to my role in the movie. I don’t know if he chose it or not.”

"Well, it will definitely be chosen."

"how do you know."


Hehe, Jake Gyllenhaal is the second generation in the circle, and his own strength is there. Compared with the actors of the same grade, the salary is also low. Roland Emmerich is a director with special effects. He is very smart and understands the use of various resources, so how could he not be selected.

Of course, these do not need to be analyzed with Eva.

Look at her still talking about roles.

Lyman turned his head to look at her, only to feel that the whole person was glowing, and there was a great change from the humble image of the previous day.

She is willing to sacrifice, he is not.

That\'s fine now, isn\'t it.

Thinking about it carefully, I also became happy.

Lehman rubbed her hair and smiled, "This is a rare opportunity, you have to perform well." I\'m not by your side, you have to be confident and proud.

"I understand, but this character doesn\'t have many lines, and he has to wear a thick coat and hat, so is it expressive?" She pursed her lips and asked Lehmann.

"Don\'t think about it, the character\'s performance has a lot to do with the lines and image building, but it\'s not absolute. If you can show that temperament, no one will be picky. You think, Amy Rosen see When New York was surrounded by floods, the world fell into the Little Ice Age, and there were constant natural disasters, she must be very scared. But she is a strong person in her bones, and she is not delicate, so no matter how scared she is, she can\'t be too revealing. Do you understand?"

"Fear and strength, take a measure, right."

"Well, in the performance, you can add some small movements to show her fear, but in the expression, you can try to show the kind of calm and not flustered. Contradictory psychology and demeanor."

To be honest, Lyman really thinks this character fits Eva very well.

They are all people who have that kind of feminine temperament in their bones~www.novelhall.com~ Moreover, "The Day After Tomorrow" is a pure special effects disaster blockbuster with a simple plot, and it really doesn\'t need more advanced and moving acting skills.

What, there\'s a flood, what, the temperature plummets.

All the people in the United States need to flee Mexico for asylum, and a group of protagonists were trapped in New York because they were not evacuated in time. A group of people went to rescue.

In short, the plot is very bloody, and what you can watch is the reproduction of the realistic doomsday scenes that are smashed with money.

Very exaggerated, very shocking, and very eye-catching, young audiences will definitely like it.

As for the actor\'s acting skills, it\'s not that important. This is why a first-line project like "The Day After Tomorrow" with a production budget of up to 130 million US dollars did not find a big-name star to undertake the box office or publicity. Because it\'s not necessary, it\'s enough to have special effects. If you want big-name actors, isn\'t it outrageous to spend your spare money?

Therefore, the addition of Eva is definitely the icing on the cake, and it is suitable in all aspects. It is not too much to say that the actor in the original version is crushed.