Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 268: Dedicated

Hilary Swank conquered the crew with her actions.

A person with an actor\'s professionalism is often more likely to be liked by the director.

At least, that\'s what Lyman is.

He always likes to use those dedicated actors, because it will feel very worthwhile.

It\'s also a very comfortable thing to work with these actors.

It\'s better than that shit. If you don\'t want to act, find a substitute.

On December 28, in downtown Los Angeles, on the set of the movie "Million Dollar Baby".

After a few days of filming, the crew suddenly stumbled. It wasn\'t because the actors made too many mistakes or the crew made mistakes, but because of frequent transitions, most of the time they were busy setting up the sets.

And for the boxing scene, Lyman wants to focus on one point and get it all done, and then shoot other things, which will help Hilary Swank find that competitive state.

At noon, after eating the fast food of the crew, the shooting continued.

"Move Seat 1 here, and stick that poster a little further up... Yes, just put it there."

Lyman directed the work on the set, Thomas was still working on the storyboard script, and several actors gathered together to pair the lines.

It\'s hard to get it done.

With a little make-up, Aikesh Judd, who plays the younger sister of "Maggie" in the film, comes on stage. Her setting is emotional indifference. Even if she sees "Maggie" hurting her spine and being paralyzed on the bed, she can\'t say anything. Still very hurtful. In other words, the family relationship of "Maggie" is not good.

What her mother cared about was that such a disability would not drag her down. She brought a contract for "Maggie" to sign, and planned to divide some of the property she earned from boxing.

under the lens.

The pale Hilary Swank was lying on the hospital bed, unable to move from the neck down. Her performances consisted only of language and facial micro-expressions, with no physical meaning at all.

"Why did you delay it until now?" She had tears in her eyes, she couldn\'t believe it.

This is the 5th day since she injured her spine, and her mother brought her sister to visit, and what she said was not comfort, but some **** property transfer contract.

"What do you mean by that?" Akesh Judd stepped forward and said in an even more disbelieving tone.

This time, "Maggie" finally gave up.

"Mom, go home, I want to rest."

"You sign first, and we\'ll go back after signing."

The mother held the contract and wanted to let "Maggie" bite the pen and sign her name.

The lens slowly pulled out a group portrait.

In the ward, the painful "Maggie" closed his eyes sadly, Aikesh Judd\'s face was taken for granted, and the shocked lawyer.

He wanted to say something, but didn\'t know what to say, so he watched a group of kidnapping "Maggie" in the name of his family.

"Crack, pass."

Lyman looked at the picture on the monitor and nodded with satisfaction.

These actors are very good, and the chemistry produced is also ok.

"Switch to the close-up." He looked in Thomas\'s direction.

The meaning of this sentence is that the mid-panorama shot just shot is ready, and then I will take a close-up of Hilary Swank\'s face.

Hearing this, several actors on the field breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, excluding the heroine, the next scene is almost hers alone.

The closeness of the camera will magnify every inch of her micro-expression.

Thomas moved the camera and set up the position, ready to continue shooting the scene from different angles and distances.

It seems that this shouldn\'t be difficult, just one person\'s role.

But it took almost half an hour to complete.

After the filming, it was also announced that all the scenes of Aikesh-Judd were completed.

She changed out of her costume, walked out of the dressing room and walked straight to Lyman\'s position - he was standing behind the director\'s monitor, rarely leaving that category.

"Judd, you\'ve worked hard."

Seeing the person coming, Lehmann greeted.

"What\'s the matter?" Lyman asked again when she saw that she didn\'t speak.

The inquiring gaze made Aikesh-Judd nervous a little, but he still said firmly: "Director Ryman, after my role is over, can I still stay on the set to watch the next filming?"

Seeing her look of anticipation, Laiman laughed and said, "Why, is the crew\'s food so good that you are reluctant to leave."

Akesh-Judd was laughed even more by Lehman, lowered his head and said, "I know my performance is not very good, so I want to seriously learn from the crew."

"Why?" Lyman was a little puzzled. It was the first time he had seen an actor\'s role finish, and he didn\'t want to leave yet.

"That\'s...that\'s..." Just as Aikesh-Judd was thinking of a better reason, Lyman suddenly said, "I agree."

After finishing speaking, I went to find the filming behind Thomas\'s research.

I think this girl has her own little abacus, maybe it\'s to draw connections, maybe it\'s something else, but Lyman doesn\'t dislike her doing it.

Fight for your career direction, even if it seems deliberate, why refuse it.

Akesh-Judd was stunned for a while, then reacted immediately, his request was granted, and a smile swelled up at the corners of his mouth.

The crew was on the set up, and they did their best to shoot.

Suddenly, 2003 passed by and 2004 was ushered in.

All the uproar in December has nothing to do with them, and the parties during the awards season have nothing to do with them. In this busy and fulfilling filming, it seems to be forgotten.

Hollywood has never been short of hot spots, even if he was the focus of the newspaper media some time ago~www.novelhall.com~, but in the blink of an eye, he was buried by more real-time and hot news.

After half a month of screening, "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" broke through 200 million at the North American box office, heading towards the 300 million mark.

Almost all industry insiders and forecasting agencies believe that such a boom will not be too low in the final market.

New Line Pictures watched the box office soaring day by day, and couldn\'t help themselves. They had held two celebration banquets in a row. According to their momentum, the third one would not be too far away.

As for the month, "The Last Samurai", which succeeded "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution", quickly fell while reaping a wave of box office, and it didn\'t help that Tommy went to a variety show to call on everyone to watch it.

I am afraid that the final investment will not exceed 150 million US dollars. Of course, this film is aimed at pleasing the Japanese/local market, and it is not Warner who is taking advantage of it. On the contrary, both Tom and the publisher Warner have made a lot of money. , only those Japanese/Japanese investors are bleeding.

Of course, people\'s original purpose was to promote the Japanese/Japanese "Bushido" spirit, to spread Japanese/Japanese culture and establish a sense of identity.