Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 269: Year of the year

2003 has passed, and the year-end North American box office list is also freshly released.

It was only then that Lehmann, who was busy shooting in a corner, seemed to be remembered again.

In 2003, which just came to an end, he may not be the most powerful and high-profile director, but he is the director with the most rapid upward momentum, and he made his debut on the Hollywood Vanity Fair stage in a very tough way.

Looking at the North American market throughout the year, it is enough to leave a place.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" continues the strength of the previous work as always. Director Peter Jackson is undoubtedly the brightest star this year. So far, the North American box office has won the year-end list with 353.36 million US dollars. A single championship, but this is not the end. Although the market has already declined sharply after a period of screening, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to get more than 10 million.

This is the absolute overlord who has locked the first name.

At the same time, this result is only behind "Titanic" (650 million), "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" (470 million), "e-T-Alien" (430 million), ranking fourth in film history.

In other words, the income created by the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy is enough to make every investor\'s eyes too hot. It can be expected that the blockbuster era and blockbuster production will become more and more fierce.

After that, Pixar Studio\'s "Finding Nemo" won the runner-up, with a North American box office of more than 339 million.

Of course, this is nothing to be particularly happy about. For Pixar, the animations they produced are basically the top three in previous years, and they have never fallen behind.

As for the third place, it is "Bad Guy", which has achieved more than 334 million in the North American market and instantly reminded countless industry insiders of him.

This is also the only French director in film history to make the North American year-end list, which is unbelievable enough.

On the one hand, people are surprised that a black crime film can achieve such a good result, and on the other hand, they are surprised at the completion of the content of the work - this is only the director\'s fourth feature film, and it already needs to be looked up.

Back then, "Three Silly Bollywood" became famous at the Sundance Film Festival. Even if it finally won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Golden Actor, everyone generally believed that there was another powerful independent director in the film industry. It is not uncommon for talents to appear every three or five years.

Counting forward, there are the Coen brothers (representatives: "Blood Labyrinth", "Frozen", "No Country for Old Men") and a little bit Quentin Tarantino, just when people speculate that he is the second "Quentin". At that time, a year later, his name appeared in the top three of the North American year-end box office list. To be honest, this is by no means an area that independent directors can touch. It is even more so than when he won the Oscar for best director. Incredible, even though he never even got a nomination.

However, such a rapid change is outrageous. If it hadn\'t happened in front of us, no one would have believed it.

Unfortunately, reality is always more psychedelic than stories.

First, a war movie "Fury" slapped countless film critics in the face, and the casting of Nicolas Cage was a hot topic at the time, attracting countless attention and ridicule.

The final result was enough to make people speechless, and at that time, he really began to transition from an independent director to a commercial director.

Although major Hollywood film companies have seen his potential and money, the subsequent "Bad Guy" seems to be completed immediately, and the mature commercial rhythm makes people feel emotional.

Especially for the role played by Tom Cruise, it is even more eye-catching. This also makes people have to re-evaluate Lehman\'s directing ability, and it is from this time that Barry Mayer\'s idea of ​​attracting is firmed-whether it is to dig the deep meaning of the movie, or the tight rhythm of the plot; whether it is to train the actors , or the stability of the filming is amazing.

Following "Bad Guy" was another surprise work "Pirates of the Caribbean" last summer. The long-declined pirate theme actually reaped 306 million US dollars, and the fourth place at the end of the year made it even more difficult for people who have always been bad at making live-action movies. Disney was overjoyed.

However, it is worth mentioning that this list looks like another fight between Disney and Warner. In the top four, Disney occupies two seats (Pixar Studios was acquired by Disney), but Warner won 5th, 9th, and 10th with "The Matrix" 2, 3 and "Terminator 3". name, get three seats. Overall, Warner is still ahead of the total score in terms of data.

However, to Warner\'s disappointment, the third film of a sequel such as "The Matrix" is not as high as the second, and the second is not as high as the first, which is completely in line with the "Lord of the Rings" series. The performance in reverse is also surprising. Is this the so-called "high opening low walking"?

As for the sixth, seventh and eighth places, they are 20th Century Fox\'s "X-Men 2", New Line Pictures\' "Elf" and Columbia Pictures\' "Jedi Men 2".

Superhero-themed movies are booming, and 20th Century Fox, which holds the copyright of the entire mutant, is also in the dark. The results were completely expected, and the final box office was 220 million US dollars; "elf" is a A family comedy movie, it still focuses on the Christmas atmosphere and the family-style crowd market, so it won a box office of 173 million US dollars in the Christmas period at the end of the year; "Jedi Men 2" starring the emerging first-line actor Will Smith, the market calls The power is amazing, even if it is a subject that is about to be played out in Hollywood, it still achieves gratifying results, with a harvest of 158.8 million US dollars, which further proves that Will Smith deserves such a high salary.

In addition, Lehman\'s other work "Fury" also successfully made the list with a North American box office of 154 million~www.novelhall.com~ Although it failed to squeeze into the top ten, the 11th position is not a grievance. A black horse in an athletic posture.

Thinking about it this way, this year\'s Paramount\'s life is not bad, and the top ten can occupy a seat. Considering the comparison of the shooting budget of these two works, it is a big profit, and Paramount executives can also laugh. Publish annual report.

In the end, it was a bit unpleasant that there was only one Universe left.

In the six major Hollywood universities, the bottom buddies suddenly climbed up. How can they feel so bad?

Moreover, not to mention that they are not in the top ten of the list, even if they expand to the top twenty, they still only have three.

It\'s embarrassing that "Hulk" has lost so much, and it is also on the list, ranking 15th. As for "Fake God" and "Fast and Furious 2", which are ranked 13th and 16th respectively, although they are a little profitable, But watching other people eat meat, they have to save even some soup and water, and they can always live comfortably.

No, a large number of high-level executives are at risk of being fired.

Hey, it\'s always so hard at the end of the year. Bitter.