Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 267: real shot

The next shots are more difficult.

With the increase of scenes and group performances, there will always be some mistakes.

Not only the actors, but also the sets, props and shooting problems.

However, this is not the first time.

Lyman still seemed to cope with ease.

The busy life on set is really fulfilling.

Gradually, a week has passed, and the performances of the crew, including the actors, are getting better and better.

Although tired, everyone is a long-term shooter, and even Clint Eastwood doesn\'t take this level of hard work seriously, and no one feels that it can\'t stand it.

Occasionally, when the filming ends early, everyone will have a meal together and find a restaurant to change the standard of food.

Everyone in the crew is tired of eating, not pizza, hamburgers, or all kinds of KFc fast food.

Go eat something delicious, like some Mexican food, German food is still very good.

This is also the taste of special food.

Anyway, the crew paid for it.

However, don\'t drink alcohol.

Their filming task this time is very heavy, and Lehman also wants to finish filming early.

So it wasn\'t so fun, but no one complained.

If so, no one would dare say it in front of Lyman.

These days, Lyman is also observing the atmosphere of the crew.

The shooting team is all acquaintances who have been with several movies, and they all have a tacit understanding, mainly watching the actors.

Clint Eastwood is actually a very talkative person. He is far from being a screen character. He is tough and tough. In the crew, he and Morgan Freeman have the most interest in chatting. Maybe the age difference is too much? have a common voice.

As for the guy Cage, who stayed for almost a week, after getting such a thin part of the scene long ago, he fled to New York under the urging of his agent\'s phone call, saying that he was going to meet the public relations team.

Hilary Swank, Lyman is getting more and more appreciation, and that Aikesh Judd, the impression of her is also good.

Filming continues...

one day.

The sky was still bright, and the crew started work.

The venue was also changed to a professional boxing gym in Los Angeles, because today\'s regular women\'s boxing match of "Maggie" is going to be filmed.

Originally, it was planned to be completed one by one.

But that\'s too much trouble, and the effect is not very good.

Just as Lyman was thinking about how to change his mind and shoot, Hilary Swank even offered to take the shot.

"Are you sure?" He actually didn\'t want this, it would be very dangerous. Her opponent is a real lightweight boxer who is also a member of the coaching team and is professional.

Hilary Swank still smiled: "No problem, I can do it."

Lehman thought for a long time, and then came to Thomas again, "How difficult is it to shoot this way?"

Thomas was very honest and answered without shyness: "The actual shooting will definitely be better. Although the boxing ring is very narrow, there should be no problem with me taking the shot myself. It is mainly the actress, and her every move will be remembered. There can be no unprofessional boxing moves. You know what I mean."

"I can do it." Hilary Swank said again with certainty: "I have practiced for a long time, and it will be fine."

This is true, except for the two weeks of training, when filming, she still did not stop polishing her boxing.

"Okay, then let\'s shoot it."

Seeing that the actors were so active, Lehmann still decided: "Let some medical staff from the nearby community hospital, and..."

He found the female boxer who was going to end next, and repeatedly reminded, "When you are about to punch, you must keep your hand, understand what I mean?"


Not long after, several doctors also came.

Many people in the crew looked at the actor on the set.

She was secretly shocked by her hard work. The boxing match was not a joke. Although it was definitely not that real, it would definitely be uncomfortable for people to be punched.

"come on."

Hilary Swank put on his gloves, gritted his mouthguard, and encouraged himself to himself, "I can do it, I can do it. Come on."

After Thomas took a camera and took it in place, several actors who were preparing in the audience were a little admired.

Morgan Freeman considers himself a very dedicated actor, but it\'s still incredible to see a girl so cruel. When did the girls in Hollywood become so powerful? Don\'t cry, don\'t make trouble, and take the initiative to ask for better shooting results.

Not to mention Aikesh Judd, who is convinced that others can get this role.

"It\'s all ready."

Five minutes later, the field recorder ran over and said.

On the boxing ring at this time, two girls in full armor are warming up there.

Under the ring, Crit Eastwood stood there, and there were crew members and a group of group performance background boards found by caa on the seats next to them as spectators.

Lehman stood behind the director\'s monitor and looked at Hillary, whose eyes gradually became sharper. have this spirit.


As soon as the field record hit the board, Lehman quickly discarded some unwanted thoughts and stared at the monitor intently.

Hilary Swank has been instructed by the referee to give a friendly fist bump.

The two sides opened their positions and tried their own positions.

You advance and I retreat, you are left and I am right. The eyes are always focused on the opponent.

Suddenly, the opponent made a fake move, and while the left hand was feinting, the right fist pried away Hillary\'s defense and hit her left cheekbone.

In just an instant, the person staggered twice, holding on to the soft rope, and his body could not exert any strength.

"I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry." The boxer on the opposite side was also in a hurry, and hurried over to apologize.

You must know that she received a lot of force from this punch, otherwise she would have a concussion and be sent directly to the hospital.

But even so, Hilary Swank, who has not been beaten and trained, still feels a little dizzy~www.novelhall.com~ This is naturally impossible to shoot.

After a brief look by the doctor, he said there was nothing wrong, and after about two or three minutes, Hillary also survived.

And continue to ask to shoot.

At this time, the left half of her face was extremely rosy, and it was obvious that she didn\'t feel very well just now.

"You two pay more attention and fight hard."

Apart from reminding him more, there is no better way for Lehmann.

Fortunately, after this time, the two had some experience.

The punches seem to be brave, but they will keep their hands, or simply dodge the past. With the combination of makeup and camera angles, the shots look quite good, with the fierce effect of fighting.

In the end, both of them had a little injury, but what they showed on their faces was exaggerated, and the sweat really kept coming.